Monday, January 25, 2010


"In seed time learn,
in harvest teach,
in winter enjoy."

~ William Blake

Mt. Maria
(Hubbard Lake)

East, South and West Shore
(Hubbard Lake)

(Hubbard Lake, MI)


  1. beautiful photos - I especially like the sun shots :)

  2. Oh so wintry Joey, but beautiful! I am really trying to follow Blake's advice and enjoy winter, but it seems a struggle! :-)

  3. Stunnung photos! Awe the amber-esque lighting!!Lovely post and quote!

  4. What gorgeous winter photos Joey. You are truly an artist with the camera.

  5. Such a tranquil setting and quote, dear Joey. After four days of much appreciated sunshine, we went into the January melt yesterday which wasn't quite so appreciated. Now it's grey, melting, wet, icy and bleah outdoors but I have hyacinths blooming in my office which is a cheery solution to the draries outdoors. Spring will find us again, and enjoying some garden downtime does really ehlp, doesn't it?

  6. Hi Joey, that blazing sky really warmed up the first photo. We could really use some 'warm' here:)

  7. Thank you JP. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I love winter.

    Hang in there, dear Frances. Spring visits you before me :)

    Thanks, Kiki. Time is a gift! I enjoyed reflecting on the beauty of a winter's day.

    How kind, Linda, and thank you. We have been good friends for a long time :)

    There you go, dear jodi, spring found you! Now back home, I'm off to gather fresh flowers to delight me.

  8. Thanks, Michelle ... guess this came in while I was posting above comments!

    Agree, Marnie! After the teasing warm spell, this cold snap seems extra cold.

  9. the winters in the midwest are a bit too long...but they are so amazingly beautiful. I have to remind myself how lucky I am to be here....

  10. Joey, thank you so much for these absolutely beautiful pictures. They are like a balm on my suffering-without-snow soul. I had a dream last night that we had snow! I woke up happy, look at the window - it's still green and moist. This is the very first winter in my entire life when I haven't seen snow til the end of January. We go ski in February, and that will be my chance to see it. Thanks again!

  11. You always have the most beautiful images, Joey.

  12. Remember the recipe for lemon cake that you posted? I made it and I am in heaven. Thanks for sharing. love all your photos today!

  13. Joey..that first image is gorgeous!
    Very little snow in my world this your snow photos!

  14. Agree, Beth, I'm an appreciative midwest gal :) Always a joy to meet new friends ... thanks for visiting.

    It has been a strange winter, Tatyana. We too are void of snow and must go north to see white wonders, which we did over the weekend. But ... then Sunday ... it rained :( prophy

    Thanks Kylee. Am enjoying all the rainbow posts ... how do you gals do it all! I did follow you and your mother to the Martha Stewart show and throughout your guided tour of NY ... golden memories for you both! (P.S. Got my prophy today ... see ... :)

    Indeed I remember, Rosey ... don't you love the tart burst of lemon flavor! Thanks :)

    Anna, you're a dear and a huge inspiration to all of us. So happy to see you posting and visiting. I insist ... your purple cupcake MUST be framed!

  15. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! Anything we say three times is true! gail

  16. Dear Gail, take it easy on those healing fingers (one gorgeous would suffice)! *hugs*

  17. Very pretty! Happy to see you celebrating and embracing winter. We did a snowshoe hike today. It was cold, grey, wet... and we had a blast. Winter is a great season. :)

  18. Joey, those are award-winning photos! Your Hubbard Lake is special, isn't it?


  19. Joey, I can always count on you to show the beauty in any kind of weather. That first photo is gorgeous! You make winter look so appealing.

  20. You lucky gal, Kate ... love to snowshoe and enjoy winter outside. Have not done enough this winter and not even touched my cross-country skis :(

    Thank you, Donna. Indeed, Hubbard Lake is special. I have been going there since I was 4 ... our family has 4 homes/cottages there ... summer is reunion time for friends/family from across the US :) Winter is quiet and wonderful. We are blessed to have the equinox setting directly in front of our cottage :)

    How sweet, Rose. You too have the gift of seeing beauty in each day :)

  21. I can see that you are still surrounded by winter and snow - I trust you are enjoying the season. We've still got plenyt of snow as well and spring seems to be late this year.

  22. Hold tight, Katarina! You are not alone ... sounds like most gardeners are stuck in the winter doldrums :(

  23. Beautiful photos of Hubbard Lake. Winter can be as beautiful as summer, especially Up North.

  24. Lovely to look at, but I'm cold just looking at it! Brrrrr. Sorry, I don't handle winter's chill very well. Give me warmth anytime.

  25. You would have hated today, Robin. Bitter cold and more snow :)

  26. Agree, Lindalou! I always leave a piece of my heart there :)

  27. Oh Jupiter! So the the sun really does shine in MI.

    Lovely images, as usual, my partner in crime.
    Enjoy your weekend, and take advantage of that glorious sun, as it becomes available in your part of the state!

  28. Hello Joey! What beautiful pictures of Hubbard crisp and white. I got thinking about you today as I was reading my hometown newspaper and came across the obituary of "a friend of a friend"...I noticed that they mentioned that during his life he greatly enjoyed spending time at Hubbard Lake. I know your lake is not a small lake but wondered if you might know him...his name is Roger Finta. It was nice to read that Hubbard Lake was a special place to him too.

    Sheila from west Michigan

  29. Back to your feisty sweet self, Marysol ... yea! Sun, maybe, but it's a bit too chilly for me and I don't look good in longjohns ;) Happy weekend!

    Thanks, dear Sheila. I'm sorry about your friend but, no, I don't know him. Yes, the lake is large, almost 30 miles around ... and ... to know Hubbard Lake is to love it ... there is just somethin' about it that just sticks in your soul! For me, it's the solitude ... loons and bald eagles plus family/friends/relatives :) And, how are you faring this fine winter?

  30. Ooh, joy indeed! These snow and sun photos make my heart sing! :)

  31. :) Monica and thanks. I'm anxious to return!
