Tuesday, February 16, 2010


"I am not a glutton -- I am an explorer of food."
Erma Bombeck

(Click on above for more info on 'The Paczki Principle' and Hamtramck, 'Paczki Central)

(click on above for festive music:)


  1. Here in Chicagoland, today is called Paczki Day. I'm not Polish, but I really love them.

  2. Dear Joey, I so love your quotation by Erma Burbeck. That is how I shall think of myself in future!

  3. What a cute little fellow...I love frogs!

  4. Because of Hamtramck, it's Paczki Day here too, MMD. Though not Polish either, today is a bit like St. Patrick's Day when everyone is Irish!

    Wasn't Erma a wonderful wit, Edith? I certainly miss her but her humor and gift for life lives on.

    Thanks Kiki! I love my whimsical frog. Just look at how content he looks, not realizing he's missing a leg :)

  5. Joey I'm not familiar with "Paczki Day" best I go into the site and read about it?

  6. Erm... Joey, is Paczki day the same as Pancake Day? - because that's what we're having today!!

    I am a serious explorer of food!
    Have a great day :)

  7. We have an awesome Polish store, which carries baked goods, here in Ann Arbor, Copernicus. I'm sure their Paczki are very good, but I've resisted buying any! :)

  8. Paczki Day is simply fun, Anna, a delightful way to celebrate before Lent (Ash Wednesday) begins tomorrow.

    Indeed, Nutty, it is the same as Pancake Day (Shrove Tuesday, Fat Tuesday). Yes, a serious explorer of food, you are my kinda' gal (but I already knew that :)

    Monica ~ wonderful bakeries here too (many years ago I had a WARM custard filled paczki and the tempting taste still lingers) so I'm NOT leaving the house (at least until tonight when we join Mr. Ho-Hum's family for dinner)!

  9. Happy Paczki Day Joey. I haven't had one for years, but I did enjoy seeing them at Kroger's yesterday.

    I think they said they are 350 caloris each.

  10. I believe we call them bismarks here. I had never heard the word Paczki until a year or so ago but had been eating the wonderful treats since I was a kid.

    Wish I had Erma Bombeck's skill with words. Wouldn't it be nice to disguise all your little faults and make them sound like virtues:)

  11. I hear you, Lindalou! No way here either (any more) but I have fun doing this annual paczki post ... content simply looking at the huge paczki on the Paczki Site and listening to the polkas :)

  12. So love your humorous take, Marnie :) Me too, wouldn't it be great disguising faults as virtues! Your comments often leave me thinking ... a gift. Thanks dear friend :)

  13. I just remembered a few minutes ago that it was Paczki day! Here in Columbus, it's a non-event, nothing like Detroit. Hubby's a true Polish man, so it's a day we know well. No paczki for us today, we're dieting!

  14. He's great! I love frogs and also collect them (ornamental ones, that is - not the real ones!). A cheery photo - thanks for sharing. Michelle

  15. Joey, well Paczki Day is a new one on me, but it sounds like fun. I'm glad I didn't read this til this evening or I might have had to have one. :)

    Erma was a true gem and I could identify with her on so many things she wrote about. I just didn't have her way of expressing them. She always made me smile, laugh, and even cry once in a while.

  16. So you remember the paczki 'metro' Detroit hype, Robin! Fun to wake in morning and watch the locals gathering in long Hamtramck lines ... like paczki are gold :)

    Thanks for admiring my frog, Michelle. He's been steadfast through many seasons (and shows the worst for wear) ... but ... I love him♥

    Dear Beckie, Paczki Day is fun ...any reason to celebrate, right! Erma would love it!

  17. I've never had a paczki, which is in itself sad enough, but oh woes! I forgot to do the pancake day thing. But that's okay...tomorrow is coming...well, it's already here...and I'll cajole hubby into making blueberry pancakes for supper. With maple syrup, of course.
    Love the frog, Joey. He just makes me happy.

  18. Love your Froggie...I have his cousin in our back pond... :)


  19. Scoot over ... I love blueberry pancakes, jodi! Isn't my frog delightful ... he's so content sitting in that rocker (of course, he can't do much else with his missing leg)!

    You have LOTS of his cousins at Barleycorn, dear Wildlife!

  20. I loved Erma Bombeck.
    Could you imagine having her as a next door neighbor? We'd never get anything done.

    Btw, I would take that adorable frog over a Paczki any day.

  21. Now, wouldn't that be a hoot, dear Marysol!
