Sunday, February 14, 2010


"Love is the poetry of the senses."

~ Honoré de Balzac

~ Vintage Postcards
(Original Valentine postcard, 1908, printed in Germany ~
c. 1990 Henry Ford Museum & Greenfield Village - Dearborn, MI)


"Love is the greatest refreshment in life."

~ Pablo Picasso


  1. Happy Valentine's Day to you Joey! How interesting to see an original Valentine's card. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Beautiful Valentine's Day Card. This day always marks the end of winter for me!! Ha! Ha! Snow tonight!

  3. Happy Valentine's Day! Have a wonderful day.


  4. I LOVE those vintage valentines...very colorful and artistic. Thanks for commenting on my daughter's anime drawing post. Happy V day to you !


  5. Wonderful~I love vintage cards...Last year I found the perfect card for Mr I and had it framed. I hope your day is peaceful and filled with loving family. gail

  6. I love these vintage cards, Kanak, treasured for a long time. Happy Valentine's Day! ♡♥Hearts♥♡

    Thanks GG ... hum, winter over ... you must be a romantic :)

    And you also, dear Cameron, a wonderful happy ♡♥ V-day! Hope you are OK from your accident. ((Hugs))

    I see you love vintage cards also, Rosey! Enjoy this loving day. ♡♥

    Aw, how romantic, Gail. Yes, my day should be wonderful (attending afternoon Motor City Lyric Opera benefit, A Song For Haiti ~ dear friend the soprano) then a yummy dinner :) Wishing you a beautiful ♡♥Hearts♥♡ day also.

  7. I adore vintage cards! See my vintage Valentine from last year, here!

  8. I remember your vintage Valentines, Monica. ♥♡ A vintage soul myself, so like the ones I sent out in grade school :)

  9. hope you are having a great valentine's day...what a great day to share love so openly.

  10. Happy Valentine's Day, Joey! I love these vintage Valentine's... and am lucky enough to have one that my grandfather gave to my grandfather early in their courtship. Not quite as vintage as these, but beautiful nonetheless. Since you are a vintage soul, I will try to post it for you... :)

  11. Very nice, but beautiful when enlarged.

  12. Am I right in remembering that you had the wonderful collection of vintage valentines?

    Happy Valentines Day!


  13. Hi Joey, Hopefully someone is cooking up something special for YOU today! Happy Valentine's Day! :-)

  14. Gee thanks, Marmee. Today was as good as it gets as I hope yours was. The afternoon performance, A Song for Haiti, was awesome. Our youngest son's friend is an amazing young man (consider him our son as well) who jumped on the bandwagon and headed to Haiti (also spent a stink there after graduating from Boston Collage). His mother ( and sister) are renowned opera divas :) and the list of musicians/voices today were tearfully impressive. Romantic dinner tonight was frosting on the day's cake :)

    How thoughtful, dear Kim. Though I'm definitely 'vintage' compared to you, I think we are both 'old souls'! Valentine ((Hugs)).

    Thanks, iMac ... I just converted from a PC to my wireless iMac, stunned at the graphics. Though at times frustrated at the learning curve, I'm having a 'happening' ball.

    Indeed I do, Jen! I'm impressed with your sharp memory, probably why you have such a focused eye :) ♥

    Oh yes, dear Shady. I've trained Mr. Ho-Hum well (grilled herbed lamb chops, fresh asparagus, sweet potato and bottle of 1998 Saint-Emilion Grand Cru). I'm a happy camper as I hope you are :)

  15. What glorious vintage valentine's cards - they're lovely!

    Himself remembered!!! (I suspect some prompting from the Gnomelets, but hey - I got a lovely card and local handmade chocolates - heaven!)

  16. Dear Joey, What lovely old cards - such fun! To make sure that I do not miss your postings I have added myself as a 'Follower'.

  17. Looking at all the vintage v-day cards reminds me that yesterday my grandson asked why there was always a naked, chubby boy baby with a bow & arrow on on v-day decorations.

    My husband and I are wanting to visit the Henry Ford Museum & Greenfield Village.


  18. I told you Himself wouldn't forget, Nutty :) Glad your day was heavenly!

    Thank you, Edith. Delighted to connect (I am a follower of you as well).

    Cute Donna, I've often wondered about Cupid myself :)Trust me, you will not be disappointed visiting either Greenfield Village or the Henry Ford Museum, which reminds me I have hot been there in quite some time either. Time to take the grandboys!

  19. Joey, Another jewel of a montage!! I love the cupid with the band-aids heart! A sweet metaphor! Hope you had a lovely day of love! May all your days be love-filled! ;>)

  20. A wonderful collection of vintage Valentine's Day cards. I love that second one.

  21. Lovely vintage art. Hope your day was wonderful!

  22. Thank you, Carol ... mending the broken heart is my favorite! Indeed, my day was lovely as I hope your was.

    As you well know, Marnie, clicking on photo will enlarge so you can see it better. February is over 1/2 over ... another day closer to spring :)

  23. Indeed V-day was wonderful, Meredith. Sounds like yours was also :)

  24. Joey, I love vitage Valentine cards. Actually, i love any vintage cards. Your uotes are perfect for the occasion-as always. Hope you Valentine was as special as you are. :)

  25. Hope you had a lovely Valentine's Day, Joey! I had a wonderful present a few days early--my daughter is getting married!

  26. Thanks, dear Beckie. So happy to hear from you. Home from a visit, I see your V-day was as special as you are too :)

    Wow, exciting news, Rose ... you must be thrilled! Obviously, your V-Day was wonderful and most memorable :)
