Thursday, October 29, 2009


"The love of gardening is a seed that once sown never dies."
~ Gertrude Jekyll

(Daisy kisses bursting spore of Maidenhair Fern)
~ Wholesome wheat pasta and creamy squash ... perfect autumn fare (adapted from Cooking Light)
3 Tbsp. unsalted butter
3 Tbsp. toasted pine nuts
1 Tbsp. chopped fresh sage
1 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil
1 minced garlic clove
2 1/2 cups organic chicken broth (or water), divided
1 lb. peeled, seeded, and shredded butternut squash
1 tsp. sugar
coarse salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
12 oz. uncooked wheat penne pasta
1 cup finely shredded Parmesan cheese
  • Melt butter in large skillet over medium-high heat until lightly browned. Add pine nuts and sage; remove from heat. Remove from pan and set aside.
  • Heat olive oil in pan over medium-high heat. Add garlic to pan and saute 30 seconds. Reduce heat to medium. Add 1 cup chicken broth (or water) and squash to pan. Cook for 12 minutes or until liquid is absorbed, stirring occasionally. Add remaining broth (or water), 1/2 cup at a time, stirring occasionally until each portion of liquid is absorbed before adding the next (about 15 minutes). Stir in sugar, salt, and pepper.
  • Cook pasta according to package directions. Drain (reserve 1/2 cup pasta water). Combine pasta and squash mixture in large bowl. Add reserved 1/2 cup pasta water, butter mixture and 3/4 cup cheese; toss well. Sprinkle with remaining 1/4 cup cheese. Serve immediately. (4 servings)

Japanese anemome, rose hip, bergenia, geranium
Annabelle hydrangea, daisy, m.hydrangea
hosta, Autumn Joy sedum

Maidenhair fern, heuchera,
Japanese painted fern,
sedum, Autumn Joy sedum, bergenia

phlox, anenome, bergenia, geranium
rose hip, daisy, Autumn Joy sedum
Annabelle hydrangea, m.hydrangea, geranium


(Putting the garden to bed)

"But think a moment about a garden forever warm, forever growing, always green with brilliant dots of color every day of the year ~ a garden that never rests. There would be no time to plan, no moments to quietly sit and reflect on the triumphs and failures of the preceding seasons, no chance for change."

~ Peter Loewer


  1. Oh, what a lovely post, Joey. I like the concept of putting a garden to bed. Your collages turned out beautiful, as always! I'm not quite ready to put my garden to bed, as I've still got a couple of plants to tuck in! I hope they'll survive the change this late in the year. If I want to make something nice for dinner, or a get-together, you have the perfect 'cookbook'!

  2. Hello dear Joey!
    The colors in that first photo so soft and dreamy. It's magical!
    As usual, you make me want to cook up a delicious meal. This one sounds scrumptious.
    Love your collages and the quote is so sensible. I hate to put the garden to bed, but it does give us time to rest and contemplate.
    Happy autumn to you :)

  3. Love that last quote, Joey -- how true! As always, the recipe sounds wonderful and your photos are lovely. :)

  4. Hi Jan! A bit of a tearful post :( I feel like a villian, the Queen of Hearts in Alice in Wonderland, chopping off the heads of these lovely beauties but ... for every time there is a season ... and soft snow makes a wonderful blanket for their cozy bed :)

    Thank you, Kerri ~ it's a 'sighing' time of year for sure but harvest is the perfect time to shed garden gloves, don an apron, and cook somethin' wonderful! Happy Autumn to you, dear friend!

  5. Looks like I was posting when you were, Nancy:) Thank you ... always a joy to hear from you :)

  6. Joey, How timely...a friend and I were talking about this very thing...the need to rest, to reflect, to plan and dream. While I cling tightly to fall and pretend winter won't come. I really am going to be ready to take a break. The pasta dish sounds perfect and all sage buttery delicious. gail

  7. I enjoyed this post, even though I'm sad the outdoor gardening season is coming to an end. Your photos and collages are beautiful!

  8. I hear you, Gail! I cling tightly to summer, hating to see daylight dwindle, longing for the Solstice on Dec 21 :) And oh yes, sage butter is delicious!

    Thank you kindly, Sue. I think all gardeners feel the same but this is indeed a time to reflect (if we northerners can get all our work done before the 1st snowfall) :)

  9. Putting the garden to rest, is a lovely thought - and very comforting too. Before we know it, spring will be knocking on the door.
    Meanwhile, let's enjoy old pictures, while planning for the next gardening season. -Your photos are lovely, dear Joey - as always!

  10. Lovely quotes Joey... so true that once the gardening seed is sown it never dies... and so too ... that we need our rest and time to rethink and recreate... and to focus on other parts of ourselves. I love to paint in the winter. Your photos are all inspiring... as is your yummy pasta dish! Happy Weekend. Carol

  11. The rains have postponed my last garden chores. There are still some bulbs waiting and some seeds to collect.

  12. Autumn's beauty is so bittersweet there in your garden Joey, like it is everywhere. Now time to dream about next year's garden!

  13. Thank you, dear Katarina, and for the beautiful thought to hold on to.

    How wonderful that you're an artist, Carol ... do you share photos of your paintings! Wishing you a lovely weekend also ... and thank you for your many kind words.

    No gardening here today either, Marnie. Rain, rain, and more rain! I'm sure we will have plenty of time to plant those orphan bulbs ... if the ground doesn't freeze, I've done them as late as December!

  14. Indeed it is, Robin ... had 'dreamed' of working out again today but looks like rain predicted all day and perhaps tomorrow :( Happy Weekend :)

  15. Oh my! That daisy photo is lovely! And is that a different variety of hosta with the yellow? I love that color.

  16. Joey, the last quote is just perfect! Even as I lament the end of the gardening season, I am looking forward to a little rest. Even though I may complain about the cold of winter, I do like the change of seasons. And winter is such a perfect time to plan and dream for next year. Even in its final stages, your garden is a thing of beauty!

  17. Hello!

    Colourful and wonderful shapes, like your mix of lyric and illustrations!
    Have a nice weekend,
    from Bjorg Nina

  18. Lovely photos. I love your collages.The recipe sound very good. My daughter has a butternut squash lasagna recipe...this one sounds similiar yet a little easier too.

  19. Welcome Robin L. and thank you for the thoughtful comment. Saying 'goodbye' to my garden is sad :( The overlay ~ daisy & maidenhair fern are 2 voices speaking ...). The unique colored hosta is simply 'old', shouting a golden 'goodbye':)

    Always a dear, thank you Rose. I hear your voice. We will hold each other near & dear throughout the seasons of our lives :)

    Thank you, Bjorg Nina. May the weekend shine on your shoulder and warm your soul :)

    Lindalou ~ both recipes are autumn wonderful, feeding both body & soul. Thanks dear neighbor :)

  20. I <3 this post Joey! :)
    And that gorgeous daisy & fern photo, & all of your beautiful collages~makes putting the Garden to bed not look so sad & daunting!
    Love the quotes!
    Big ((Hugs))

  21. You're a dear, Cat, and thanks :)
