Tuesday, April 03, 2012


‎"Break open a cherry tree and there are no flowers, but the spring breeze brings forth myriad blossoms." 

~ Ikkyu Sojun

Yoshino Cherry Blossoms

"Flowers are the sweetest things God ever made, and forgot to put a soul into."  

~ Henry Beecher, Life Thoughts, 1858


  1. I love the Beecher quote, Joey! Your Cherry blossoms are sweet and they must smell heavenly. I hope you're transitioning well back at home after your trip. I'm finding it a bit challenging, myself. ;-)

  2. Nice work on your 1st shot and a beauty for the 2nd shot.

  3. Joey these are lovely...there are no cherry blossoms in my neighborhood...I am planting a native cherry and we shall see how it does...

  4. Beautifully said...and depicted! Love the quote!

  5. Lovely images, Joey--I've been thinking about adding one of these trees somewhere in my own garden. Do they handle Midwest winters pretty well?

    Glad to see you back--hope all is well with you and you are enjoying this beautiful spring.

  6. So lovely, Joey!

    I'm afraid most of our Yoshino has gone to the woodpile after our snow storm. The main trunk is still standing but the two main branches are gone. Still hopeful, but realistic.

    Hope your day is a wonderful one.

  7. Hi Joey,

    I have never had a cherry tree but I remember my neighbors two on each side of her yard, just beautiful!


  8. yes, everything is blooming so early this year! your camera shutter must be clicking away at high speeds! I have entered the blogging world (FINALLY) Joey! take a peek when you get a moment :-)

  9. We have been both so blessed dear PP to have had such great trips. Adjusting, yes, but very naughty feeding my blog. I've jumped from winter to spring in one post! FB is so much easier ... have so much I want to share here but time has been eluding me ... excuses, excuses ... ;) Hugs fun friend.

    Oh dear iMac ... thanks for not forgetting me ... you are alway such a joy with your kind words ... and I so love visiting your creative site too. Thank you.

    Thank you, dear Donna. I so love my Yoshino Cherry that speaks to me of spring. And so happy to see it blooming when we arrived home ... with all the hot weather, I was afraid I might miss it. And you know, perhaps missing me, it has hung on longer than ever! Usually heavy winds come and blow the flowers away as soon as it blooms. I am delighted the weather has cooled to let spring do it's thing ... and not be in fast forward! Let us all enjoy :) Good luck with your new cherry ...

    Thanks NR ... see you on FB :)

    Thank you, dear Rose. Yes, hope to be better posting. With so much going on, it's hard to wrap arms around all but it's fun to be back ... like old times. FB is so much easier to connect on/with ... it make one (at least me) a bit lax/lazy here to blog. Yes, do try this awesome Yoshino Cherry (the cherry trees that bloom in DC) ... a stunning addition to spring and has never let me down!

    I am so, so sorry, dear Diana :( Your pictures were devastating and my heart is with you. Sounds like all is settling down a bit ... thank goodness! Do hope next spring will bring you great joy and all is not lost. ((Hugs)) dear friend.

    Indeed a stunning tree, Eileen. We replaced an old apple tree (thinking I would never be happy with a replacement) with this stunning beauty. A perfect choice!

    Hello dear Susie ... yes, in a frenzy (you know me well, dear heart). I have added you to my side links under 'honorable mention haunts' ... your talent, like your beautiful heart, will take you far ... this I know!

  10. Beautiful, beautiful images Joey <3

    I was worried that Wednesday's snow here would do for the cherry blossom, but as it's only just coming out, it seems to have survived unscathed!
    I'm guessing it'll be at its best over this weekend whilst we're in Paris!

  11. Great quote.

    And in reading the comments it seems you've been on a trip. Hope it was fun. Welcome back.

  12. How I love a spring breeze..! Have a blessed Easter

  13. Nice. Our blooms came early due to the warm weather and are now gone.
