Monday, April 30, 2012


"Every spring is the only spring - a perpetual astonishment."

~ Ellis Peters

"Now every field is clothed with grass, and every tree with leaves; now the woods put forth their blossoms, and the year assumes its gay attire."
~ Virgil


  1. Joey,

    Your landscape is just beautiful, such a great deal of work but so reqarding to view.


  2. What a joy taking a 'virtual' stroll through your wonderful garden, Joey.

  3. Considering how awful it is outside, a walk through your garden was the perfect solution.

  4. Aww, so pretty Joey. It looks like a calm oasis. Very nice!

  5. Beautiful spring color! Your grass looks so lush and green too. Ours is just starting to green up.

  6. Always so kind, iMac. Thank you.

    Thank you, Eileen. The back gardens are not in view ... impossible to show all so focused on near blooming gardens.

    Thanks GG ... so enjoyed taking a 'virtual' stroll though your beautiful life on FB :)

    Ah, but we needed the rain, Lindalou, and I needed a day to regroup 'inside' since much still to do 'tweakin' outside. If ever in the area, please stop by ... it's May Wine time and the garden tours are open!

    Thanks dear PP friend ... lots of work but joyful work! Before work begins ... early morning coffee strolls, deciding what needs to be done ...then work ... then remains of the day stroll (perhaps with a glass of wine) to enjoy the 'fruits of labor' :)

  7. Must have been posting at same time, Karin, but thank you. Yes, all is lush and joyful green. So enjoyed your last post ... what life is all about!

  8. I'm always stunned by the beauty of your garden through your photos. I can't imagine the magic of being there in person.

    Your day sounds much like mine (though I've switched to tea).

    Danse, danse au ciel printanier...

  9. Thanks Freda ... spring is so lush ... so green ... you can almost hear the garden grow. From morning to night, the garden changes ... since these were taken last week, all looks so different ... new azaleas are beginning to bloom, buds swelling on rhodos and once sleepy perennials are bursting through the earth!

    In the midst of revamping a huge 'once sun' garden into more 'sustainable' ... replacing time-comsuming 'naughty' too invasive perennials (that I do love but with running back/forth to lake wear me out tweaking) with year-round enjoyable shrubs and keeping 'the best of the best' perennials ... will keep you posted on before/after photos.

  10. Beautiful, colorful composites for the season!

  11. A stroll through your lush landscape goes so well with the relaxing music playing through my headphones. Wonderful quotes !

  12. Virgil never lived in the UK in the wettest April on record then!!!

    Beautiful, beautiful collages Joey luv - and so very different from the cold, grey, sodden, wind and rainswept landscape outside my window at the moment! :-( .....but at least your photos bring colour and joy to my world!

  13. I'm sorry to be such a sporadic visitor but I sure am glad I saw these photos of your gorgeous spring garden. Still in love with your clock! You have the most beautiful garden Joey ~ I don't think I'd ever leave home.

  14. What an amazing collection of photos. I can only imagine the aroma! Wow.

  15. Thanks dear Kala ... many more on the horizon!

    Thank you Rick ... I'm a music lover too!

    Thank you dear friend, Nutty Liz ... we have had our share of rain too so wishing you/us both an awesome May. Just returned from your fun trip ... great sharing photos!

    Thank you, dear Kathleen ... I do so love my spring garden! Yes, it is hard to leave but am blessed to enjoy spring again UP NORTH at our cottage that is about 2 weeks behind us here. Life is good. (BTW ... your images are amazing ... so enjoy my visits to your blog!)

    Welcome Thyme (Sarah) ... thank you for the kind comment ... have so enjoyed our connection.

  16. You are having a beautiful Spring, Joey. I really enjoyed your presentation with the mosaics of your beautiful garden. Each image within was so beautifully shot and gave a little slice of garden joy on its own.

  17. Lovely images of spring, Joey. I miss seeing the daffodils and tulips here already. I see you get to enjoy a second spring at your cottage--how wonderful!

  18. It's hard to say which is more beautiful, spring or fall! In the spring, I swear it's spring, so let's see what my answer is this fall.

  19. Beautiful Spring Flowers. Wish the photos were bigger :)

  20. Your garden is such a refuge, Joey. Beauty everywhere one turns. Nice to know such corners exist. Even in our fantasy we can visit. Your posts help! xoxo
