Monday, August 30, 2010


"The summer night is like a perfection of thought."

- Wallace Stevens

(Hubbard Lake)


Steal o'er the lake's warm breast,
And the ancient silence follows
The burning sun to rest.

The calm of a thousand summers,
And dreams of countless Junes,
Return when the lake-wind murmurs
Through golden August noons."

William Stanley Braithwaite
( By an Inland Lake )

(Last evening's August gift)


"Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you."

~ Maori Proverb


  1. Very pretty sunset. I like how it is shown from different angles and stages of its setting. Looks like we sent out August in a flood of red, pinks, and oranges.

  2. Looks so wonderful....perfect picture of late summer. Hugs from St. Louis,

  3. Gorgeous sunsets joey! Colours and composition are just great! Last blast of summer ?

    We had a beauty here tonight too - accompanied by a brief, but colourful, thunderstorm. I'm saving my sunset shots but posted some of the storm.

  4. Ahhh, wow. What great shots, Joey! Bright colours and great silhouettes. Thanks for sharing with us! :o)

  5. Dearest Joey, Always you are able to capture the mood of the moment and these images of the sun setting over August are so atmospheric and so perfectly apt.

    Of course there is a sadness as summer passes but I do so love the change in the air on the first days of September, that slight chill, when one's thoughts start to turn to winter and all the comforts which come with it - casserole suppers, reading by the fire, lamps lit at teatime, a new season of concerts, etc. etc. Increasingly I feel that each season, no matter what, has so much to offer.

  6. I appreciate your Maori proverb, reminds me of my New Zealand heritage from my father. Joey may all your shadows fall behind you (unless of course you need them for your photo ;>)

  7. How beautiful, no wonder you hate to see summer go away.


  8. A lovely poignant August eve sunset Joey. It says it all... the heat and beauty combined saying goodbye to summer really. Your images are a treat! Happy near September. ;>)

  9. What a beautiful sanctuary you enjoy at the lake Joey! What a blessing it must be, being in this enchanting place.

  10. It was an amazing evening, Chad, Thank you. These are all shot at different angles from our cottage. Soon the sun (Autumnal Equinox) will set directly ahead.

    Hi, Machelle, and thank you. The night was lovely as was your lovely sunset photo with friends. We were both blessed. {{Hugs from Michigan}}

    Thank you, Rick. I'm always amazed how each evening is so unique. Though now home, my head is still back at the lake :), thankful to be returning for a long weekend that should provide another wonderful show.

    Thanks, dear Krista. I too love the silhouettes!

    It was a perfect evening, dearest Edith, and thank you for the lovely comment. We are blessed to have this beautiful setting ... dining alfresco, this was the show! Though I hate to say goodbye to summer, I agree that each season has much to offer.

    I love this quote, EE. The Maori are indeed beautiful, both in body and spirit ... you are blessed :)

    Yes i do, Eileen, perhaps because summer seemed to fly by, way too fast for me. But as Edith reminded me, each season has much to offer and I totally agree.

    Thank you Carol. It was indeed a lovely August eve. Now back home, will return for a long holiday weekend. Though I hate to say goodbye to summer, with the autumnal equinox growing near, our September sunsets are always amazing.

  11. Whoops ... just missed you, Linda, and thank you. Yes, enchanting is what it is ~ in each season, a beautiful sanctuary. We are indeed blessed. Wishing you a beautiful September :)

  12. Beautiful way to end August. Isn't it wonderful to take the time to enjoy the beauty that is all around us. I think that we photographers really 'see' more than many others who often don't take the time to stop and look at what they are missing!

  13. Ah sigh....

    Sometimes that's the only comment I leave, because it's such a perfect shot.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  14. A perfect farewell to hot August and summertime. Beautiful photography!

  15. I love your blog.... it touches the soul. You are still my favorite blog site to visit! ((HUGS)) Thank you for sharing you and your love for life.

  16. How can it be? August just flew by.
    Love your sunsets...bewitching!

  17. I've decided to pay attention to the phases of the moon each night! No reason.

  18. Like to think so, Karen. I'm always amazed when behind the lens, my heart stands still cropping a creative shoot, as I'm sure yours does. It's been a joy to connect :)

    Thanks, dear Jen. My heart is with yours, loving life through your creative eye.

    Thanks, debsgarden ... flop-flopping between two lives, debated shooting the garden or lake sunset. Somehow, saying goodbye to the day befitted saying goodbye to August.

    Means a lot, dear Bren. We go 'way back'. I'm so amazed how your life has blossomed since we first met. You are 'here there and everywhere' ... and awesome at all that you do. Though 'out there', my simple 'Ho-Hum' life resides behind the Internet ...

    Good word, Rosey .. yes, bewitching is good :)

    No reason is good, Monica. We are both sky lovers <3

  19. So very beautiful! What a fitting goodbye to August.

  20. Joey, To sit by the lake and watch the sunset sounds (and looks wonderful) To sit with you would be divine! gail

  21. Very pretty!
    So sad to see the summer go, it never seems to last long.
    Soon we will be marveling at the fall colors.

  22. Thank you, Tina. Sad to say goodbye but now it's gone ... Happy September :)

    You are a dear, Gail, and thank you. I can think of nothing lovelier either :) Perhaps someday ... you are more than welcome ... a dream come true for me!

    Hi Dawn. Wishing you a beautiful September!

  23. Thanks for sharing beautiful scene of sun setting that is really very cool and charming. and in really beauty beholds in the eyes of viewers.

  24. How kind, Danny. Thank you for visiting.

  25. I was thinking of how sunsets are getting more colourful now that we're heading towards cooler days. More orange glows to look forward to. But your sunset images are spectacular! The first shot with the! Loved them all!
