Sunday, August 15, 2010


"When gardeners garden, it is not just plants that grow,
but the gardeners themselves."

~ Ken Druse


(Echinacea 'Big Sky')

Rock Garden
(Black-eyed Susan, Sedum, Daylilies, Hardy Geranium, Hosta, Zinnia, Verbena, Red Begonia, Streptocarpus, Moonbeam Coreopsis)

Streptocarpus formosus
(Cape Primrose)


Black-Eyed Susan

Rose of Sharon
also called shrub althaea

(Annabelle Hydrangea - H. macrophylla)

Hosta 'Sum and Substance'

Back Corner Garden


"A garden really lives only insofar as it is an expression of faith, the embodiment of a hope and a song of praise."

~ Russell Page


  1. What wonderful eye candy Joey - fantastic display along with those wonderful collages.

  2. Wow, look at all your colors!! And I almost thought the macro of Sum and Substance was nicotiana. (Which is why I like macros because we see things so differently close up.)

  3.'s a delight to come and see your beautiful garden. What a pleasure it must be amidst such an array of gorgeous blooms! Love the shot of your back corner garden. And as for your photos...lovely as ever!

  4. I could spend all day just looking at the photos on your blog.

  5. Joey, your garden really looks great. You must be watering like crazy to keep it this fresh.


  6. I love daisies. Beautiful photo collage as always. Has your garden ever been part of a garden walk? If not, it should be and if it ever is...I'm so there.

  7. wow, what a lovely stroll. You get to do this all the time in real life??!

  8. Que hermoso jardin!! Cuantas bellas flores, gracias por mostrarlas...

  9. Welcome leavesinbloom and thank you. The August garden has been kind to me :)

    My thoughts exactly, Monica. Thank you, dear friend.

    Thank you, dear Kanak, for your, as always, thoughtful comments. Happy remains of August :)

    How kind, Jeff! Thank you. It's been fun connecting with you.

    Hi Eileen. Yes, watering, watering, watering ... especially before we leave for the lake, which is where we still are until tomorrow. I shot and pre-posted before I left on Thurs, hoping all will be well when I get home to again hit the garden with great gusto before we return here again next weekend.

    Thanks, dear Lindalou. Yes, have garden walks for our club but, as mentioned before, you are always welcome to stop by. May/June/July are my favorite months in the garden although this summer has been wonderful though hard to keep up in this heat/humidity and time away.

    Welcome meemsnyc and thank you. Always a joy to see a new garden lover.

    How sweet, Wendy. Lots of work but lots of reward. It's what I love to do and feeds my soul :)

    Again thank you, Tuqui. Your visits warm my heart.

  10. Wow joey, I always have to pause when I get here - so much to see and admire! Beautiful photos as always, and such a variety. Like sunsets, flower photos never get tiresome!

  11. Your garden looks to be growing beautifully Joey! :)

  12. Beautiful serie of flowers pictures !

  13. Dearest Joey, Oh how I should love to stroll through your garden in reality for it looks at the peak of perfection in these images. My favourite is the border in which the cool colours of lilac and white are predominant, shot through with just a touch of lemon. And a marvellous iron seat on which to admire the view. Perfect.

  14. Your garden grows beautifully Joey!

  15. The first quote is wonderful, Joey--I certainly relate to that sentiment. Lovely summer beauties here; my echinacea are already fading, but yours look like fresh blooms. Love the combination in the back corner garden--I'd like to find a bench and just sit there for awhile:)

  16. Thank you, Rick. That is very kind (since you'll be seeing lots more of both :)

    Hi Kala. Thanks ... for August, not too shabby!

    Welcome, akarui, and thank you. I just returned from visiting your beautiful blog :)

    Dearest Edith, I can think of nothing lovelier than a stroll through my garden with you beside me. Come in May and stay through the season :)

    Thank you, Linda, as does yours!

    Hi, dear Rose, and thank you. Do come and sit for awhile on my bench ... it would be wonderful! We can watch my turtlehead bloom ... I remember you like them :)

  17. Oh gosh the long shot with the white bench in the garden has my heart going thump thump THUMP! Simply stunning and the garden of my dreams!

  18. Nature lovers Heaven Joey.

  19. how wonderful your august garden is looking...enchanting. it's great to see everything blooming and doing so well. i know you are a busy girl with the lake feasts and your garden.
    happy summer days.

  20. So sweet, Tina. Come sit with me ... how fun to connect!

    Thanks imac ... lovely words :0)

    Happy summer day, dear Marmee, and thank you. My garden feeds my soul as does life at the cottage. By now you know me well and love how you relate to my lake feasts ... many and often this summer! Blessed to share, I could not be happier than when wrapping my arms around/feeding those I love.

  21. Gorgeous collages Joey and that quote at the beginning is so true. :)

  22. I think you should have a garden party, so we could all soak up this beauty in person!!!! Thank you for sharing all this loveliness - it's breath taking!

  23. Hi Racquel. I truly believe this quote. Knowing you and your zest in your garden/life, know you do too. Thank you dear gardening friend.

    Karen, thank you. I love garden parties! Do come and I'll arrange another (don't forget your camera and, in between dining, we'll have a great time shooting) :)

  24. I'm so glad you included a few long shots, because your garden is even more beautiful from a distance, if that's possible.

  25. Thank you, Robin. Considering the heat/humidity and time away, it hung in there for me. I hate to see the garden wane knowing how long we will have to wait for it's spring return. In the meantime, let's enjoy the remains of summer :)

  26. All very pretty! I love that shot of the Shasta daisy on it's own.
    You have such a lovely garden!

  27. Joey, wonderful! I think your collages are great and serve well documenting what was blooming in your garden. The picture of the corner of the garden with a white bench took my breath away!

  28. Looks like a very peaceful spot to sit and relax.

  29. Thank you, Tatyana. It's sad to see August disappearing. My garden is certainly quieting down but there is always something grand to focus on. Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

    Thanks Chad. Indeed it is. I luv my old bench!

  30. Thank you, dear Rosey. It's been a work in progress for over 30 years.

  31. That hosta with large white flowers..does have a scent similar to gardenias? I was visiting a friend the other day and she has them all in her back yard which gets a lot of shade with filtered light all day. Oh, the scent was delightful. She has a fenced yard so she doesn't have to worry about "feeding the deer a hosta buffet" I'd never seen a hosta with such large blooms or one that has such a lovely fragrance. She told me what hers was called but didn't understand her french accent.
