"One cannot collect all the beautiful shells on the beach. One can collect only a few, and they are more beautiful if they are few."
~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh

~ From a favorite cookbook (Pamela Morgan's Flavors) comes the gift of this delicious chowder, perfect for Lent and meatless Fridays
2 medium-sized peeled & 1/2-inch diced red-skinned potatoes (about 1 1/3 lbs.)
sea salt
4 Tbsp. unsalted butter
2 cups chopped yellow onions
3/4 cup finely chopped celery
1 peeled and finely chopped large carrot
1 Tbsp. Hungarian sweet paprika
1 tsp. crumbled dried thyme
1/4 tsp. fennel seeds
1 cup bottled clam juice
1 cup medium-dry white wine (like Michigan Chardonnay)
1 14-oz. can crushed (with juices) Italian plum tomatoes
2 cups half & half
1 Tbsp. tomato paste
freshly ground black pepper
3/4 lb. (about 28) shelled and deveined medium shrimp
3/4 lb. bay scallops
1/2 cup finely chopped flat-leaf parsley
1/3 cup medium-dry (Amontillado) sherry
- Bring small saucepan of water to boil over high heat. Add potatoes and 1 tsp. salt and cook, stirring once or twice until almost tender, about 6 minutes. Drain.
- In medium soup pot over moderate heat, melt butter. Add onion, celery, carrot, paprika, thyme and fennel seeds. Cover and cook, stirring often, for 10 minutes. Add clam juice, white wine, tomatoes, and their juices and half & half. Stir in tomato paste, 3/4 tsp. salt and a generous grinding of pepper. Bring to a simmer, partially cover and lower heat. Simmer, stirring occasionally for 20 minutes. Add potatoes and simmer for 10 minutes. The soup can be prepared to this point up to 1 day in advance. Cool, cover and refrigerate. Rewarm over low heat.
- Add shrimp, scallops, parsley and sherry. Simmer until shrimp are curled and pink and scallops are opaque, 3-5 minutes. Adjust seasonings and serve immediately. Complete meal with favorite fruit incorporated salad and crusty peasant or corn bread. (6 servings)

Oooh Joey, the chowder sounds delicious! I love your beautiful shell collage. Have a delicious weekend!
Ooh, that chowder sounds so good that I might have to go to the fishmonger tomorrow to buy the ingredients to make it myself! (can't go now - shops are shut and I'm going out to the local Thai restaurant later on!)
Thanks for the inspiration!
Joey, that is one of my all time favourite books...a perfect read and re-read. The chowder sounds amazing -- a adore seafood. Seafood chowder used to be our Christmas Eve tradition when my daughters were small and the whole family gathered together. With Strawberry Shortcake for dessert -- I can't for the life of me figure out how that combination originated, but that was it. :)
i love the quote. i was just thinking yesterday of moving a bowl of shells onto the kitchen table for enjoying. i think you've just convinced me to.
have a happy weekend. i believe we will be in the garden, it is supposed to be warm.
Beautiful shells that compliment your shellfish recipe! ;)
Gift from the Sea is one of my favourite books & your chowder recipe sounds delicious - I will copy it down - thank you.
Thanks Linda ~ I am planning on a delicious weekend here at the snowy lake.
Welcome Nutty Gnome ~ I'm a huge chowder and seafood lover. Hope you enjoy if you give it a try.
I can't tell you how many copies of this book I have given to friends, Nancy, and still a joy each time I read it. Tradition speaks ... we must always have oysters for Christmas (and Tourtiere).
Thanks Marmee. Enjoy your garden this weekend. We left home in the 70s (unseasonably warm) to arrive here at the still snowy lake in the 30s.
How kind, Racquel. Sounds like you'll enjoy a wonderful weekend in your garden.
Indeed a timeless classic for me also, Deb. Enjoy the recipe :)
Thanks Racquel ... I've been collecting shells for years and love hiding them in the garden to the delight of my grandboys when they find them :)
Good Morning Joye, even in 10.30 in the morning your chowder sounds very temping. I love treasures from the beach, both shells and pebbles.
Have a great weekend my friend.
What a great quote Joey - and lovely pictures.
Have a great weekend
Shrimp and scallops combined into a chowder. Sounds delightful! There are Michigan freshwater shrimp available in some areas. I also happen to have some Hungarian sweet paprika left over from another project. I may have to try this as I love chowder! At least there's no wok involved ... ;-)
Hi I just found your blog it´s lovely!!
Have a great weekend
Hugs Gunilla in Singapore
I think I hear the roar of the ocean! and my stomach! I haven't had chowder in so long - great to have a new recipe.
Never get my fill of seafood, Tyra! Wishing you a lovely weekend also, dear friend.
Thanks Karen ... indeed a lovely weekend here at the lake. Hope yours is also :)
Interesting, I've never found or tasted Michigan freshwater shrimp, Dave, but would certainly be interested ... hum. Can't imagine you having many fears in the kitchen, you seem fearless, so what's with the wok :)
Welcome Gunilla ~ so enjoyed visiting your fine site. Singapore is lovely ... stunning photos.
Enjoy JGH and thanks ... seems like perfect fare for this time of year.
Hello Joey
Can I ask what is bottled Clam Juice?
OK, I know it's clam juice bottled, but just wondered how it comes. I've never seen it. It's a foreigners question.
Hi Joey, I love that book. It is so peaceful and helps slow one down. I gasped at the shell collage, how exquisite. Yummy seafood recipe too. I wanted to tell you I made the Penne Primavera last night. It was a big hit with the Financier. We will be having that one often, thanks so much.
Rob ~ never a foreigner, my roots lie in France :0) When short on time and with clams pricey, bottled clam juice (strained briny liquid of shucked cooked clams) is a fine substitute (found here on supermarket shelves or, best yet, fresh at favorite fish market.
Dear Frances, you're a dear! As you know (your fine garden faces), treasured collections are priceless. Delighted you and the Financier enjoyed the Primavera, a longtime family favorite (you can tweak with veggies of choice but spring asparagus is a must as fresh basil ~ waiting patiently to plant my huge crop):)
Joey, your shell collage might be my favorite one yet! I don't know why... I guess all of the lovely swirling, and the fact that the photos are not uniform in size? Whatever the reason, it's gorgeous. :)
Love the book..Gift from the Sea...have read it 4 times and always feel inspired each time! Love chowder and those shells are divine! hugs
Kim, you have a gift for seeing unspoken words and for this, I thank you, dear friend.
Thanks Naturegirl (love my shells & the chowder) ... many readers have been touched by this inspirational book that will, like the sea, live on :)
The Chowder sounds super, and (except for one of the most important ingredients: scallops) I have everything the recipe calls for.
Dear J, I also love your seashell collection; I collect them too. Remember that, on my birthday (wink).
Don't wait for your birthday, dear Marysol, come on over, ... I've got the scallops and plenty of seashells to share :) (Also tons of desserts after co-hosting garden club today :)
Hello Joey!
I know~ long time no see, I've been under the weather~& now have laryngites, but Your beautiful post are cheering me up & makin me feel better! Your Chowder sounds delicious!! I love treasures from the sea...everything from pebbles,broken glass, & beautiful shells & of course sea food!~your shell collage is beautiful, looks like you have lots of beautiful tresures from the Sea! :)
Wonderful post Joey!
Delighted to hear from you, you've made my day, dear Cat! With tons in common, I'm not surprised you love shells also. Trust me, I know about the winter crud, just pulling out of recurring bouts of bronchitis. Thankful spring is on the horizen, this gift alone makes me giddy! Get well soon ... I insist :)
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