Wednesday, September 29, 2010


"With the first gleam of morning rays, the garden is a prism of a thousand hues refracted in tiny does of crystal dew, a dazzling quilt of millefleur colors covering the sleeping flower beds."

~ Duane Michals (The Vanishing Act)

This morning's garden prism


GAILLARDIA (Blanketflower)


(Echinacea purpurea 'Prairie Splendor')



Oak Leaf Hydrangea, Sedum, Annabelle Hydrangea, Nasturtium, Coleus,
Heuchera, Anemome, Verbena, Streptocarpus, Turtlehead,
Sedum, Alyssum, Hydrangea, Oxalis, Coleus, Phlox,
Coreopsis, Japanese Painted Fern-Heuchera, Hydrangea, Coneflower, Phlox, Cyclamen

A hint of September's many garden miracles

"But now in September the garden has cooled, and with it my possessiveness. The sun warms my back instead of beating on my head ... The harvest has dwindled, and I have grown apart from the intense midsummer relationship that brought it on."

~ Robert Finch


  1. Que belleza de fotos, todas, muy bonitas...

  2. What a beautiful goodbye to September. The mist is so perfect. Your garden a prism of magic.

  3. Beautiful morning light. I would love to see some of these full size! The white coneflower is my favorite. Is it October already? Happy "O" to you too!

  4. How kind, Tuqui. Thank you.

    Hi Tina. Thank you for the kind comment. After yesterday's hard rain, today's morning mist was awesome, a perfect day for photographing.

    Thank you, kcjewel. Love coneflowers and delighted some are still blooming this late in the season. Not quite October but it's headed our way, soon :)

  5. Lots of gorgeous photos and collages. The Oak Leaf Hydrangea shot is perfect.

  6. Those early morning light shots with the mist are dazzling ! And that toad lily - WOW - have never seen that before ! Beautiful flower collages - a nice tribute to September. Let's hope that October remains kind.

  7. Great photos - especially of the sunlight through the trees.

  8. Thanks, Kala. Happy Autumn :)

    I'm with you, Rick, and thank you. My toad lilies just bloomed. Aren't they handsome! Yes, may October be kind.

    Hi Jeff. Yesterday was glorious, the morning especially spectacular. Today promises to be lovely too. Thank you.

  9. You have loads of beautiful photos in this post. I like the morning rays shining through the trees. That is breathtaking.

  10. Hi Joey, we all seem to be saying goodbye to summer. As usual, your collages are stunning! I must learn to do this. I have so much to learn with photography.


  11. Joey, your late September garden still has beautiful color. Each bloom is precious, isn't it? Your collages, photos and quotes are such a delight.
    Those morning rays are exquisite! You must have such fun with your camera :)
    It's a cleaning, cooking, blog reading, coffee drinking soggy rainy day here!
    So sad to see September go....
    But the autumn colors are glorious!
    Always lovely to hear from you. Happy Autumn to you too :)

  12. Dearest Joey, You capture the early morning misty rays of light so beautifully in these first images. I have no idea at what unearthly hour you rise to capture them, but it is surely before breakfast!

    The Annabelle Hydrangeas are simply lovely. I have them massed beneath my dining room windows and they give such pleasure over such a long season. Yours look wonderful.

  13. Thank you, One. It was a glorious morning gift!

    Such bittersweet feelings, Eileen, and sad to say goodbye. I think you have a very fine eye behind the lens and marvel how you do a daily post. So, wishing us both a happy autumn :)

    Hello,, dearest Edith. Actually, this was taken around 9 AM. I so agree. From beginning to end, Annabelle Hydrangeas are truly a giving flower as are all of my hydrangeas that I dearly love.

  14. Hi Kerri! It's always a joy to hear from you too. Tonight, the last eve of September, is glorious and I hate to say goodbye. Think of your rain as a fall gift to the garden. We had a cloudburst on Monday that I was very thankful for. Thank you for your kind thoughts ~ Happy October :)

  15. Amazing photos - those first two collages are like portals to Heaven! Your Annabelle hydrangeas are lovely. I have a number of them planted in my garden in memory of my mother, whose name was AnnaBelle, so they are very special to me.

  16. Thank you, debsgarden. Funny you said that since I thought the same thing when I ran to grab my camera. I too have memory gardens ... and why each of our gardens are unique. Autumn joy!

  17. Such a gorgeous morning in your garden, I wish I could have been there to enjoy it with you.

  18. Fabulous glimpses into September! Oh Joey, these are so gorgeous! Beautiful light and mist with your trees and flowers. What a joy to see! ;>)

  19. How fun would that be, Robin! Just returned from viewing your wonderful Michigan trip ... your photos, grand!

    Hello, dear Carol, and thank you. After visiting you, I know we both are blessed!

  20. Joey - just had to stop by and add my praises to your magnificent collages - what a lovely farewell to September.


  21. Beautiful montages again Joey - and I LOVE that Toad Lily!

    It's raining so hard here that I haven't even ventured out of the door yet today, never mind having a chance to take glorious photos! :(

    Have a wonderful weekend :)

  22. What beautiful photos...I never, ever tire of seeing them. I'm crazy in love with the big, old Annabelle Hydrangeas.


  23. Welcome, Laura, how kind and thank you. Hello glorious October :)

    Hi Nutty and thank you! Wish I should share this glorious, although a bit cool, morning with you and according to the weatherman, one of the last we will see this weekend, which will be grand in spite of it (lots of fun stuff going on). Hope yours is too, fun friend.

    Hello, Donna. I've missed you! I too love my Annabelles that have been especially grand this year. Happy October :)

  24. Your photos are absolutely gorgeous. I especially love the first mosaic of the light through the trees.

  25. Thanks, Ginny. It was a stunning morning ... a delightful gift!

  26. Hi, Joey! Your photos are beautiful! I love collages of the sunbeams streaming down into the garden. Glorious! I also like your view of the underside of the coneflower. Of all the times I've photographed a coneflower, I've never featured the underside. It's really lovely! And the toad lily is spectacular! I can't grow them down here in SE Florida...bummer. Yours are gorgeous and very striking!

  27. A joy to welcome you, Kimberly, and thank you. Actually, this waning coneflower, on its way out, is gasping for light on its last days! Have lovelier underside shots earlier in the season of this and its many brothers and sisters. Ah, but 'just beginning' tiny Toad Lily faces are bright stars in the fall garden. BTW, so enjoyed your joyful site :)

  28. I can't believe how many amazing photos you have! I love the sun stream ones, and the gaillardia, and the coneflowers and the toad lily, oh the toad lily is soooo cute!!!

  29. When the camera comes out, I'm a shooting fool, Monica, yet never enough time to focus on all the amazing happenings even in the waning garden.
