Monday, September 27, 2010


"No Spring nor Summer Beauty hath such grace
As I have seen in one Autumnal face."

~ John Donne

Basket of Mums


~ A 'winner autumnal dinner' adapted from April 1999 COOKING LIGHT magazine

2 (1 lb. or more) well-trimmed pork tenderloins
coarse salt and freshly ground black pepper


1 thinly sliced onion
juice and zest of 1 lemon
6 Tbsp. dry red wine
2 crushed garlic cloves

Dried Cranberry/Cherry Chutney:

4 cup dried cranberries and/or cherries
1 cup sugar
2 cups orange juice
1 1/2 cups red wine vinegar
1 cup diced Vidalia (sweet) onions
1/2 cup raspberry vinegar
2 Tbsp. minced fresh ginger
1 Tbsp. minced jalapeno pepper
2 Tsp. cilantro
1 tsp. cardamom
1 tsp. ground cumin
juice and zest of 1 fresh lemon
1 tsp. ground cloves
2 (3-in.) cinnamon sticks

Caramelized Onions:

2 Tbsp. unsalted butter
3 cups thinly sliced onions (red or yellow)
1 tsp. sugar
1 cup dry red wine
salt & freshly ground pepper to taste

  • Combine ingredients for marinade and pour into zip-lock bad. Add tenderloins, seal and refrigerate 8 hours or overnight.
  • Cranberry/Cherry Chutney: (make ahead) Combine all ingredients in large saucepan, bring t boil, reduce heat and cook uncovered until thick (abut 1 hour), stirring occasionally. Discard cinnamon sticks. Place in airtight container and chill until ready to serve. (Leftovers delicious on block of cream cheese, brie, or log of goat cheese.)
  • To Serve: Remove met from marinade and discard marinade. Sprinkle pork with salt and pepper. Prepare Caramelized Onions*. Place pork on hot grill, reduce heat to medium-high, close cover and grill 10 minutes. Turn and continue grilling for another 10 minutes (internal temperature of 160º - slightly pink). Or bake at 425º for 20 minutes. Let rest before slicing 1/4-inch thick slices. Serve with Caramelized Onions and Cranberry/Cherry Chutney. (8 servings).
* Caramelized Onions: Melt butter in skillet. Add onion and cook over medium-high heat for 5 minutes, stirring frequently. Sprinkle with sugar (helps onions to brown) and continue cooking for 25 minutes or until deep golden brown, stirring constantly. Add wine and cook for 5 minutes or until liquid almost evaporates.


8 well scrubbed favorite potatoes, cut into small wedges
1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
1/2 cup balsamic vinegar
3 minced garlic cloves
chopped fresh rosemary to taste
coarse salt & freshly ground black pepper
6-8 z. crumbled goat cheese
additional freshly chopped rosemary

  • Combine olive oil, balsamic vinegar, garlic and rosemary and toss with potatoes. Let stand at room temperature 30 minutes or longer.
  • Preheat oven to 425º. Drain potatoes and spread on lightly oiled baking sheet. Sprinkle with salt & pepper. Bake 45 minutes, turning occasionally, for 45 minutes or until browned.
  • Place in bowl and toss with crumbled goat cheese Sprinkle with fresh chopped rosemary.


  1. Cheery mums Joey! Lovely and your chutney ... yum yum!! ;>)

  2. Que buena receta! Que bonitas flores!

  3. Beautiful quote...and lovely mums! The pork sounds so delicious~I am a potato fan and these also make my mouth water! gail

  4. Beautiful yellows in those mums.

    This reminds me, I might have pork next weekend.

  5. Dearest Joey, As you can well imagine, apart from the Chrysanthemums, all the rest of your delightful posting today must, for me at least, be left in the hands of professionals, the proficient, the chefs, cooks, or, at the very least, those who know the sharp side of a knife. However, I know that it is a cheat but I take back to Budapest the most wonderful Caramalised Onion Chutney in a jar, purchased in Waitrose [a grocery store] and T, my cook/ housekeeper works wonders with it on sausages or any cut of pork. Delicious!

  6. I would love to be sitting down to that pork loin meal for dinner tonight--I wish someone was cooking it for me!

    I did copy the recipe so maybe I will try it some weekend when I have the time.

    Thanks for sharing.

  7. This sounds like a great way to enjoy Tenderloin.

    Your collages are so fall-ish today. I like them a lot!

  8. Have squirelled away your chutney recipe, to try one day.

  9. House mums cheer me, Carol. Gathered a few things to brighten the fading light of day. And the smell of this chutney simmering on the back burner is divine!

    Hello, Tuqui, and thank you. Happy Spring :)

    Thanks, Gail. We've had a cool snap that certainly shouts, "Autumn has arrived"!

    Autumn, pork, and mums ... a good thing, Rob. Thanks and enjoy the cooler weather.

    Then, dearest Edith, you would well know what a fine meld of flavors these are. Happy Autumn days :)

    A bit bittersweet for me but also wonderful, Michelle. Delighted to catch up.

    Do hope you'll enjoy this, Zoey, perfect for the change in our weather.

    Fall is in the air, Rosey, and along with it the seasonal taste of heavier/spicier foods. A very easy recipe and quite delicious!

    I'm a chutney lover, EE ... a good recipe to squirrel away.

  10. I keep looking out my office windows, at a pathetic pot of Mums, hoping they'll eek out a bloom or two. Sadly, I think the repeated pruning courtesy of bambi and co. may preclude any chance of that. Maybe I'd be more successful turning my attention toward your scrumptious sounding potatoes instead!

  11. Joey,love pork tenderloin, been using Julia Childs recipe for years. This one sounds delicious especially with the carmelized onions and those potatoes, great. The mums are lovely also, but you know what turns me on, the food!


  12. Your collages are just gorgeous... I need lessons please : ) Love the mums... classic fall!!

  13. Hi Clare. I simply buy new mums each autumn finding them garden hogs, demanding too much valuable spring/summer garden space. So let's enjoy these yummy rich potatoes!

    Thanks, fun Eileen :) I have at least 15 favorite pork tenderloin recipes, each depending on my seasonal mood. This one is perfect for autumn, the chutney alone is wonderful!

  14. Thank you, kcjewel. You are most kind and, yes, mums are classic fall.

  15. Those flowers would cheer anyone up on a gloomy morning like this one. Love that first photo.

  16. Ah goat rich, so smooth, so divine in this menu

  17. Thanks One. You are not alone ... it's gloomy here too!

    Agree, goat cheese is divine, Linda!

  18. I love the flowers. I did a series of these too. Yours are stunning.
    Thanks for stopping.
    Your blog looks so intersnting and so inviting.

  19. your mum mosaics are gorgeous.
    and your recipes sound so delicious and comforting.

    have a wonderful day~

  20. beautiful mums and wonderful recipe -- we love chutney, but we are currently trying to switch to a vegetarian diet.

  21. Wonderful shots joey - beautiful colours, and you always capture them so well.

    These also remind me of growing up - my dad used to grow these in large 'cloth houses', not greenhouses - so called because the light was controlled by thick water-resistant paper that my brothers and I had to roll up and let down at specific times. The paper did not allow light through and the mums could be forced to bloom at the right time for market. The smell of a leaf rubbed between fingers instantly transports me back to that time.

  22. Beautiful photos - and I can't wait to try your recipe for roasted potatoes!

  23. Joey, your photography is always stunning, and your recipes sound scrumptious! I print them all out and soon with try them.

  24. I am still pondering how, and when I can get the ingredients together tonight to make these stunning recipes. Oh Jen, wipe the drool off of your mouth....

    Wow, great shots, and wonderful recipes.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  25. I was hungry before I started reading your post - now I'm RAVENOUS!!!

    and what stunning photos too! :)

  26. Welcome, Lisa, and thank you. (As is yours!)

    How kind, Chasity. Thank you for stopping by and saying hello.

    Thank you, dear Cameron. This chutney is good on lots of stuff, likes cheeses. Good luck with the diet and heartfelt hugs for your loss.

    How kind, Rick, and thank you. I'm not too fond of the smell of mums but they are sure autumn lovely from a distance :)

    Hi, Ginny, and thanks. Enjoy the potatoes ... hope you like them :)

    A huge honor, Karen. You are a dear and thank you.

    And a huge honor from you too, dear talented Jen. If you do find time, do hope you enjoy and let me know.

    Thanks Nutty. Visiting you often has the same effect on me ... still dreaming of your summer pudding :)

  27. Oh, yum. What was I thinking visiting your blog over the noon hour? Suddenly my salad seems very disappointing. :) I'm excited to give this whole meal a go.

  28. I'm new to Blotanical and just discovered your blog and I'm so glad I did! It seems we both share a love of fall, cooking and macro photography! I look forward to reading in the future. ~Cat

  29. But a good choice, Kate. Salads are better for lunch! Now, dinner another story ....

    Welcome, Cat, and thank you. It's always a joy to meet fellow gardeners, cookers, and photographers! Anxious to pop over for a visit. Enjoy Blotanical, a great meeting place.

  30. Joey girl this is a perfect scenario of gorgeous mums and fantastic Autumnal food ! .. I haven't seen those types of mums before they are so pretty .. paired with these wonderful recipes .. well they are simple PERFECTION !
    Joy : )

  31. Such beautiful mums, Joey! They're so different from anything I've seen in the garden centers here.

    The recipes sound delicious--dinner at your house must be a treat every night!

  32. Love that quote...perfect !
    Roasted goat cheese potatoes sounds great...anything with cheese is a good thing.

  33. Heartwarming colours! And the pork recipe...I'll be trying it out. Now that the days are going to be cooler, pork will be very much on our table:)Sounds delicious!

    Your photos are absolutely beautiful!

  34. How sweet, Joy. Thank you. Well, tomorrow you rule ... it's October, girl :)

    Thank you, dear Rose. Certainly not every night but the children/grandboys live near and we are blessed with wonderful friends that I love to entertain ... it's what feeds my soul. Happy October :)

    Good Skeeter ... just as i had hoped :)

    I'm with you and cheese, Patsi! Happy October gardening :)

    Thank you, dear Kanak. This is truly a heartwarming recipe for cooler weather. Enjoy!

  35. Mmmmm, goat cheese potatoes! And look at you with your cool red-brushed mums. Fancy! ;-)
