Thursday, April 07, 2011

CELEBRATE APRIL 'MICHIGAN WINE MONTH' ~ (Mini-Northern Michigan Wine Tour)

"Wine is the most civilized thing in the world."

~ Ernest Hemingway.

"Wine is sunlight, held together by water!"

Galileo Gallilei


  1. Thanks for sharing that beautiful wine video and the links. We moved to the U.P. a few years ago. Can't wait to get across 'the bridge' to visit some of those wineries.
    'hugs from afar'

  2. Now how true is that : )
    Husband and I were fortunate to go on a few wine tours in Europe and they were amazing. But we are so lucky to have great wineries in Canada as well .. wine makes for wonderful international friends every where : ) Loved the video Joey and thanks for dropping by my blog !
    Joy : )

  3. This was wonderful. So many of my favorite Michigan wineries. The view from Chateau Chantal. The entry way at Bower's Harbor. Just everything. I can't wait to go visit them again.

    Do you have a favorite? I've got a couple, but there are still a few I haven't visited yet. The next time I'm bringing my camera.

    This was just what I needed. You're the best.

  4. Oh boy to be able to travel to these wineries and sample the wares would be a fabulous vacation!

  5. You are a dear, Cher, and thank you. We are so blessed to have stunning stuff on both sides of the bridge. Michigan is awesome!

    Alway a delight to see you, Joy. And yes, wine is a universal gift.

    I like both, Kala! Thanks.

    Thanks, dear Robin (you are the best)! I remember your lovely trip ... I have many favorites, each unique, and as many times as we have visited, have yet to visit them all (on my bucket list)! As you know, I am a huge fan of Michigan ... wherever I am is the best place to be :)

    Do come, Tina! You will not be disappointed :)

  6. Loved going through your video Joey. So beautiful! I enjoy having my occasional glass of wine but these must taste fabulous!

    Thanks for leaving your comments on my blog. I haven't been regular at my posts or my visits but hope to catch up soon.

    Happy April!

  7. Thank you, dear Kanak. You are not alone. I think we all are wrestling with comments/visits. Always a joy when we connect :) Cheers!

  8. the addition of video to your site adds just one more dimension of perfection to experiencing the beauty of Michigan and all it has to offer to the senses.

  9. Thank you, dear Susie. I know how you love Michigan too!

    Thank you, Tatyana. Just returned from your trip to the Grand Canyon ... awesome!
