Sunday, April 11, 2010


"Softly the evening came.
The sun from the western horizon
Like a magician extended his golden want o'er the landscape;
Trinkling vapors arose; and sky and water and forest
Seemed all on fire at the touch,
and melted and mingled together."

~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

(Hubbard Lake, MI)


  1. Such a stunning sunset, and a beautiful end to our otherwise soggy and drizzly day here. Longfellow's words match your photographs perfectly.

  2. Lovely sunset and great job on the mosaic - I know there is a better word for it but I'm having a brain cramp and can't think of it. For the past 8 weeks I've been posting a sunset photo every Sunday. Being very clever, like I am, I call it Sunset Sunday ;) . You are more than welcome to stop by, take a look, leave a comment including a link to your sunset shot too. The more the merrier as they say. I really love great sunsets.

  3. Gorgeous, Joey. How beautiful your lake is. :)

  4. And a beautiful sunset it was!

  5. These are beautiful joey. I'm always up for a good sunset shot! And the quote fits the scene so well.

  6. Dear Joey, Writing this morning from a grey, wet, cold and cheerless Budapest, this image of the sunset over the lake has brought warmth and colour to the start of the week. Absolutely lovely and, as CV says, so well matched with the lines from Longfellow.

    Returning to your comment on your previous posting I was delighted to know that you have Amelanchier in your garden. Such a beautiful shrub/small tree. I once dreamed of creating an orchard of them - all in the mind, of course. And do tell Mr.Ho-Hum that crisp edges to the lawn are a must.

  7. I was so distracted yesterday that I didn't pull my winter-sown trays under the overhang. I did cover them but we had lots of frost... A warm day can throw you!

  8. Gorgeous view! Do you have that great view everyday? WOW!

  9. You chose the perfect poem. Your sky does look like it is molten and melted together.

  10. Thank you, CV, it was a beautiful evening shared with dear friends who spent the night after dinner since their cottage was out of electricity, frigid in the 40s, when they arrived.

    Thanks Scott, mosaic is fine as is collage, montage, etc. I joined in on your Sunday Sunset posting. I too never tire of beautiful sunsets, each a unique gift. Here is a link to your Sunday Sunset post: (

    Thanks Nancy ... I truly feel blessed to have found such a lovely spot. Come and enjoy!

    Indeed, Kala, and always a joy to see.

    Thanks Rick ... I love this quote and have used it before.

    Wish I could share this wonderful sunny morning with you, dear Edith. Back from the lake, we returned in awe of the garden, delighted to see the Yoshino cherry in full bloom against the backdrop of forsythia. I so love Amelanchier, a native tree/shrub here in Michigan. I love the drive to the lake where the forests will soon be glowing in its brilliant white ... at the same time, the forest floor is blanketed with trillium ... it's an awesome site! P.S. Happy to note Mr. Ho-Hum is a fanatic about his edging!

    Hope all fared well, Monica. We were indeed lulled into total bliss with the above warm temps. Actually, I left for the weekend with too soon plants left outside ... oh well ...

    Indeed we do, Cameron, whenever we are at the lake. The vernal/autumnal equinox sets directly in front, blessed to watch the sun traverse back and forth throughout the seasons.

    Thanks, dear Marnie. You have seen so many of my sunsets, hope you're not getting bored :)

  11. Beautiful sunset, Joey! There's nothing so peaceful as watching the sun go down on a quiet lake. :)

  12. Wonderful collage of sunset pictures.My favorite was one you did earlier(Golden Moment),the tree with the sunset was very nice.Your photos of flowers are some of the best I've seen.I live on the shores of the Great Salt Lake and rarely a evening goes by without great sunsets.Thank you for visiting my blog.

  13. Your lake house must give you a wonderful sense of peace and connection to nature. I hope you feel rested and renewed. xxxgail

  14. You cant beat a sunset or sunrise, yours is wonderful and warm.

  15. beautiful...magical too!

  16. Great blog, I'm glad to find you:)

  17. Agree Kate, it is peaceful and just what we need to help us center down and enjoy the gifts of the day and the hopes for tomorrow.

    Welcome Chad and thank you for you kind comments. A home on the Great Salt Lake ... you must feel like you are living in heaven!

    Aaaah, she said, thank you, dear Dee!

    Indeed we did, dear Gail. Even after all these years, often pinch ourselves, so lucky to find the ideal setting for us. Sounds like your weekend was delight too ... left a 'HAIRY' comment that I think got eaten up by blogger that said error ... and this is the second time answering these ... hum ...

    How kind, imac, and thank you :)

    'Magical', a delightful way to describe the sunset, Kiki. Thank you.

    Welcome, webruci, and thank you. I'm happy to find you too :)

  18. Joey, how lovley! The sunsets of spring and autimn are my favorites. I am glad you are getting to spend some time at the lake. Hope you are just relaxing and not working there. :)

  19. Hello, dear Beckie. We come and go, work at both places but work seems easier at the lake ... had hoped to get windows washed but Sat was a fickle day ... snow showers, sun, high winds, rain, then the sky opened for the beautiful sunset, perfect for our dinner and friends/ overnight guests for the evening. Worked all day in the garden here today. So much is popping and I can't wrap my arms around all that has to be done ... but ... life is good :)

  20. I remember my college lit professors putting Longfellow down as being a mediocre poet, but the more I read of his poetry, the more it touches me. I guess my profs were a bit snooty:) Glad you're getting to enjoy these beautiful sunsets. The past two weeks have been about as beautiful as it can get.

  21. Stunning sunset; I'm properly envious. I often watch the brightness fade out of the grey leaden sky, just before the rain comes down!

  22. Interesting, Rose. Since childhood, The Song of Hiawatha and Hiawatha's Childhood have forever been favorites ... The Children's Hour was the 1st poem memorized in grade school (after Edward Lear's The Owl and the Pussycat). Longfellow's poems do pull from the child within me. Yes, blessed to see those sunsets ... perhaps a fun trip for Thelma & Louise ... I love it!

    Oh dear IG, thank you ... you are a gift! I just returned from reading your post and still smiling :) It's raining here today and even when sunny, can't see the sunset from my home here.

  23. Now that is certainly a view to borrow!


  24. how wonderful to be in the presence of such are one blessed girl. hope you are enjoying every moment of spring.
    happy days of springtime.

  25. Love it, Eileen :)

    Indeed, don't I know it, Sharon! Thanks and joyful spring wishes to you.

  26. These are gorgeous photos--and even more spectacular when put together in a montage. I'm really looking forward to perusing more of your blog. :)

    Thanks again for visiting my blog!

    -- Lisa

  27. Welcome Lisa and thank you. It has been a joy connecting.
