Sunday, September 19, 2010


"People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within."
Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

COLEUS (Solenostemon) 'Mint Chocolate'

"In the right light, at the right time,
everything is extraordinary. "
~ Aaron Rose


  1. Joey, I ADORE your "stained glass" photos of 'Mint Mocha!' What a dummy I am, to have passed up these simpler coleus for so many years in favor of the fancier-colored ones. I won't make that mistake next spring. :)

  2. Too cool. I think you out did yourself on this post.

  3. Your stained glass is beautiful. What a very artistic mind to think that up.

  4. Goodness Joey, it is as stained glass. Stunning! What an eye you have.

  5. Hi Joey,

    These Coleus are outstanding! Your collages really are amazing.
    Make sure you take cuttings of these Coleus, they are keepers!

  6. Joey, Your coleus is beautiful in this light... you caught it at the right moment. I love the Elizabeth Kubler-Ross quote. Certainly a bright light shone from deep within her and still shines though she is no longer with us.

  7. Thanks Kim. I actually just purchased this awesome plant to perk up my drab patio while shifting stuff from outside to in. It's HUGE and I love it!

    Wow! Thanks Jeff.

    Welcome Sherri B and thank you. Not so clever, it was the lightening that spoke to me :)

    How kind, Di, and thank you. This is truly a stunning plant, just what I needed to perk up the end of summer doldrums.

    How kind, Carol. I was in awe this late afternoon with the background lighting shining through these amazing leaves. So smitten, once I began shooting I couldn't stop (you know how that goes :) A delightful way to spend a quiet afternoon (while Mr. Ho-Hum was at a football game).

  8. Lost in Blogger shuffle, Rosey, but thanks for the reminder ... a great idea and I definitely will. I love to cut coleus for vases anyway. Happy day :)

  9. Truly stunning collages! And I love the quote at the beginning. 'Mint Chocolate' offers a lot for the garden, but I would buy it for its name alone!

  10. What a wonderful post, Joey! From the quotation through all the photos. I love your #3 photo/collage! :-) Wouldn't that make a beautiful card or "wall ornamaent?" Happy day!

  11. I have been completely seduced by your photos! Deductive to inductive coleosity. Stunning!

  12. Joey, there is a coleus I missed. I will certainly look for this one next year.


  13. Lovely sentiment on people and stained glass windows. Wow on the photos!

  14. When your page loaded, I actually thought I was looking at a picture of a stained glass window! What fabulous shots of a stunning coleus. And the quote....beautiful!!! I'd never have thought about stained glass regarding any foliage pattern. I'll keep my eyes open:) LOVED it!

  15. Joey, I am new here, but fell in love with your stained glass coleus, how beautiful! You definitely do have an eye for photography. 'Chocolate Mint', where was that one hiding when I bought coleus this spring? The name alone is so tempting. The reminder to bring some coleus cuttings in is very good; the trouble is I run out of space to keep them all winter.

    Wonderful post!

  16. Dearest Joey, How perfectly you have captured the light shining through the Coleus and how clever to match it with such a wonderful quotation. It is so true that true beauty really does shine from within and is not just a surface detail. What a beautiful and thought provoking posting you have given us, your readers, today!

  17. Gorgeous post Joey..and i love all the photos..dazzling!

  18. I know, Debsgarden, it tempted me too! Thank you.

    Thanks, dear Shady. You are always so kind :)

    Welcome Potager (Linda) and thank you for your lovely comment. It has been a joy connecting and have added your clever/artistic site to my other wonderful 'Garden Haunts'.

    Colelus are all so stunning, Eileen, I too want them all!

    Thanks, Tina. Again, happy 3rd Blogging Anniversary :) You have made me stop and think since I've never celebrated mine and just realized, it's almost 4!

    How sweet, dear Kanak. It's amazing to see the wonderful patterns in nature and why I so love macro photography.

    Welcome Karen and thank you. I too love stained glass, owning several lamps and a series of antique windows from England in the lower level English Pub. Wish I had camera near at the wedding last Sat at beautiful/historic St. Joseph church (Detroit). Amazing windows!

    Thank you, dearest Edith. With the advent of fall, I have been a bit consumed with the waning light and shorter days so it was a joy to capture the remains of one of the last lovely summer days. All just came together in quiet alone time.

    Thanks Kiki ... happy dazzling autumn!

  19. Joey, your photos of the coleus are truly spectacular...and very much like stained glass. I enjoyed your quotes, too. Very nice!

  20. Beatyful pictures dear Joey and the words too. Together they are stunning.
    Love/ Tyra

  21. My word, that's a beautiful coleus. I love it. I also love your quotes. You are like stained glass, beautiful in and out.

  22. Another Joey special, real beauty.

  23. Welcome, Kimberly, and thank you. Plants are amazing, aren't they. I just returned from your fine site, viewing your wish list. Good luck including them in your life. I joined your follows and shall return.

    Thank you, Tyra. As you well know and do so beautifully, it's fun to piece a post together. Happy Autumn, dear fun friend. XOcoming

    Oh Dee, what a kind comment! Thank you, dear one. Coming from such a beautiful woman herself, I'm deeply honored.

    Thanks, dear imac. I so appreciate your thoughtful comments (keep 'em comin' :)

  24. aloha joey,

    that was fun, loved your stained glass...coleus is so underrated...but here in hawaii they are well loved since cuttings take so easily and they can grow quite large....loved the chocolate mint version

  25. Aloha, Noel. Happy to see you again and thank you. Wow, to your last 'lava show' ... amazing volcano shots!

    Welcome, Tuqui, and thank you. You showcase amazing art on your site. Truly a joy connecting.

  26. Oh....oh, oh. Oh my!

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  27. Oh my, Jen ... oh, oh ... hopefully a good, "oh my!"

  28. Welcome, Scott, and thank you.

  29. Wow, I certainly didn't see any of this coleus in any of the nurseries this spring. If I had, I certainly would have bought one! It really does look like stained glass. I've really become a coleus fan, especially with all the new varieties they've developed in the last few years.

  30. Hi Rose ~ this is definitely one coleus that should be enjoyed up close. From a distance, you might pass it by. Happy Autumn, dear friend.

  31. Very beautiful.

    At first I thought it was something edible. (Sorrel . . . ?)

    It's very beautiful. If asked, I would have guessed coleus leaves would all have been too thick to work like this. Mind, a lot is in the way you've arranged them!


  32. Thank you, dear Esther. A busy plant to photograph, the soft late afternoon light was very kind once I discovered the joy of shooting from behind. Happy Autumn :)

  33. lol, to me this looks more like stained glass than coleus, but now I know I'll always be able to ID it from here on out! :)

  34. Monica, you are too fun and blessed to know you :)
