Monday, May 10, 2010

'SHIVER WITH DELIGHT' (Centaurea montana 'Amethyst in the Snow' ~ CHOCOLATE LAVA CAKES

"How can one help shivering with delight when one's hot fingers close around the stem of a live flower, cool from the shade and stiff with newborn vigor."

~ Colette

Centaurea montana 'Amethyst in Snow'


~ Deep, intense chocolate ... pure pleasure in every bite
(from Ghirardelli Chocolate)


1/2 bar (2 oz.) 60% Cacao Bittersweet Chocolate Baking Bar
1/4 cup heavy cream

(nonstick cooking spray)

1 bar (4 oz.) 60% Cacao Bittersweet Chocolate Baking Bar
8 Tbsp. (1 stick) unsalted butter
2 whole eggs
2 egg yolks
1/3 cup sugar
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
1/4 cup cake flour

Fresh raspberries
Whipped Cream

  • To make centers, melt chocolate and cream in double boiler. Whisk grntly to blend. Refrigerate abut 2 hour or until firm. Form into 6 balls; refrigerate until needed.
  • To make cake, heat oven to 400ยบ. Spray six (4-oz.) ramekins or custard cups with cooking spray. Melt chocolate and butter in double boiler; whisk gently to blend. With electric mixer, whisk eggs, yolks, sugar, and vanilla on high speed about 5 minutes or until thick and light. Fold melted chocolate mixture and flour into egg mixture just until combined. Spoon cake batter into ramekins. Place a chocolate ball in the middle of each ramekin.
  • Bake about 15 minutes or until cake is firm to the touch. Let sit out of oven for about 5 minutes. Run a small, sharp knife around inside of each ramekin, place a plate on top, invert and remove ramekin. Garnish with raspberries and a dollop of whipped cream. (6 servings)


  1. I have admired that centaurea every time that I see a photo or a pot in the garden center.

    Chocolate Lava Cake is a favorite of ours -- are you trying to make us gain weight? LOL :-)

  2. Hi Joey, those choccie lava cakes RULE! A friend made some for my birthday the previous year!

  3. Would you like any tomato plants? My winter-sown ones are tiny still, but hardened off. I have any number of extra heirlooms.

  4. Joey, choclate is my middle name! I just emailed this delight to a friend.


  5. Love centaurea montana, Cameron, and have several of the classic blue plants also. It's hard not too love Chocolate Lava cake!

    A thoughtful birthday gift, Monica! Thank you for the tomato offer ... since we are away so much in the summer, I'm afraid with all the varmints lurking that they will be lost on me. I have tried tomatoes several times with no luck :(

    Chocolate is a good thing, Eileen :)

  6. Haven't seen a white centaurea, I love it. Will watch for it when I cruise the garden centers:)

    Never tried lava cake with fresh raspberries. It sounds heavenly.

  7. Mmmm...chocolate lava cakes! Made some for Valentine's a couple of years ago, and they were so sinful. My recipe made too much...and we ate the lot in about 2 days! I think I'm still burning off those calories! :P

  8. This whole post is just heavenly beautiful! Can't wait to try the lava cakes!

  9. Chocolate and raspberries -- what a combination! Yum! Love the Amethyst in Mom's birthstone. :)

  10. that flower is too pretty for it's own good! :)

  11. :) Clare! I hear you ... great story, luv it!

    Thanks, dear Nancy. Do hope your Mother's Day was delightful!

    It's eye-catching, Jill ... a favorite May bloom.

  12. Good luck finding one at the nursery, Marnie. They are fairly common around here, especially at the Farmer's Markets.

    Thanks, Krista. Hope you enjoy the lava cakes!

  13. I don't think I've ever had lava cake. Gosh it sounds so decadent I wish I knew why I haven't!

  14. Joey, I love this color! I have the blue and purple-will have to try to find this one.

    The Lava cakes sound heavenly. I think this is a recipe the grands and I should try. They are all chocolate lovers too. :)

  15. I think my hips got bigger reading that recipe. Will I try it anyway, yes!

    Centaurea montana is a rampant spreader here, so I'll have to admire that beauty from afar.

    Christine in Alaska

  16. What a lovely flower Joey. And like Tina, I had never heard of a lava cake before reading your post!

  17. Thanks iMac ... wow, you have been one busy guy!

    Love the color too, Beckie. I hope you find this ... it's a joyful addition to the garden. (And a bite of chocolate is not too bad either!)

    Cute Christine! Two thoughts about spreading was not missed :)

  18. Tina, I hope you get a chance to taste this ... you will remember with warm thoughts of wanting more :)

    Thank you, Kala. Perhaps you can chum up with Tina and share :)

  19. We have been meaning to make those lava cakes...kept forgetting to get the little pans though. We made some Mississippi mud pie from the Country living March ? 2010 issue that was divine though.

    Love that version of the "painted" flower.

  20. I love chocolate lava cake! I've never seen a recipe for it before, though, so this one is definitely a keeper.

    The centurea is such a pretty blossom; what a great name for it!

  21. Oh my gosh does this sound good!!! I've got to try it the moment I get off my diet. ;)

  22. Easy too, Rose. Do give it a try. Just returned from your garden tour ... still in awe!

    Definitely not diet friendly, Wendy, but awfully good!

  23. I am stunned by that beautiful flower. We have the French Ultra Marine blue version everywhere here. I love them, but this white, with purple!

    Oh and chocolate lave cake, life can't get any better then this.


  24. Hi Jen! It's a beauty ... a new addition to the garden last year that has proven this year to be a hardy tropper. Beauty and the Beast ... flowers and chocolate :)

  25. Your Centaurea Montana is quite out of this world ... like your chocolate cake! Chocolate and raspberries ... what a perfect combination. Colette certainly has a way with words! I did once immerse my imagination in her stories... to be in one's twenties again.

  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  27. Indeed to be young again, Carol, a lovely comment. Thank you.
