Friday, November 27, 2009


"A few days ago I walked along the edge of the lake and was treated to the crunch and rustle of leaves with each step I made. The acoustics of this season are different and all sounds, no matter how hushed, are crisp as autumn air. "
~ Eric Sloane

~ Great use for leftover cranberries

2 6 oz. salmon fillets (or whole salmon fillet)
1 Tbsp. fresh minced ginger
2 Tbsp. honey
2 Tbsp. soy sauce
1/2-3/4 cup whole cranberry sauce
  • Preheat oven to 350-degrees. Lightly spray shallow pan with cooking oil.
  • Combine ginger, honey, soy sauce and cranberry sauce.
  • Place salmon on prepared pan and spoon mixture evenly over top of each piece.
  • Bake 15 minutes or until fish flakes with fork. (2 servings)
~ Another great use for those leftover potatoes adapted from Nov 2007 Cooking Light
1/2 cup chopped green onions
2 cups chilled mashed potatoes
2 Tbsp. shredded sharp cheddar cheese
coarse salt & freshly ground pepper to taste
2 Tbsp. melted unsalted butter
3/4 cup Panko crumbs (Japanese breadcrumbs)
  • Preheat oven to 425-degrees. Coat baking pan with cooking spray.
  • Spray large skillet with cooking spray and saute green onions until tender, about 2 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat.
  • Place mashed potatoes in medium bow. Stir in onions, cheese, salt & pepper, and melted butter. Divide mixture into 6 equal size portions, shaping each into 1/2 inch thick patty. Dredge patties in panko and place on coated baking sheet. Bake for 12 minutes. Carefully turn patties over; bake and additional 12 minutes or until golden. (6 servings)



  1. Hi Joey! Your family must really appreciate your interest in cooking! What wonderful sounding recipes (again!). :-)

    My husband has relatives in Saugatuck. We occasionally stop for a little visit on the way to visit our family. Love your photos!

    Have a great weekend.

  2. Joey,
    And this is why I follow your blog! You have recipes to use leftover potatoes! Thanks, you rock, girl.

  3. I love the sound of the leaves under foot and so I leave them be. The wind will whip them away soon enough and those that stay ... spring will find me gathering them for the compost. Lovely watery landscape photos, quote and recipe sounds as yummy as always Joey.

  4. I love this post because it makes me, the ultimate non-cook, feel like a chef! I've made the mashed potato cakes myself, without a recipe, just thrown together with more or less the same things you use! *And* I make my own cranberry sauce--it's simple, but I love it. I add mandarin oranges and then run it through the food processor enough to make it smooth, but not jellied. I love it and was shocked to realize it's HEALTHY too (I use Splenda).

  5. There is such serenity in your blog. From the start, when we read the quotes, to the mouth watering recipes, and then to the amazing photos.

    Thank you.

    Looking forward to making some of these crispy potatoes.


  6. Thanks Rosey! Lots of leftovers so lots of recipes :)

    I think they do, Shady, since all of them also love to cook :) Saugatuck is a great spot, isn't it!

    I bet you work wonders in the kitchen, Monica ... often simplest is best :)

    I agree, Carol, and thank you ... I love the many faces of the beach, lakes, and rivers in every season ...

    How sweet, Jen, and an honor coming from your fine eye :) Thank you!

  7. Wonderful Joey! The salmon sounds perfect and I do wish we had leftover mashed potatoes to make that recipe. The family wiped us clean this year! I guess that's good too, but we really had some plans for the turkey. HA :-)

  8. Dear Frances ~ I would think you must delighted to have your family wipe your mashed potatoes clean :) Thanksgiving is a perfect holiday, one in which we ask for nothing and simply give thanks (like for yummy mashed potatoes :)

  9. Saugatuck is one of the stops on our Michigan vacation next summer, can't wait to see it as it's been so very many years. I'll make sure to pop over to Douglas too. Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving!

  10. I have only leftover cranberry relish--this might taste good with salmon, don't you think? But I do have some leftover mashed potatoes--this sounds like a yummy dish to use them up. By the way, I did make your apple salad for Thanksgiving dinner--it was delicious! And I found a great use for some of the leftovers--adding some turkey for a tasty turkey salad sandwich.

    The Iroquois prayer you posted on Thanksgiving Day was very moving; perfect for remembering all to be thankful for. Hope you had a wonderful holiday, Joey!

  11. How I'd love to stroll along that beautiful beach. Your photos make me long for the ocean...but I'd settle for a freshwater lake :)
    The fish sounds delish with 2 of my favorite flavors...ginger and cranberry, and the potato cakes sound yummy too.
    I hope your Thanksgiving was a happy celebration, dear Joey. We had a wonderful time with family and friends...a houseful of company...lovely fun!

  12. I feel like I've discovered a whole new world! Your photo collages are truly wonderful, and I am SO going to try the crispy mash potato cake recipe. Many thanks.

  13. Joey, the pecan tassies were delicious and enjoyed by everyone on Thanksgiving. Thanks for posting the recipe. And now I can't get this mashed potato recipe off my mind.

    It saddened me to hear about your sister. You must miss her so much.


  14. I just love visiting your blog to see the new mosaics and to try out some of your recipes..and I am never disappointed :)

    The first mosaic is exudes peace and the second one seems lively and very picturesque :)

    Off to try your Ginger and Cranberry Salmon now... :)

  15. You have some lovely scenery in your part of the world. I would love to spend a day walking those trails along the lake.

  16. Thank you, Rose. Cranberry relish should taste fine. Is it a fresh cranberry relish? I often use fresh for salmon ... if interested, search Cranberry Salmon at top of my blog ... 2 other recipes will come up (I love them all). Our Thanksgiving was delightful as I hope yours was ... still shuffing a few leftovers and my Turkey Carcass Soup seems to be swelling instead of disappearing :)

    Indeed we did, Robin, as I hope you did. Saugatuck is lovely ... did you see my post on the Wickwood Inn, delightful!

    Our Great Lakes are so awesome, Kerri, you might think you were at the ocean! Indeed blessed, your Thanksgiving sounds delightful as was ours :)

    Thank you for visiting and your kind comments, Ellen. Enjoy the goodies :)

    Hi Donna ~ glad you enjoyed your Thanksgiving and the tassies. They freeze well and fun to have on hand. Thank you for your kind concern. Yes, it is hard to loose a sibling ... we were very close and I miss her terribly.

    Delighted to see you, WG, and thank you! Glad you are enjoying the recipes. I love Cranberry Salmon and as I mentioned to Rose, there are 2 more posted, all favs. Just returned from delightful visit to Barleycorn, always a joy :) Happy Holidays!

  17. You do have some very nice photos here on your blog. I was also fascinated by two words.

    Fish and Feast and then I asked my five to say those two words, fast, and she stopped after the first two and said, "No, I can't." LOL

  18. Agree, a great way to spend a day, Marnie. Indeed Michigan is a beautiful state ... you could spend an entire lifetime walking the trails and shorelines :)

    Delighted to see you again, Abe, and thank you. I'm honored by your keen eye behind the lens. Cute story ... I can't either, can you :)

  19. MMMM...salmon, cranberries and ginger..three of my favourite flavours, and all together? Heavenly. The photos on the shore are very tranquil, too.There's beauty anywhere if we look for it, isn't there?

  20. Oh, yum. Both recipes sound great. I already have a maple ginger glazed salmon recipe, but how perfect cranberries would be. And yes, I do have mashed potatoes leftover. I recently saw Paula Dean do the same thing with her leftover potatoes. You are sure in good company.

    I love that you share Michigan's beauty with your photos. I think you might just be increasing tourism with these photos. Keep up the beautiful work.

  21. Dear Joey, The grasses of winter are lovely in your montage! Will they be snow covered soon? gail

  22. Thanks Lindalou ~ I am a self-proclaimed Michigan ambassador :) I also do maple/ginger glazed salmon but cranberries do 'kick it up a notch' for the holidays!

  23. My favorite flavors also, jodi. Indeed, each day holds delight, if only we take the time to see. Wind, water and woods ... 3 more delightful favorites :)

    I knew you would comment on the grasses, Gail :) Yes, the 1st snowfall of the season is predicted here on Thurs, how much, can't say but hope it's not too heavy since we have to travel north on Friday!

  24. This is just fabulous! I was thinking about you today and hoping you have hair left after the new Mac arrives. ;)

  25. Thanks Anna and thanks for your help ~ actually brought Mac home from store on Sat (so far just playing with tutorials). Purchased 'One to One' so bringing it back on Fri to transfer files from this computer while we are at the lake. 1st class on Mon when we return ... THEN I'll be pulling my hair out!!!

  26. Love the salmon recipe. Now I will be whipping up another batch of cranberry sauce.

  27. Thanks EAT! Forgot how fun it is to connect with you and all the goodies posted on your site. Happy Holidays! (I'm still pullin' hair out)
