Sunday, April 15, 2012

SPRING VACATION (A Southern Fantasy)

"If you come home as happy as you leave, you have had a good vacation!"

(Surfside Beach, SC)

Mr. Ho-Hum's Twin Sister and Cousins

Charleston SC

Fabulous Old Magnolia

Leaving Charleston (after a brief lunch)

Savannah, GA
(dream meeting with dear blogging friend,
'sweet' Cherry (In the Garden and More)

Awesome Savannah
(too beautiful to leave)

Sunrise on the Plantation
(Amelia Island, Florida)

The oldest survivng hotel in the state of Florida
(Fernandina Beach, Florida)

Another dream come true ... meeting dear blogging friend
 Anna Lopper from High Point, NC

Blessed to be greeted home by my beautiful ever-changing spring garden, bursting in all its glory ...

(almost 2 weeks ago ... so behind ... but catchin' up)

“Those that say you can't take it with you never saw MY CAR packed for a vacation!”


  1. You visited two beautiful old romantic places. I loved visiting much atmosphere!
    PS: Hope you will be posting that delicious salmon and strawberry recipe?

  2. What a great trip! Charleston and Savannah are favorite places, used to go to Kiawah Island when my children were young.


  3. How fun to meet up with fellow bloggers! Savannah is one of my favorite towns! Your did a wonderful job showing it off in your photos!

  4. Hi Joey,

    It's been a long time since I wrote.

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE Savannah it's one of the most beautiful cities!!!!, and great food.

    I'm making my way home from a trip to Florida after 6 weeks. In Kentucky now, which is also a beautiful state, but I can't wait to get home to see my garden. I hope I haven't missed the daffs, tulips and forsynthias.

  5. Very neat shots and wonderful story.

  6. Joey I would love to visit Charleston...your pictures make me want to go even more...glad it was a fabulous time!

  7. What a great tour you've just given me Joey luv! Possibly the nearest I'll ever get to being there in person, so I really enjoyed it ...but am very glad to have you back and blogging again!

  8. Such a joy, Ronelle! Most likely the next post ... if not, I can send you the Strawberry/Salmon recipe that as yet has not been written down :)

    Thanks Eileen ... yes, it was wonderful ... have many more pics to prove it!

    Yes it was wonderful, Karin ... thank you. Hoping to return next spring ... :)

    Hi Ann ... have been wonderin' where you disappeared to :) Forsythias and daffs are about finished as is my Yoshino Cherry Tree ... Serviceberries in full glory and Redbuds are stunning as are my tulips! Happy Spring :)

    Thanks for your fun visit, iMac. (so enjoyed your Monet Garden slideshow). Happy Spring :)

    Donna, I loved every moment ... lot of territory covered in a short period but it was truly 'fast/furious' and great fun!

    Thanks dear Liz ... scramblin' and scratchin', making a tad bit of headway. Such a busy time in the garden, etc ... but not compainin' .... :)

  9. So glad you had such a great vacation, Joey! One of these days I want to get to Charleston and Savannah, and your post just reinforces that wish. Beautiful!

  10. Wow just wow I can't believe you took that many pictures while ya'll were

    What a beautiful job you did showing off my city.. big hugs Miss Joey the pleasure was all mine maybe next time we can take that walk together and I can show ya'll all of my favorite places.. and to all of you that follow Joey she is as sweet and beautiful as you see right here on her blog... hugs, Cherry

    P.S She has a hunky hubby too..

  11. Looks like you had a wonderful time, Joey! I've always wanted to visit Savannah and Charleston. Your photos makes them even more appealing, and how fun to meet up with some blogging friends.

    Your last comment made me laugh:) Hope you are enjoying your spring bloomers and getting caught up in the garden.

  12. You must go, PP ... I insist and thank you! And I shall return ... perhaps again next spring.

    Ah, Cherry ... how sweet (just like you!) Next time, more warning (so much to see in that beautiful city of yours) but you (and dear Beth) too must come visit us too ... Mr. Ho-Hum insists! :)

    Rose ... my few pics did not do either stunning city justice. We were there for such a short time and amazing all we wrapped into the road trip ... and, yes, meeting 'sweet' Cherry and 'charming' Anna made it 'the bestest'! Both amazing women ... just as I imagined them both to be. What a joy!

  13. I've visited Charleston, but never Savannah. Looks like you had a fabulous time, Joey!

  14. Kathryn/plantwhateverbringsyoujoy.comThursday, April 26, 2012

    Oh, gosh, biggest regret about my time in Asheville is that I never got down to Charleston! I'm so happy for you! Your photos reveal a wonderful vacation! Thank you for sharing with us!

  15. Fun, Beauty, Wonder. All rolled into this wonderful Post.

  16. I have always wanted to go to Charleston, now I REALLY want to go!! Thanks for sharing your beautiful photographs.:)

  17. I have always wanted to go to Charleston, now I REALLY want to go!! Thanks for sharing your beautiful photographs.:)

  18. I've always wanted to visit Charleston ~ now I want to even more. It looks absolutely as I envisioned it to look! How fun to meet other bloggers too! Gardeners are the nicest people ~ I'm sure it was just as fun to talk in real life as on the net. What a great vacation Joey & perfect time to return home too (just when everything is blooming)
