Monday, October 18, 2010


"There is no season when such pleasant and sunny spots may be lighted on, and produce so pleasant an effect on the feelings, as now in October."

~ Nathaniel Hawthorne

Up driveway and overhead sky
(Click on all photos for larger view)

'Wa-gi-daa-king' Autumn

South shore drive

South Shore view

West Branch River

West Shore Drive

Tamarack Island

Old Marina

Down hill Mt. Maria view

Down hill Mt. Maria

Remains of the Day
(October Sunset)


  1. Dearest Joey, I am not surprised that you have such frequent 'get aways' to this absolutely beautiful and unspoilt part of your country. The images you show here are totally captivating, my favourite being the 'Remains of the Day' as it so perfectly captures the mood of October.

  2. Joey, what fantastic fall colors! I'm so envious! When I first moved to coastal California the thing I missed most was distinct seasons, and the glorious diversity of colors displayed by the trees each fall. At the moment our fall colors are mostly the result of the poison oak vines turning red :P Your October sunset shot at the end is simply breathtaking.

  3. You are a Queen of Collages, dear Joey! Wonderful, uplifting views and scenes!

  4. Joey, what a wonderful getaway. I am afraid we don't get to Wisconsin as often as I would like, maybe this weekend.


  5. Joey, such wonderful collages! Your love for the season shines through in your photography.

  6. Joey, everything in there is awesome, the autumn scenes are really captivating. I'd like to tell you that i haven't seen Autumn in person, so these really are heartwarming. Even the sunset compliments the scenes, but of course we have this too! hehe.

  7. From that first leaf strewn lane to that absolutely glorious sunset, this was a wonderful tour of autumn colors, Joey.
    The fall colored leaves against those azure!
    What a gift you have with the camera!
    And that's beautiful countryside to be driving in.
    Thanks so much for sharing it.

  8. Sigh~it's all so beautiful. What a wonderful place to retreat to when you want to take a deep breath and relax~xxgail

  9. I was particularly struck by the view up the driveway -- such beautiful fall colors!

  10. Dearest Edith, thank you. We arrived home from the yesterday to return again on Thurs. As you can see looking up our driveway, the leaves are falling ... we had to 'shovel' our deck to get in! Hopefully, we will still have color next weekend. If not, we're enjoying autumn here at home.

    Thank you, Clare. The great variety of hardwoods, conifers, evergreens, and elevation make for a lovely tapestry of autumn color. Had wished to travel the surrounding area but time was cut short, finding a replacement for my leaking washing machine :( The equinox sets directly in front so we are blessed with some awesome sunsets, each unique.

    How kind, Tatyana, thank you. It's an amazing time of the year.! I certainly enjoyed the photos from your fabulous trip!

    Thanks Eileen. Do hope you get to catch some color before all fades and falls! We're heading back on Thurs. though it will be past peak.

    Hi, Shirley, how kind. Thank you. The lake and surrounding area is lovely and very photogenic.

    Thanks imac ... loved your gull photo!

    Enjoy those sunsets, Andrea. I have tons of fall photos on my blog. Pretend :)

    Hi, dear Kerri. It was a stunning weekend for sure, the sky amazing. Wherever I go at the lake, I toss my cameras in the car, never knowing what I might miss :) I'm hoping to catch/see a black bear! I'll keep you posted!

    Thanks Gail. These photos were taken Sat. on the way to see my sister on the opposite side of the lake. Year round, the drive is always awesome. The lake is about 27 miles around so this was only 1/2 way.

  11. Thank you, Sweetbay, Actually, I think it's a bit past peak but still lovely. We are surrounded by thick woods, a great place for walks and awesome smells like mossy cedar.

  12. Joey, I really stopped breathing there for a while! It is one of the most beautiful landscapes you live in, you are one lucky girl!

    'Wa-gi-daa-king' does it say autumn or?

    I think this October has been one of the best ever./ Tyra

    Fragrant and Tasty in Tyra’s Garden

  13. I especially like your Tamarack Island photo. Years ago, I used to think all the Tamarack trees were dying in the fall until I was informed that they turn yellow and lose their needles this time of year. We recently spent a couple of days in Michigan's Ottawa National Forest. I do believe all one million acres of it was on fire with fall color.


  14. Joey, How lovely to see your watery world and the glorious trees that grow around it. Beautiful collages of October. I love the driveway and the old marina looks very skeleton like. Fall colors are very fleeting . . . like the weather, for when it turns too cold the leaves will fall. I find the softer colors as rich and lovely as the brighter ones. The days even into November are to me very beautiful. ;>)

  15. Thank you dear Tyra. I have the same feeling when I visit you :) Rich in Native American history, 'Wa-gi-daa-king' is the name of our cottage, Ojibwe (one of the largest groups of Native Americans-First Nations inhabiting upper Midwest) meaning for 'on top of a hill'. Yes, October is glorious and we are blessed to have this awesome getaway :)

    Delighted to see you, Donna, and thank you. I love the look of tamaracks too, especially in autumn. That part of the lake, so different from the rest, is loaded. Yes, another treasure ... the UP!

    Thank you, Carol, and I do agree. I love the soft colors against the vibrant awesome November sky. The lake is year-round beautiful, so easy to fall in to each season.

  16. would like to walk up that driveway and swish thru the leaves ...

  17. The water shots are so gorgeous. That true blue of the water and sky surely tells us it is October. My favorite shots are of the old marina. I too often feel poignant when I see the remains of once busy buildings and marinas and such. Time passes so quickly; which isn't always a bad thing:)

  18. Stunningly beautiful Joey - what a fantastic place to be. I can so understand why you go up there so often - I would too....and in Autumn to kick through those leaves would be bliss! :)

  19. Aw, those shots make me miss the midwest.

  20. Muy bonito el otoño en tus collages, cuantos bellos lugares!

  21. Our lives/habitat is so different and why I so enjoy visiting you, EE. Swishing through leaves is good ... embracing the child within us :)

    For sure, Tina, and where does the time go? When shooting old places/structures that I so enjoy, I often place myself into the time frame and wonder. The water on this side of the lake, at this time of the year and in early spring, is true navy blue. So as times passes, lets both enjoy today and the remains of autumn :)

    You also are experiencing a great life, Liza. The Midwest will always be a part of your great memories.

    Swishing thorough leaves is good, dear Nutty, and I can't think of anyone who I would enjoy the moment with more than you. After walking the woods, where we would never run out of fun stuff to connect about, we might find ourselves in front of the fire with something fine to eat and drink :)

    Yes, Michigan autumns are grand, Tuqui. Thank you :)

  22. Oh Joey, I can feel the crunch of the leaves and smell their musky, earthy scent........thank you for such a beautiful tour.

  23. Thanks, Linda. Enjoyed your tour also ... those buffalo can be a handful during mating season :)

  24. Joey, Love all the shots but that October sunset is captivating ;-) What a wonderful excursion for you and we benefit as well!

  25. What an Autumn treat... I can hear the leaves crunching under my feet as I walk your trails! FABULOUS photos dear Joey.

    Happy Autumn Harvest to you!

  26. Thank you, Cat. From start to finish, it was a stunning day ... a perfect autumn day.

    And happy autumn harvest to you, dear Bren. Thank you, dear friend. You are welcome any time to visit and crunch leaves :)

  27. LOVE Remains of the Day. The light is so gorgeous.

  28. Wow, I had no idea Hubbard Lake was that gorgeous in the fall! Great photos.

  29. So beautiful, Joey! As much as I enjoy all your photos from Hubbard Lake throughout the year, autumn has to be the most glorious scene of all.

  30. Such beauty in your neck of the woods my friends. Thank you for showing us your seasons.~~Dee

  31. Such a wonderful place!
    Autumn is so marvellous.
    You took a lot of great photos.
    Well done!

  32. These images really exploit the beauty of fall. They are glorious!

  33. Me too, Kala, my favorite time of day.

    Thank you, Zoey. You must not be too far away ... come visit :)

    You are a dear, Rose, and thank you. I love them all but autumn is truly stunning. Perhaps a perfect fall jaunt for Thelma & Louise :)

    Thanks, dear Dee. Although lovely, autumn seems a bit bleak here compared to the vivid display up north. We're heading back tomorrow ... yea!

    Welcome London Caller! Delighted you stopped by for a visit and thank you. I just returned from your lovely site, loaded with awesome photos.

    Thank you, Karen. Unfortunately, all too fleeting :(

  34. Beautiful collages as always. I love the first collage and the last image of the beautiful sunset especially.

  35. Thanks Jennifer ... the first photo was leaving the cottage on my drive then finishing with 'the remains of the day'. Thank you new fun friend :)

  36. Looks like you had a wonderful tour of the delights that October brings - you captured it beautifully ! I had an afternoon like that last Saturday. Isn`t it just a blessing to be able to get away from the busyness of life and enjoy the creation !

  37. Dear Joey,
    Those are some spectacular views!
    I bet you had a marvelous time. I hope you are enjoying fall.

  38. Indeed, Rick ... autumn color is fleeting, each day a gift.

  39. Hi Rosey! Actually, preparing to head back for the weekend. Hopefully, there will still be color. Regardless, it's awesome. Autumn joy :)

  40. Oh so lovely. It's so very "up northy" looking. When do you stop heading up at weekends? (or do you?)

  41. Oh my, autumn at Hubbard Lake is gorgeous! I wish I was there. It's been so dry here that there isn't as much fall color as usual. I'm jealous!

  42. Very 'up northy', Monica :) Today's drive was ever more awesome ... fleeting clouds and sun flirted along the way. A touch of sleet gave way to a welcoming sunset before meeting treasured friends for dinner. Year-round UP NORTH holds my heart. So, we never close the cottage and come whenever ...

    Thank you, Robin. Yes, HL year-round is indeed gorgeous, a hidden treasure. This is one major in-land Michigan lake that that is still like stepping back in time and where things have not changed much since I was a child. Wishing you a Michigan hug and autumn joy :)

  43. I want to be walking down that road in your first picture right now.. As always your words and pictures move me and make me happy...
    Have an awesome weekend my friend.
    hugs from Savannah, Cherry

  44. Hugs Miss Savannah! It's still lovely so do come, dear Cherry. Wishing you an awesoome weekend also.

  45. Joey girl you can see I am working backwards from your most recent post .. that is me .. backwards!LOL
    My most favorite picture of this grouping (and it is very hard to nail it down to one !) is the leaf covered road .. i would so love to walk that road hearing the leaves rustle .. smelling the clear beautiful air .. it is the utmost Autumn experience .. quietly taking in all of those natural treats Autumn gives us so freely : )

  46. Backwards is good, Joy. When you turn around you get to enjoy wonderful thinks twice! Thank you. Lucky me, I get to go up/down that long, steep driveway, beautiful in all seasons, every time we go to the lake. (Hum ... not so fun in an ice storm ... once, unable to get up the driveway, were stuck for 2 days and had to be hauled up/out with a forklift!)
