Wednesday, September 01, 2010

WELCOME SWEET SEPTEMBER! (Garden Bloggers' Muse Day) ~ 'INTRICATE AND LOVELY' (Hydrangea macrophylla)

"A dead hydrangea is as intricate and lovely as one in bloom."

~ Toni Morrison

Hydrangea macrophylla

Gifts from my garden


I have loved flowers that fade,
Within those magic tents,
Rich hues have marriage had made,
With sweet memoried scents.

(Robert Seymour Bridges)



But now in September the garden has cooled,
and with it my possessiveness.
The sun warms my back instead of beating on my head ...
The harvest has dwindled,
and I have grown apart from
the intense midsummer relationship
that brought it on.

Robert Finch

for Garden Bloggers' Muse Day


  1. Beautiful photos AND sentiments, Joey. :)

  2. Hi Joey, beautiful, beautiful collages. The various and muted tones of the hydrangea flower heads are a sweetly sad September song. And the Bridges poem encapsulates your post completely


  3. LOL, it's funny how gardeners think of those as DRIED hydrangea and not DEAD hydrangea, lol. Love all your photos, as usual. And, yes, it's September but it's still in the 90s!

  4. Dearest Joey, What a gloriously mellow posting today so perfectly fitting the turn of the season. Here in Budapest, the weather has changed significantly and a scarf was called for today.....not a coat yet, however!!

    Did I spot that your galvanised container was Made in England? I had given up hope that the UK produced anything anymore and just glued together things made elsewhere instead!!

  5. I love hydrangeas and your photos are beautiful.

  6. Joey, I am pondering the Robert Finch quote! There's some truth in what he says~A beautiful post and deeply appreciated as well. xxgail

  7. Gorgeous tribute to September's Muse Day. I love the way Hydrangea blossoms look as they age. :)

  8. Toni Morrison's quote is so true. Hydrangeas are so lovely!

  9. Joey girl what wonderful pictures and quotes : ) and how TRUE is that about dried hydrangea .. I missed doing that this year but I will be on it for next year for SURE !
    YES !!!!!!! I so wish for a cool but clear bright Autumn with just enough rain to keep the garden happy as it heads towards sleep time .. that isn't so much to ask for is it ? LOL
    Perfect post for today : )
    PS .. I appreciate you stopping by my blog and just realized now I didn't have you on my BR .. but I'm adjusting that NOW ! LOL

  10. I absolutely love dried hydrangeas. Great post Joey.

  11. Always enjoy my visit here Joey, beautiful flower posts.

  12. Lovely sentiments for the beginning of September as well as the end of August yesterday, Joey. I don't think there is another flower that fades as beautifully as a hydrangea; I almost like them as much when they fade as when they're in their prime.

  13. your gifts have been received and are loved! Your pictures & words always bring a smile to my face .

    hugs from Savannah, Cherry

  14. Joey, I love dried hydrangeas. They are very expensive if you buy them from a florist, so I will be cutting lots of mine and giving them to family and friends.

    I have even sprayed hydrangea heads in gold for my outside winter planters. I do prefer them au natural, but they do not hold up outside in the ice and snow.


  15. Thank you, dear Nancy. Happy September :)

    Hello, Laura, how kind ... yes, sweet September is truly bittersweet!

    Agree, Monica. Dead is a harsh word! Yes, too hot for me ... working in the garden today was pure agony, hard to get inspired in this heat/drought. Do hope we get predicted rain.

    Thank you, dearest Edith. Today in the 90s was indeed still very summer-like but cooler temps are predicted for our holiday weekend. Yes, you have good eyes. My treasured galvanized pail is indeed from England (Restoration Hardware) and very photogenic, don't you think!

    I adore hydrangeas too, Jeff. Thank you.

    Thank you, dear Gail, and happy September :) I have no clue what happened to May, June, and July that evaporated :(

    The hydrangeas have been spectacular this summer, Racquel, the loveliest I ever remember. I have been enjoying their many faces all summer.

    Agree Tina. I love Toni Morrison and this quote was perfect for my post!

    Thank you, dear Joy, and happy September. The way summer flew by, before you know it, it will be Halloween!

    Hi Kala and thanks. Keep that camera handy ... fall should be spectacular!

    Thank you, imac. It's always a pleasure when you stop by.

    Agree, dear Rose. They are amazing flowers that wear many beautiful faces throughout the season.

    Thank you, 'sweet' Cherry. Michigan {{hugs}} returned.

    I love hydrangeas too, Eileen, and they have graced my inside all summer. Now, so stunning, it's fun to simply air dry them to enjoy all winter long.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Gorgeous post Joey...I so love hydrangeas..thanks for sharing your garden gifts,,!! AWesome photos!!
    Happy September..wishing you many sparkles along the way!!

  18. Very sweet, Joey!! (I love this muse.)

  19. Lovely collages and perfect poem for the changing seasons.

  20. Wishing you a sparkly September, dear Kiki! Thank you, fun friend.

    Thanks, dear Shady, and Happy September :)

    Hello, Cameron, and thank you. I'm stunned at how fast summer is evaporating ... but September is lovely. Enjoy!

  21. Hi Joey!
    Have not heard this quote before but totally agree. I was out in Oregon last week and their beautiful blue Hydrangeas look just as pretty after they're 'dead.'

    September? Seriously??? Where did this summer go??

  22. Wonderful photos! I only have one hydrangea, looks lovely in all seasons and I am very fond of it.

  23. A beautiful assortment of hydrangea blossoms Joey. I haven't grown hydrangeas in a long time. Too hot at our last house, and the deer relish them here. Years ago though I remember spending days making lovely dried hydrangea wreaths, so easy too!

  24. loved all your quotes...i am so looking forward to cooler evenings. hydrangeas are the perfect flower.
    happy september.

  25. Welcome home, dear Kate. And yes, where did the the summer go! September ((hugs)).

    Hello, Connie. I have beloved Annabells, amazing in all seasons in 2 locations, that give me great joy. Happy September gardening :)

    We can't have it all, dear Clare, and you post amazing goodies that I could never grow but so enjoy reading/seeing in your delightful/informative posts. I'd say, we are both blessed! Thank you fun friend.

  26. Enjoy September, dear Marmee. Cooler evenings are good and hydrangeas, the best! Since arriving at the lake, rain has subsided and we have a stunning break in the evening sky, a great night for sleeping. Happy holiday weekend :)

  27. Sigh, hydrangeas don't do well where I live, and I love them so! Last November I was in Costa Rica and saw the largest hydrangeas I've ever seen. In size I'd say they were between a volley ball and a basketball. Absolutely breathtaking. I love your composition in this image, Joey.

  28. Lovely hydrangeas, beautiful verses. So fast that summer is ending but I wish you a happy weekend.

  29. Thanks, Karen, I hear you. Some of my hydrangea blooms (Annabelle especially) are truly basketball size!

    Oh yes, Autumn Belle, too fast the summer ends. Thank you, fun friend. Let's enjoy the remains ... Happy weekend :)

  30. Joey, Your collages have the intricacy that the hydrangea has ... especially the last one. Each photo in itself is gorgeous! Happy September to you! ;>)

  31. Hydrangeas are beautiful in summer, but they get even better in autumn when they change colors. Such a lovely post, Joey!

  32. Your photos, quotes, all so beautiful! Always a pleasure to see hydrangeas.

  33. Thank you, Carol. This is indeed a beautiful flower. Wishing you a beautiful September.

    Hi, dear Tatyana, and thank you. Totally agree with you regarding the fall color, the best!

    Hello, dear Kanak, and thanks. You are not alone in your love for hydrangeas ... almost univeral appeal.

  34. Lovely pictures,I have a few hydrangea and find they are some of my more difficult flowers.

  35. Your hydrangeas are gorgeous, of course! We've been enjoying some gorgeous Michigan scenery the last few days, especially the views from the TC wineries. I'll post some shots eventually.

  36. Hi Chad! Back home, though briefly, I thank you for your kind comment. Hydrangeas can be fickle ... and why we love them!

    Hey Robin, welcome back home to MI. Sorry that weather this weekend was not awesome (the worst of the season). Dear friends were at a wedding at Bower's Harbor ... happy, the bride did not blow away:)

  37. Hi Joey - I reckon I class as one of the cooler areas then! My hydrangeas are beautiful blues, violets and mauves and I've got a cracking good collection of large flowers this year too - I guess they loved the August downpours!

    Would you like me to dry some off and send them to you?

    I love your photos and quotes :)

  38. Happy you are a hydrangea lover too, Nutty. What a sweet offer and thank you for your kind comment and offer but I have plenty ... unless you want to bring them over yourself :) ((BIG hugs))
