Wednesday, February 17, 2010


"Whoever wishes to be my follower must deny his very self, take up his cross each day, and follow in my steps."

~ Luke 9:23

'Spring Promise'

~ For those who abstain, a simple Ash Wednesday or Lenten meal (adapted from Food & Wine)


1 lb. large shelled and deveined shrimp
1 1/2 Tbsp. minced garlic
1 Tbsp. Creole seasoning
1 finely chopped red bell pepper
2 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil
juice and zest of 2 lemons
1/4 cup chopped parsley

  • In a bowl, toss shrimp with garlic, Creole seasoning and bell pepper.
  • In a skillet, saute shrimp in oil over moderately high heat, turning shrimp once, until just white throughout.
  • Add lemon juice, zest, and parsley. Serve alone or over favorite rice.
Wine Pairing: Lemony Pinot Grigio

(Click on photos to enlarge)

Ash Wednesday

The Wednesday after Quinquagesima Sunday which is the first day of the Lenten fast.
The name dies cinerum (day of ashes) which it bears in the Roman Missalis found in the earliest existing copies of the Gregorian Sacramentary and probably dates from at least the eighth century. On this day all the faithful according to ancient custom are exhorted to approach the altar before the beginning of Mass, and there the priest, dipping his thumb into ashes previously blessed, marks the forehead -- or in case of clerics upon the place of the tonsure -- of each the sign of the cross, saying the words: "Remember man that thou art dust and unto dust thou shalt return." The ashes used in this ceremony are made by burning the remains of the palms blessed on the Palm Sunday of the previous year. (New Advent)


  1. Great hellebore collages. Still haven't figured out how to do those on the computer.... No spring flowers for me yet.

    Christine in Alaska

  2. Dear Joey, What a beautifully presented and very thoughtful posting. It is so nice, and appropriate at this time of year, that you should recall the meaning and origins of Ash Wednesday, reminding us in a pleasing and sympathetic manner.

    In Hungary, where as you may know I have an apartment, the tradition of ash on the forehead in church at Mass on this occasion is still carried out. But it is a predominantly Catholic country.

  3. Joey, Your photos are wonderful! This is a beautiful post. gail

  4. Nice work. There have been a few posts today about shrimp.

  5. Joey, this is a beautiful post, love the flower shots, and just rave over the 1st, then to top it all, some very tasty food. - Heaven,

  6. Lovely post word..symbolism..recipe and ....woah..such fabulous photos! Gorgeous!

  7. Oooooh... the second collage is amazing, Joey! I LOVE the lighting--so warm, for something that I know blooms when it's still so chilly in your neck of the woods. :)

  8. Nothing here either, at least outside, Christine. I hit the nursery and went wild, this being one of many fun purchases.

    Ash Wednesday is a day of ashes (fast & abstinence) here also, Edith. Thank you for sharing your kind thoughts.

    Thanks Gail and say a prayer (I'm weak and spineless) ... chocolate off limits 'til Easter.

    Good Lenten fare for Ash Wednesday, Abe, and probably why you saw so many shrimp posts. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your kind comment!

    Thank you, imac! As you might know, this is a beautiful flower to photograph, especially in a pot before planting :)

    How kind, Kiki. A BIG thank you for your kind words.

    Thanks Kim. I have a wonderful sun porch with awesome lightening. Hope I can keep this beauty alive until the ground thaws!

  9. When your page opened, I was just so taken with the photos. The are truly beautiful and appreciated this time of year.

    So far, I've made it meatless today. Mac & cheese for dinner and I should be all sent. Thanks for sharing about Ash Wednesday.

  10. Love the Ash Wednesday and Hellebore posts... I'll have to pass on the shrimp since I'm allergic to those little things.


  11. Breathtaking photos, Joey. And it's Ash Wednesday already. :-) Surely Spring is just around the corner... Thanks for your post.

  12. Thanks Lindalou and good for you! We dined on this shrimp, very lemony ...

    I'm not surprised, Cameron, since shellfish allergies are so common. Thanks for the kind words.

  13. Indeed, one day closer to spring, Shady ... yes ... and thanks :)

  14. Ah, so beautiful, and peaceful. I needed that.

    Thank you


  15. Joey, I'm not EVEN going to say how beautiful your collages are!!! ;)

  16. Hi Joey, my first visit here, came in through your comment in Jodi's. Your collages are great with the stunning photos. I am not familiar with doing that yet, you reminded me i must study that too. thanks. I also have green flowers in my blog, you might want to take a peek.

  17. Joey your photos are always beautiful! We were just talking this evening about making a Lousiana dish. Your's will certainly fit the bill, can't wait to try it. I won't need a cookbook soon if I keep collecting your recipes.


  18. Hello wonderful photos specially first shot of this post i am so happy, that i found your superb photography blog. Good luck

  19. Thanks, dear Jen. And I so enjoyed your beautiful 'springy' post. Keep 'em coming :)

    Di, you are too kind! Thank you, dear one.

    Welcome Andrea and thank you. I did visit your lovely green succulents, not having a clue what they were :)

    Do enjoy, Eileen, and thank you. We had this shrimp tonight ... it's not too spicy (you can adjust either way) but very lemony, which I love. Cook lots of rice for the yummy broth. Instead of a salad, we had roasted broccoli. Bon appétit!

    Welcome, Hameed Nori, and thank you for your kind words. I just returned from your stunning site, in awe. My sister lived 2 years (in the 70s) in Afghanistan with the Peace Corps. Will look forward to a return visit.

  20. What a treat! I so loved it all. To me it's the delicate but strongest of all flowers.

  21. Thanks, dear Anna! Can't wait to plant it outside but still a L-O-N-G wait!

  22. What a wonderful name for a glorious plant, Joey! You've photographed it so beautifully.
    My, oh my that shrimp sounds delicious!
    I hope your Valentine's Day was a romantic one :)

  23. Thanks very much honey Joey to visit my photography! and i am thankful from your kind sister, that she has helped Afghan people. I work in a Corporation, which is doing Transportation services to Amarican and Isaf Soldier in Afghanistan.
    i hope to meet her when she come back to Afghanistan

  24. What a thoughtful, meaningful post. Very nice, Joey.

    If the recipe's ingredients include garlic, I'm most likely going to enjoy it.


  25. Your hellebores are indoors right?! Mine is nowhere near blooming outside.

  26. Thanks Kerri. The shrimp must have been good ... Mr. Ho-Hum polished them off (the leftovers after dinner)!

    Although my sister's dream to return to Afghanistan, Hameed Nori, I'm afraid it never came true since she died unexpectedly this past summer. Continue on with your fine work.

    Yes, very garlicky, Donna, and you can always add more :) Love garlilc ... years ago I taught a cooking class to grade school children who teased me that I put garlic in everything except cookies :)

    Yes, Monica, indoors! Hoping to keep this beauty alive until the spring thaw.

  27. I love hellebores. I have added dozens of them over the past few years. They should put on quite a show this year.

  28. One of my very favorite flowers! Beautiful photos, as usual, Joey!

  29. I could gaze upon your photos all morning, Joey. Such a lovely virtual glimpse of springtime. This recipes sounds fast and fabulous - must give it a try. :)

  30. Hi Joey, last spring everyone had lovely hellebore photos and I was so tempted. Now it's starting again:) This year I will have to add some, they are beautiful. Love yur photos, that so pail cream with a hint of pink.

  31. Hi Joey, I do love your photo collages. As for the Hellebores, I am going to grow a few of these in my garden this year and see how it goes.

  32. Wow! Such beautiful macro's. Gorgeous!

    RO xx

  33. Thanks Michelle. I sure hope so! Still have chills returning from your site and seeing the Black Widow ... Take care!!!

    Thanks Kylee. They are gorgeous and fun to photograph. Saying a prayer that they make it till the spring thaw.

    Enjoy, sweet Kate. Just read your stitch of a post) and still chuckling :)

    Hi Jess, thanks and good luck. They are beauties ... hope they do well for you.

    I hear you, Marnie, and exactly why I bought this, my first, if you can believe it! After over 30 years of gardening in this spot, I'm truly running out of room (well, not really ... I have a huge backyard but, running back & forth to the cottage, mostly am running out of time to tend the garden).

    Thank you and welcome, RO. An honor through your keen eye! Anxious to return, I also enjoyed viewing your site and stunning photos :)

  34. A lovely way to mark the beginning of Lent, Joey. I planted some hellebores last spring after being entranced by them on so many blogs. I can't wait to see my first blooms this spring.

  35. Will be anxious to see your fine photos and post, Rose. Yea Spring!

  36. Did you just hear a gasp?

    It was my reaction to that ethereal bloom!
    When (there are no ifs in my vocabulary) I'm reincarnated, I want to come back as the Lenten Rose!

    Beautiful bloom. Beautifully captured!

  37. Thanks Marysol, but don't think you could be any more beautiful, dear friend :)

  38. Beautiful post Joey! Sorry to be so late in commenting. Your photos and montages are stunning.

  39. How kind and thank you, Carol. Do hope you are on the mend :)
