Monday, May 17, 2010


"Here comes the time when, vibrating on its stem, every flower fumes like a censer; and noises perfumes circle in the evening air."

Charles Baudelaire

(Syringa vulgaris)


  1. I really need to add a Lilac or two to my garden. I'm not sure if they do well here or not. :)

  2. Beautiful! Your lilac looks like a watercolor painting.

    Are you lucky enough to still have some lilacs hanging on? I was tempted to buy a few Miss Kim this year to extend my lilac season.

  3. SO beautiful! I really like the photo effect you've chosen too!

  4. Nothing better describes the look and perfume of the lilac.


  5. When the lilacs bloom, I breathe a sign of relief because no late freezes have gotten them. Mine this year were at their best, and I'm grateful to have them growing my garden. Your photo is lovely.~~Dee

  6. Pretty colour too, ours is white.

  7. Hi Racquel ... Very popular here in Michigan, lilacs are Zone 4,5,6 hardy. Spring would not be spring without a heady bouquet of these beauties :)

    Actually, Marnie, these are from my daughter's garden. Years ago, we had hedges of overgrown lilacs ... now I've started anew with a planting from my grandboys, a gift last Mother's Day. I treasure the few blooms greeting me this spring.

    Thanks Krista ... a bit of Photoshop fun :)

    So true, Eileen. Don't you just love the perfume permeating the whole house! It's such a memorable scent for many of us, we simply have to see a photo to smell them.

    Thanks, Dee. Happy your lilacs were awesome ... the word frost frightens me :( We have been dragging tender annuals in and out of the garage.

    Thanks imac ... I also love white ones <3 (Never met a lilac I didn't like!)

  8. A perfect quote to go along with this photo. I wish I had a lilac or at least one near me to enjoy!

  9. Delicious Joey! I love this variety and your photo is so painterly and gorgeous. There is nothing like Lilac time!

  10. Hi Joey,
    I've just spent time oooing and ahhhing over your beautiful photos. I just cannot get enough of spring flowers, and your photos are beautiful. I'll visit often and thanks for stopping by my blog.

  11. Joey, Hello dear! Years ago my son gave me a lilac for Mother's Day~so my southern garden has the sweet scent for a short time each spring. Beautiful photos...gail

  12. Love that clever 'watercolor' touch! I absolutely love the fragrance of fresh lilacs after a spring rain. :)

  13. Wish I could wish you a lilac, Wendy! Thank you.

    Welcome Karen and thank you. It's a joy connecting with you and viewing your talent behind the lens. Will be looking forward to your return.

    Thank you, dear Gail. You must twirling, catching up after your wonderful trip. And your lovely garden greeted you with a 'happy return' smile :)

    Thank you, dear Kate. Especially on a rainy day, it's fun to play in Photoshop!

  14. Your picture brings back a lot of memories. Growing up my neighbor had lilacs,and I loved the fragrance.

  15. Lilacs hold memories for many, Chad. You are not alone!

  16. They are so fragrant and beautiful!

  17. Nothing says May like the blooms and scent of lilacs! Mine have long since stopped blooming with the warm April we had, but they were magnificent this year.

  18. Agree, Kala! Do you have any lilic shots? Can only imagine how lovely they would be.

    We must be a bit behind, Rose. April and May seem to have flip-flopped although I see low 80s back in the picture.

  19. Lilacs must smell great. We're just starting to get blooms other than a few Columbine and Roses.

  20. Hi Patsi ... lilacs are still smelling heavenly. My neighbors over the fence are especially heady so working in the back of my yard is delightful. Columbines are blooming here too but my roses are still 'in waiting'!

  21. Mmm, I can just smell it. My tiny lilac is all done blooming, and now I'll have to wait till next year to enjoy it's scent.

  22. I hear you, Robin ... May and this unseasonably hot weather is in fast forward for me ... I would really like to rewind the whole month.

  23. So lovely I can almost smell it from here ! And, sadly, their time here has almost come to an end. But we did enjoy them, again, this year - what a blessing we receive from the flowers God has decorated his creation with!
