Wednesday, August 11, 2010


"Just for one's health ... it is very necessary to work in the garden and to see the flowers growing."

Vincent Van Gogh


~ On the lighter side, these are always a family favorite from ...
PICNIC! Recipes and Menus for Outdoor Enjoyment

1 2/3 cups flour
1/3 cup wheat germ
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 t sp. salt
1 tsp. baking soda
(preferably small wild ones)
1 cup buttermilk
2 Tbsp. melted unsalted butter

  • Preheat oven to 400-degrees.
  • In large bowl, combine flower, wheat germ, sugar, salt, and baking soda. Add blueberries and stir to coat. Add buttermilk and butter. Stir until just mixed.
  • Spoon batter into greased muffin pans. Bake 18 minutes or until golden brown. Cool in pans for 2 minutes.

"The purple coneflower isn't really purple at all. The large, eye-catching flowers are bright rose-pink. Each flower has a bristly iridescent orange center cone that provides lively contrast with the reflexed petals and a feeding station for butterflies. Growing on moist prairies and open woods, this American native was collected in southern Michigan more than 150 years ago but typically occurs to the south and west of the Great Lakes state. Native American have long used purple coneflower and its relatives for medicine, and today echinacea is enjoying a renewed popularity in health food stores as a treatment for the common cold ..."



  1. Coneflowers are so photogenic, and your photo collages are wonderful.

  2. You are an awesome photographer! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Ahhhhh, bliss. Never met a coneflower I didn't love, from the 'common' E. purpurea to my flamboyant Hot Papaya... Exquisite photos as always, Joey. Is it okay if I make the muffins with Nova Scotian blueberries?

  4. I love what you do with photos - really cool.

  5. Thank you, Garden Lily. As you might guess, I enjoy creating them.

    Welcome, Jan, and thank you for the lovely compliment. I've have a passion for photography for many years with still much to learn.

    I hear you, jodi. I love them too. You certainly have acquired some 'beauties'! I too have invested a small fortune over the years with little success but this tried and true never lets me down. Of course you can use Nova Scotian blueberries in the muffins (but they won't be as good)!

    Thank you, Jeff. It's more fun shooting 'cool' photos of my garden than working out in this horrid hot/humid weather :)

  6. You've captured every detail in your beautiful collages Joey.

    Like you I've tried a bunch of cultivars with little success. Ruby Giant and Fragrant Angel are the only two that made it beyond thir first season. I finally gave up on the cultivars. The tried-and-true natives started from a cheap packet of seeds are the ones that really thrive.

  7. I'm a coneflower fan too--your pictures do it justice! Mine have gone to seed but love those also. Mine multiplied so much this year that I've got to divide them in the fall.

    Big hugs today--love ya!

  8. love your shots of the coneflower. such a summer treat. fresh blueberry muffins sound so good this morning. maybe i can make them for dinner.
    happy summer days.

  9. Beautiful photos of my favorite flower! Coneflowers are such butterfly magnets--and now the goldfinches--that they will always have a place in my garden.

    Ooh, I would love to drive up to Michigan and get some of your wonderful blueberries, Joey! Illinois berries just aren't the same.

  10. Thank you, Linda. Yes, they are tough cookies! But like jodi, I would love to have a bed of simply gorgeous coneflowers.

    Thank you, dear Anna. You are a lucky gal but I'd don't want to hear the word 'fall' yet :( Summer is flying by way too fast. Big hugs back, dear friend. As soon as I get my act together, it's off to the lake today :) Love ya' too <3

    Thank you, dear Marmee. I think your family will like these muffins ... my favorite blueberry recipe, flavorful, moist, and not as rich as most.

    You should grab Beckie and head to Michigan, Rose ... a memorable trip for Thelma & Louise. We are so blessed to be able to grow not only beautiful flowers but amazing fruits and vegetables. Happy weekend :)

  11. Joey, this is my strongest coneflower. I just moved a couple of them so I hope they take. Blueberry muffins are a family favorite - not sure the ones in the frig are from Michigan - oops, just looked and they are from Michigan Yeah!


  12. What a incredibly visual post today's is. I love the combo colors of black and hot pink.

    Great recipe also, but then they all are.


  13. I love coneflowers, but you are right--they are pink, not purple!

  14. Your photos are gorgeous! Purple coneflower has found a spot to grow in my garden, far from where I originally planted it, perhaps carried there by a bird. It is a delightful plant.

  15. All the photos are very nice. My favorite is the bottom right in the set of four.

  16. Lovely Echinacea Joey.

    Michigan blueberries: now where could we get some of those? ;) My brother-in-law has blueberry farms in Michigan; last year he had to freeze all that he grew for farmers were only offered .25 cent a lb... highway robbery I'd say.

    Have a wonderful weekend Joey.

  17. Your photos of the coneflower reminded me of when we had these in abundance in Alberta. I need to get me some for next year for sure! Beautiful shots joey!

  18. Hi... I just discovered your wonderful photography... really enjoyable looking through your posts! Larry

  19. Thanks imac ... had hoped you say that :)

    An honor coming from your gifted eye, dear Jen. Hope your life is settling down. Let's enjoy the gift of August and hope it brings us all great joy (and no spiders in our beds)!

    Hi Zoey. Hello world ... we are NOT colorblind :)

    Surprises are delightful, debsgarden. Enjoy the gift :0)

    Thanks, Chad, a fun shoot.

    Welcome LC and thank you. Your site was most enjoyable also. Don't be a stranger ... it's fun to connect :)

  20. Beautiful collage of one of my favorite flowers. And those muffins sound yummy!

  21. Hi Di. Just returned from your Van Morrison concert experience ... how disappointing that he was rude. Curious, where is your BIL's farm in Michigan? I'm partial to Michigan blueberries and, a Michigan blogger, promoting all grand about our beautiful state. What a shame about his crop! Wishing you a wonderful weekend also. I'm at the cottage and just pulled myself in from watching tonight's awesome meteor shower. Life is good :)

    Hey Rick, thanks ... do get these. You won't be disappointed nor will visiting butterflies :)

  22. Thanks, dear Kala. Your last shot was one of MY favorites!

  23. Now they even make echinacae gummy bears for the kids! I eat them too, though.

    Nice collages and thanks for the recipe.

    I like that quote. Gardening is NECESSARY!

  24. Dearest Joey, Oh, I do so love picnics and these muffins sound the most perfect food for an informal alfresco delight. Of course, I am never either organised enough or capable enough to produce a homemade picnic, but I love them just the same.

  25. Pretty coneflowers, Joey! And I do love the quote/your thinking. Flowers are most definitely necessary for good health!! Here's to a fun weekend.

  26. Don't you just love coneflowers? I can never get enough of them, any variety! Yours are fabulous!

  27. Thanks 'gardening soul sister', Rosey.

    Dearest Edith, I can think of nothing lovelier than a picnic or informal alfresco dinner beside you. I will cook, prepare the fare, and while we share and enjoy, you will fill my soul with wonderous tales :)

    Thank you, dear Kate. Yes, to a fun weekend! Mine started early yesterday when we arrived at the cottage ... August memorable with dear family, tonight's perfect walleye dinner at the Inn, and a view of the waxing crescent moon over the lake when we returned. Tomorrow, dinner here for 10-14. Life is good :)

  28. Thanks, dear Robin. Here's to the awesome remains of our August gardens!

  29. lovely! I saw some yellow finches today - I think they were enjoying the coneflowers.

    Another recipe I've got to try. I think the wild blueberries are just better in cooking, don't you think?

  30. Another reason they are wonderful, Wendy. We grew up eating huckleberries ... the best!

  31. Mmmm, mmmm, to both the pictures and the muffins. I had some blueberry muffins day before yesterday and thought about how they're the height of summer goodness.

    Do you take Echinacea for colds? I do.~~Dee

  32. Didn't know coneflowers grow in the woods...guess everything started out wild.
    You should change your profile comment "HO-HUM HOUSEWIFE"...nothing ho-hum about you. :)

  33. Lindas fotos, preciosas flores, TE FELICITO!

  34. Hi Joey,I've just discovered your blog. What excellent photos!!! You are very creative and artistic. Will be back to enjoy your beautiful photos.

  35. Lovely!!! another super beautiful them all.gorgeous shots..and the recipe looks fabulous! You are so awesome Joey!
    And thanks for always a leaving a kind word for me!

  36. Thanks Dee. Are gluten-free muffins tasty? Enjoy the remains of August and lets hope for a break in the heatwave ... don't know how you do it!

    Thanks, Patsi. Ho-Hum is Me (Diary of a Ho-Hum Housewife is my novel I'm hoping to one day kick out the door)!

    Thank you, Tuqui. You are most kind.

    Welcome One and thank you. These are things I love so easy to be creative :)

    And thank you, dear Kiki, and your tender soul. You have been a joy getting to know.

  37. Interessting quote from van Gogh. I kne Monet was way into gardens, but did not realize the same from van Gogh. one of my favorite painters. Love all your echinaceas.

  38. Thanks, Monica. Besides Mr. Ho-Hum, sons, and grandsons ... 2 of my favorite guys :)

  39. What pretty pictures

  40. Welcome Anonymous and thank you!
