~ a surprisingly mild, perfect 'end of winter' meal adapted from
The Garlic Lovers' Cookbook created in Gilroy, The Garlic Capital of the World ...
" ... the only town in America where you can marinate a steak just by hanging it out on the clothesline."
(Will Rogers)
1 plump chicken (a capon would be lovely) rinsed & patted dry
40 cloves of garlic
1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
4 stalks of celery and leaves
1 bunch of minced parsley
1 Tbsp. thyme
1 Tbsp. rosemary
1 lemon
2 bay leaves
1/2 cup dry white wine
1/4 cup vermouth
coarse salt & freshly cracked pepper
- Sprinkle cavity of bird with lemon juice and half of herbs, salt & pepper. Stuff with celery, bay leaves and sliced lemon rind. Massage bird with 2 Tbsp. olive oil and remaining herbs, salt & pepper.
- Place bird in roasting pan surrounded by garlic. Cover with remaining olive oil, wine and vermouth. Sprinkle with parsley.
- Roast for 20-30 minutes at 400-degrees until bird starts to brown. Reduce heat and roast for another hour or until cooked.
- Serve the soft, buttery garlic cloves on crusty French bread, the remaining garlic in Roasted Garlic Smashed Potatoes with a side of steamed buttered broccoli splashed with lemon juice, salt & pepper.
(serves 4-6)
2 1/2 pounds scrubbed red-skin potatoes (about 16 medium)
1 head ROASTED garlic
1 cup sour cream
4-6 Tbsp. unsalted butter
2 Tbsp. chopped fresh chives
2 tsp. white pepper
coarse salt to taste
- Simmer potatoes until very tender, about 30 minutes. Drain well but do not peel. Transfer to large bowl, add butter and approximately 1 head of peeled roasted garlic.
- On low speed, mash with electric mixer. Beat in sour cream, chives, salt & white pepper. Leave chunky.

Every thing about you, Joey, warms my heart! Great post!
May all your gardens grow,
The red skins potatoes recipe looks delicious. Hope you take pictures of it next time you make it!
We're about 8 minutes away from March, or Farch-the-second, and having yet another snowstorm/icestorm/rainstorm/windstorm. So your cheery flowers made me feel much better about the weather. And the chicken sounds delectable, but will have to wait til I can source local garlic, as currently all that's available is from China and I won't buy it.
Joey, Your recipes sound delicious--I will have to try them because I love roast chicken. No daffodils open here yet although spring is definitely starting. Carolyn
I've heard of this recipe before, Joey, but with my sensitive stomach, the 40 garlic cloves always put me off. But reading through the recipe now, it does sound delicious, especially with one of my favorites, the smashed potatoes.
Love the Will Rogers quote:)
Beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing.
Have a nice day.
Dearest Joey, This is certainly plenty of Garlic.......for how long afterwards does one have to be in isolation from others who have not eaten this delicious chicken before one can speak without creating an international incident?!!!
Whatever, I should certainly like to risk it!!
Your Daff photos are a work of Art Joey.
How sweet, Jan. You are a dear and warm my heart too. Happy March ... it won't be long now!
Welcome Senorita and thank you. (The redskins evaporite before I can get the camera :)
Well March has arrived (Lamb-like), dear Jodi, and winter 'by name only' is almost over ... it won't be long now! Sunny and 25º ... not too bad for winter.
Happy March, Carolyn. No outside daffs here yet either ... still lots of snow but my heart is full of spring thoughts.
Yes, you can wash the garlic down with the smashed potatoes, Rose. Actually, quite mild in flavor considering! Happy March :)
Greetings Berit and thank you kindly. Enjoy March!
Delightful thought, dearest Edith! I love garlic as does my entire family, even the grandboys! Years ago I taught a cooking class for children who teased me that I put garlic in everything, except for maybe cookies :)
Thank you, kind imac ... now simply waiting for the snow to melt to see their pretty outside faces.
Garlic and daffodils, two of my most favorite things. What time is dinner!? I've made a 40 clove leg of lamb, but never chicken. Sounds fabulous with the herbs and vermouth...and the garlic smashed spuds, heaven!
My heart is doing a little dance as I type this—at long last, March is here!
And querida Joey, your golden Daffodil is the perfect way to welcome its return!
Btw, that chicken sounds delicious. Makes me wish you delivered.
Wise words from the Bard and oh what appropriate fare for March Joey. It is also most interesting to see photos of daffodils that are not yellow :)
Hi Joey,
Love the composition of your still life. Spring is finally starting to rear its head here - it won't be long for you now!
Great selection for GBMD, Joey. I once entered a recipe in the Gilroy Garlic Contest. Koreans are the No. 1 consumers of garlic ( yes, much more than Italians! ) as it goes into each and every dish just about. Got to try this great 40 clove recipe of yours.
How can you go wrong with garlic? These recipes look delectable. I am sure the vampires will stay away with that many cloves.
Beautiful Daffodils! Such a fitting tribute to the first day of March!
Yum, Clare. 40 cloves of garlic leg of lamb sounds divine!
Hi sweet Marysol. As always, a joy to hear from you. How about ... I'll sent the chicken ... you send over your yummy garlic cannellini bean hummus!
Thank you, Anna. Spring is near ... Happy March :)
Hello Cat and thank you. Indeed, it won't be long now!
Thanks Carolyn. I had no clue about garlic/Korean cuisine ... how interesting but not surprised.
Thanks Rosey. We consume pounds of garlic in this house ... have never seen a vampire!
Yum--that sounds good. I wish you would come over and cook that for me! :)
I've seen other 40 cloves chicken recipes, but none that gave ideas to use the cloves after the chicken is cooked. Great post.
So come Zoey! Thank you and Happy Michigan March:)
Do you post a recipe each time you blog? The salmon from the last post still has me drooling. I also went back and looked at your orchid photos again. I tried to rephotograph mine the other day ~ still didn't turn out as wonderfully as yours.
Your daffodil photos are so pretty and the black & white ones very artistic. Mine are just starting to poke up. No blooms yet but later this month.
Hi Joey,
I think we are finally turning the corner. It's been quite a winter. Didn't travel south this winter. But I must admit several times the snow was pretty on the trees in the sunshine.
As usual your recipes are wonderful, I made the cherry salmon and sweet potatoes last week and they were great. But for the chicken and garlic you didn't list how low to set the oven after the browning.
As always hope everything is well with you.
Hi Kathleen. Thank you. You too have stunning photos and a great eye behind the lens. I most often post a seasonal recipe so after 4 years of blogging, there are many! Nothing blooming outside here ... still a blanket of snow covering the gardens. Rain today is melting some but more snow is on the way!
Hi Ann! Been thinkin' 'bout you, wondering ... Glad you enjoyed the salmon/sweet potatoes. Regarding chicken, turn down to 350º until done (depends on size of chicken). Yes, hope all is well with you too ... but ... what's up with more snow on the way!
Those recipes sound amazing! Now I know where to go to when I need some ideas. yyyyyum!
Yum! You always share the most delicious recipes. :)
Okay, that's too much garlic! But the daffodils are lovely. We still have to buy them though, more snow this morning. You too?
Mmmm! That sounds delicious - and I've got enough of last year's garlic crop left to make it! :)
Hope your snow melts soon. It's cold here this morning, but starting to thaw out a bit. I'm hiding indoors for a while till it warms up, then I'm off to dig up the blackcurrant bushes :(
Have a great week.
Those potatoes sound delicious! And I love how you've processed the first daffodil image.
Welcome Nicky and thank. Please do stop by again.
Not for everyone's taste, Robin, and yes we still have snow. Want some :)
A slight warming is predicted this week, Liz, and lots more rain that hopefully will melt the snow. I'm so sorry about your blackberry bushes :( Good luck!
Thank you, Kala. You well know how much fun it is playing around!
Lovely, Lovely Joey! I love the imagined aroma coming from you kitchen. Roasted garlic smashed potatoes . . . yummy! Beautiful photos . . . what else is new!
Thanks Carol. How fun if you could join me for some yummy smashed potatoes!
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