"If I keep a green bough in my heart,
then the singing bird will come. "
~ Chinese Proverb

(a simple taste of spring adapted from the Silver Palate Cookbook)
2 pounds sliced asparagus (reserve tips)
1 large bunch of leeks
2 quarts organic chicken broth
1 stick sweet butter
coarse salt
freshly ground black pepper
sour cream
- Melt butter in large stockpot. Simmer clean chopped leeks until soft, about 20 minutes, stirring often.
- Add chicken stock, and sliced asparagus. Bring to boil. Reduce heat and simmer 30 minutes or until asparagus is very soft.
- Puree stock with hand blender or in blender, a batch at a time. Return to pot and add tips, simmering until tender but still firm, about 5 minutes. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
- Ladle in bowl and top with dollop of sour cream and chopped chives. (8 servings)
(In the spring, the soup looks lovely topped with chive blossoms. When the weather is warm, serve the soup cold blended with 1/2 cup of heavy cream.)

"Lord, keep my memory green."
~ Charles Dickens
Good morning, starshine.
I'm just here for the artsy collages and a bowl of that wonderful asparagus soup; I've made the soup before and it is simply delicious.
Btw, your first collage just winked at me. Fresh.
All lovely images Joey but the first one made me chuckle...so joyful! Have a great weekend!
Absolutely wonderful Joey...everything in green, my favourite colour. I'm a bit sad today because it started to snow again! I do NOT want to see anymore white stuff.
Are you going up to the lake? If yes I bet the moon will give you a lot of light this weekend.
xoxo Tyra
Yum! I knew I should have bought asparagus yesterday...but I'm going out tomorrow and some will follow me home then for sure.
Love the happy green collages, Joey!
Joey, your timing is impeccable. ;) This sounds simple-y delicious and will be copied to my soon-to-cook recipes.
What can one say though about those photos that has not already been said... oh, yes, I love your winking sculpture amidst the beauty.
PS: so happy to know all is well.
Thanks, sweet Marysol ... I had hoped you'd catch the wink :)
We all can use a smile, Cat :) Thank you.
Sorry about the snow, dear Tyra. At least you know it won't last. We were hoping to leave for the lake early this AM but Oldest Son had a flood in his basement (always something) and so I watched the baby who was just picked up. Mr. Ho-Hum is helping and, if not too late and news elsewhere OK, might still head up. Enjoy the BIG FAT full moon!
Thanks, Jodi. It's almost spring! Almost ... It was in the 60s here yesterday. The snow is mostly gone and I have lots of sprouting green.
Thank you, dear Di. This is one of my favorite spring soups. My sister has a long hard road ahead and still not out of the woods but hopeful. She is receiving excellent care.
Hi Joey,
That soup sounds delicious. I am copying to try when the spring asparagus comes out.
Darn...you're really ahead of me. haha
And what a variety !!!
Maybe someday my gardens will be more diverse.
A beautifully refreshing collage of green Joey. I think we often take green for granted in the garden. I especially love the green tinged tulip. Alas, asparagus is not very popular here though, otherwise I'd love to try the soup.
Lovely images of green, Joey! It's such a welcome sight this time of year. When I was a young girl my mother often made a light asparagus soup that we ate on toast. It was a simple and inexpensive supper made from the first fresh asparagus, but delicious!
Wonderful soup recipe! I will have to make this...maybe in Provence in April the fresh asparagus will be in the markets.
The lovely greens in your photos are so soft and delicate. Continued thoughts and prayers for your sister.
I love, love asparagus! I need a major collage lesson, yours are beautiful.
Enjoy Zoey. Tomorrow is a BIG day ... Happy Michigan Spring :)
Hi Patsi. It's amazing what comes from the good earth and in awe each early spring looking at the bare bones before the burst!
Green is my favorite color in the garden, Clare ... color, texture form ... flowers are a bonus. Happy Spring :)
Sounds yummy, Rose. Though an awesome French cook, my mother never made asparagus soup. Guess I'm carrying on where she left off. Happy Spring :)
Oh yes, asparagus soup in Provence, Freda. How wonderful! Bet you can find wild leeks (ramps) too! Thank you for the continued thoughts and prayers ... she is not out of the woods and has a long road of recovery ahead.
Thank you, Eileen. This recipe is so easy, especially using a hand blender. Don't know what I would do without mine. Happy Spring :)
Missed a bit, hope your sister will make good progress.
Hi Joey, That first quotation (The singing bird) has become very dear to me. My daughter is a calligrapher and she created a very cute copy that I cherish. :-)
Beautiful collection, beautiful photoa and I love that tulip.
Wonderful green collages joey ! I especially loved the fern fronds and jack-in-the-pulpits !
Ah Asparagus, won't be long.
I'm impressed with your Hostas in the collage. What is your slug and snail secret. Mine get ravaged. I even put a copper strip around a big tub hoping they wouldn't cross it. Didn't work, in fact I'm sure they were practically dancing on it!
I love the mosaic with all the images in green. Happy Spring Joey!
Thank you, Diana. She is making progress, not out of the woods, and a long road of recovery ahead.
What a delightful keepsake, Shady. Happy Spring :)
Appreciated imac ... thank you.
My favorites too, Rob ... love my wildflower garden!
Thank you, Rob. I adore my hostas ... one thing is to maliciously clean out debris in early spring and fall. This is where the slug larvae are bedding. As the foliage of hostas begins to die back, remove it. Leaving it to decay is an open invitation to slugs. I have too many areas to use bait, eggshells, or Diatomaceaous Earth. I just hope for the best ... some years are better than others. Happy Spring ... the next few weeks should be amazing :)
Happy Spring, Kala :)
Can't wait to try the soup...yum, I love asparagus. That's a pretty cool winker greeting us. ;)
I love your 'green' collages. Funny you mentioned asparagus soup; as I had just made some. Although my recipe was slightly different it was still delicious.
'hugs from afar'
i love the colour green...spring is a glorious array of green. of course your collages are wonderful especially the winking plant. a reminder that spring is a little bit of a tease.
happy springtime dear joey.
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