Friday, April 09, 2010


"April hath put a spirit of youth in everything."
~ William Shakespeare

'Beauty' outside bedroom window

Flowering Norway Maple
(Acer platanoides)



1 pound large shelled & deveined shrimp

3 Tbsp. soy sauce

1 1/2 tsp. sugar

1/2 tsp. turmeric

1 Tbsp. water

3 Tbsp. vegetable oil

2 large minced cloves garlic

4 cups cooked rice

1 tsp. coriander seed

2 cups inch-long julienned slices fresh pineapple

1 large julienned sliced red pepper

2-3 Tsp. minced jalapeno pepper

6 diagonally sliced green onions

    • Combine soy sauce, sugar, turmeric and water. Mix well and set aside. Pour over shrimp and marinate 20 minutes.
    • Heat 2 Tbsp. oil in large heavy skillet or wok until hot but not smoking. Remove shrimp, reserving marinade. Carefully add shrimp and stir-fry about 2 minutes until pink and loose transparency. Remove from skillet.
    • Add remaining 1 Tbsp. oil to skillet and heat. Add garlic and stir until golden. Add peppers and cook until briefly, heating through but still crisp. Add rice and stir 1 minute or until hot.
    • Combine reserved soy marinade to rice and blend well. Add shrimp, coriander seed, pineapple, jalapeno pepper, and green onion.

    Wine Note: Try a Michigan 2004 Dry Riesling from Chateau Chantal (Old Mission Peninsula)
    or Award-winning Best of Class 2005
    Semi-Dry Riesling from Shady Lane Cellars (Leelanau Peninsula).

Beauty & the Beast ~ BEWARE:


~ Excellent favorite from Culinary Counterpoint
( Detroit Symphony Orchestra) Cookbook
1 lb. unsalted butter
1 cup sugar
4 cups flour
1 tsp. vanilla
1 (7-oz) can flaked coconut
  • Preheat oven to 325-degrees.
  • Cream butter and sugar. Add flour and mix well. Stir in vanilla and coconut and mix until moistened. Form into 2-inch cylinders and wrap in waxed paper. Chill for 1 hour.
  • Slice 1/4-inch thick and place on ungreased cookie sheets. Bake for 15-25 minutes. (6 dozen)


  1. You know, Joey, I'm soooo not a fan of A. platanoides. But someone, about 15 years ago, planted four or five of them at the front of what is now our property, and I just can NOT cut them down. Can't do it. I don't let them set seedlings (at least not within my range of sight--I have no idea how far the achenes can fly on the wind.
    I do, however, appreciate your gorgeous photos, and despite my illness, that thai pineapple shrimp sounds divine. Maybe if I ever get feeling like myself again...

  2. You are my 'soul sister', jodi! I have 'huge' love/hate relationship with this tree. I can't wait for the intricate chartreuse flowers to bloom, fascinated by the view from my upstairs bedroom window heralding the framed show that will follow. Then comes stress ... dropping seeds, helicopters, too heavy shade, root issues with patio, constant pruning ... blah, blah, blah ... Still, surrounded by bastards thriving in sighing neighbor's yards, I love it! I sit on the patio under it's umbrella, sheltered from heavy rain ... it's bark amazes me! It has attracted lightening several times but ... I'm a fool and can't imagine life without it!

  3. Can you guess what is on my menu this weekend! I can't wait to try that Thai pineapple dish.
    Wonderful share - and wonderful blooms as always.

  4. Sometimes I just NEED a far eastern food fix.

    For ages I couldn't find the ingredients over here, Lemon grass, kaffir lime etc... A shock to the system as back in London I could get it all. Anyway, there's a chain of supermarkets opened now which stock everything. Fresh tamarind, yams, holy basil, 10 types of chilli and so on... You see there's only so much duck confit, fois gras, sarladais potatoes that one can take. Yep, sometimes I NEED a change..

    I marvel at your encyclopedic recipe base Joey.

  5. Dear Joey, I think that, with all of its many disadvantages, I should rather like to be looking out of my bedroom window into the topmost branches of an Acer, or indeed any tree, as you are able to do. I love the effect of light, particularly in the mornong, filtered through leaves.

    You had me very tempted with the shortbread - easy, I thought - but then I read on to the cutting into cylinders, wrapping in waxed paper [where do I obtain that?], putting in the fridge [why, I ask?] and then, sadly, I was lost.

    But, I am hopeful that one day, when I have read a century's worth of your lovely postings, I shall become the next Julia Childs. Watch this space!

  6. I had three Norway Maples at my old old house. They were a wonderful umbrella but oh those leaves. You could eat dinner on them.

    Our fall clean up was backbreaking. Our whole back and front yard was shaded by them. I guess I was young and always thought of them as a frame for my home.

    Great recipes again, especially that unusual shortbread.


  7. Beautiful Joey..the Thai P.S recipe..sounds divine I will try that maybe tonight( perfect timing as we are doing grocery's aftre work)Sounds like the perfect friday night treat!

    ..I love the recipes you share..I get excited coming here! I love the wine notes too..awesome! I know a coconut freak that will love that shortbeard so that wil be a good one to pass on! Lovely joey..and the flowers are so pretty! I love your posts..they have it all..!
    Have a sparkly wkd!

  8. Joey girl thank you for stopping by my blog : )
    That is an interesting relationship you have going on with this tree ;-)
    .... and WOW ! on these recipes .. especially the shortbreak .. I love the sound of that but I had no idea coconut came in a can ! We have it in plastic bags here ;-)

  9. I have a couple along the drive. Like you, I can't bear to cut them down. The issues with their root system are a constant irritant but cutting down huge, mature trees is just not something I can do.

  10. yummy, yummy, yummy for my tummy and my eyes..
    Happy Friday my friend
    hugs, Cherry

  11. I love Thai food, but can't do the seafood thing. The sauce sounds great!

  12. Considering today's temperature, I'm surprised anything is blooming. Brrr. Must be Opening Day...Oh, that's right it is.

    Great plug for Michigan Wines!

  13. Hope you like it, Bren ... it's good enough to eat!

    Love it, Rob! Hum, duck confit, wonder if I could ever get my fill. These ingredients should be easy to find in most kitchens and grocery stores. Now, regarding my encyclopedia base, you must remember I'm 'as old as dirt', born with a whisk in my hand :)

    Hello, dear Edith. I love the view from my bedroom window. From there I can see the entire backyard and gardens (can also check out Mr. Ho-Hum's edging)! Under my window is a blooming Shadblow Serviceberry ( Amelanchier canadensis) ... brilliant forsythia glow along the border and a budding Yoshino cherry is surrounded by wildflowers. Bulbs and primrose are popping. Now, the shortbread is rolled into a 'cylinder shape' and wrapped in plastic wrap or waxed paper (kind of like waxy parchment paper). Have a Bon Appétit ... happy spring weekend!

    The shading leaves are indeed dense and huge, Eileen. One thing I hate that Mr. Ho-Hum hates even more ... it's the last to drop its leaves ... often hanging on until December!

    Your energy lights up my life, Kiki! You are a breath of fresh air each time you visit. Wishing you a sparkly wkd also ... mine should be awesome since we are getting ready to head north to the lake and Sat. dinner at our cottage with dear friends!

    Indeed I do have a love/hate relationship with this tree, Joy. Right now, in awe of these lovely chartreuse blooms, I'm in the love stage. By the time I get home from the weekend away, I suspect my feelings will drastically change :)

    A tree lover too, I'm with you, Marnie. I did stop back to see your photos that for some reason were missing then appeared. I had issues with Blogger that AM too. Awesome photos of the turkeys that I find very hard to capture. You are amazing behind the lens, dear friend!

    I can smell your neighbor's wisteria from here, dear Cherry! Happy Friday and returned hugs to you, my friend.

  14. Hi Cameron ... was answering while you were posting. Lots of other Thai goodies to enjoy besides the seafood stuff. Your cherry tree is stunning as is mine that is beginning to bloom. Praying for a quiet windless weekend so blossoms will still be on the tree when we get home from the weekend away.

    Are you going to opening day, Lindalou? It's blustery cold but who cares as long as the Tigers win :)

  15. I'm at a complete loss here, Joey - living next to Norway and never having heard of Norwegian Maple... maybe it's the sun that's made me's been awfully sunny today... ; )

  16. Mmmm, the shortbread sounds fantastic. Thanks for the recipe.

  17. Joey, you must be as fabulous a cook as you are a photographer. Um, Thai shrimp and with a nice dry Riesling... right up our alley. thank you.

  18. Interesting thought, Katarina, and after googling, still have no idea where the name came from. For the time being, I'm in awe, delighted to simply enjoy. The same awesome sun shines on both of us and our gardens. Happy Spring, dear friend :)

    Happy to share, Dirty Girl Gardening. Enjoyed the frog photos on your post :) I love your name since what gardener isn't a 'dirty girl'!

    Thanks Di. I'm honored by your kind comments since you are a whiz behind the lens and in the kitchen. Both food and photography are our shared passions. And wine, another shared earth gift. Life is good!

  19. I hate the tree, I know such strong words. I have 4 mature trees that grow along side the driveway of this property, they drop their flowers in spring, their keys in the summer, their leaves in the fall and small twigs all winter. But can I cut them down, no, they are living trees and I love trees. So I guess you would call it a love/hate relationship with this tree. Thanks for leaving a comment on my post.

  20. joey - great photos as always - love these of the Norway. I lived in Calgary for many years where hardwood trees only exist in the form of hockey sticks. Now back in Ontario, I received a Norway maple as a gift - and it's doing quite well out front of the house. Fortunately we have 77 acres so by the time spring rolls around, last year's leaves are scattered by the wind to the wind.

  21. Lovely images of spring bursting forth. And that Thai Pineapple Shrimp sounds delicious!

  22. Welcome A Garden of Threads ... and that would be me!

    Sounds like the perfect spot for it, Rick. Lots of room is good!

    Happy Spring, Kala. Thanks ... your forsythia photo was stunning!

  23. Kathryn/plantwhateverbringsyoujoy.comSaturday, April 10, 2010

    You do remember, don't you, how much I love coconut? Antonia and I made your coconut pudding last summer until our eyes glazed over. :) And I do know how to make shortbread, so this is ever so tempting me now. xoxo

  24. Indeed I do, dear Kathryn, and thought of you posting this. May your eyes (and Antonia's) glaze over again. Miss you, dear friend but delighted to know we are only a 'coconut' thought away :)

  25. I have been on a shortbread kick lately. This coconut one sounds delicious!!

  26. Hi Joey, good warning. I may make this pineapple shrimp tonight. Too bad the whole family doesn't love shrimp. The youngest child does. :) ~~Dee

  27. I love shortbread, EAT, one of my favorites with fresh rosemary. I also love coconut and why I have so have many favorite coconut recipes posted.
