"In June, as many as a dozen species may burst their buds on a single day. No man can heed all of these anniversaries; no man can ignore all of them."
~ Aldo Leopold
Fantastic! Delightful blooms and foliage and very, very nive collages! The blue one is wonderful, indeed!
Dear Joey, You have such an eye for both colour and form as is so evident in this series of utterly charming, and lovely, images doing full justice to the blooms of June. Your garden is, I am sure, a delight, not least on account of the care which you so obviously take over the arrangement and positioning of all your plant material.
Years ago I grew the chocolate scented Cosmos; this has brought back fond memories. I must seek it out again.
Your garden must be part of some garden tour. It is just that magnificent. I love that clock. That is just so cool. All the colors are amazing.
Chocolate Cosmos, what a treat! I also have not seen that deeper red wave petunia. Beautiful display of the garden.
I know this is about flowers, but I'm so intrigued with all of the objects d'art in your garden. Each looks perfectly integrated into serene scenes.
The chocolate cosmos is a cutie! I need to grow that one next year. I'm incorporating burgundy blooms with blue in the garden.
This is a post full of beauty. I am always sucked in by the wave petunias, but then they always disappoint me. They don't like me, of that I'm sure.
Some of my favorites....Evening Primrose, Astilbe, Annabella, Chocolate Cosmos, Japanese Painted Fern, Gerbera Daisy (they don't like me either).
That chocolate cosmos is really an eye catcher. How pretty.
I love your blues. I need more blue in my garden. It seems like the hardest color to find. And the ferns look so lush.
Your photos are all beautiful. I lose myself just looking at them.
I have been reading Aldo Leopold lately. His writing is beautiful. I read a few paragraphs and then go back and read them again just for the beauty of his words.
Hi Joey, love all your blooms and collages. What is that single pink rose--a Carefree? I have a ton of evening primrose blooming--I like them because you can see them from afar, whereas most of my garden is to be discovered bit by bit. My chocolate cosmos are also doing well! :)
I'll have to look into the chocolate cosmos for next year! The evening primrose looks quite like the buttercups in the fields. They must be related.
Thank you, Tatyana. Always a delight to return home and though needing a machete after 5 days away, grabbed by camera last eve and shot away, scrambling, not able to capture all that I have.
Thank you, dear Edith. I often say the hardest part of perennial gardening is the design, thinking the plant/season through so all shows well while waxing and waning. This is the first year for newly adopted Chocolate cosmos (the only flowering annual planted in the garden) but seems to be happy here. I do love the scent!
Thank you, Lindalou, and you are dear. I do have frequent visitors. You know you are welcome any time you are near. I'm in and out of town often but here for a 2 week stretch, hoping to catch up before leaving again (back & forth) throughout the summer.
First time for Chocolate cosmos, Eileen, but they seem to be happy here and I love the smell! The petunias are in pots, found at a delightful little nursery on the way up north to the cottage.
Thank you, dear Cameron. It's fun to incorporate a few things here and there. You will love the Chocolate Cosmos and I'm sure they will love you ... both color and scent, rich and wonderful!
Agree, some can be fickle, Donna. Except for herbs and the Chocolate cosmos, I don't plant annuals in the garden, only in pots that are a challenge for me too since I'm back and forth so much during the gardening season.
Oh I really enjoyed that, so much to see, and so much color.
The Streps, I am so in love with them. I must get out there and search for some more colors. A few of mine didn't make it last year, and I am down to one color.
So many stunning blooms...makes my garden seem somewhat barren at the moment. I haven't grown Cosmos in years, but when I did it was your standard shades of pink and white. The chocolate Cosmos is gorgeous though! Such a warm, rich color. I do love Gerbera daisies too...such a shame they don't last long as cut flowers.
Wow! Just gorgeous! I love, love, love all of this bright summer color. :)
Gorgeous images Joey. I love the wave petunias especially.
All looks lovely.
I planted a little chocolate cosmos tuber in a pot back in March and it rotted, yours looks wonderful, such a great colour.
Is that hosta 'wide brim'?
You have a few flowers then,lol.
Great shots and displays.
Thanks, dear Marnie. We are much alike and, enough to say, I like that :)
Happy, happy, Monica! Yes the rose is and delighted our cosmos are, as we expected, delightful! Does my garden resemble the one you saw in May? I think ... not ... it totally wears a whole new June face!
Welcome, Nan. I see from your profile we enjoy many of the same things :)
Hi Jen! I've been in/out and so missed connecting with you, dear friend. Glad you approve :) The streps seem happy though need constant deadheading to keep their lovely faces in bloom. I gave them a good haircut and, now bald, hope they remain, prolific!
First time in years for cosmos, Clare. But this chocolate one caught my eye and nose! They are indeed beauties and I hope will gain ground competing with all their perennial cousins!
Actually Kate, the early/mid June garden is quiet compared to all those waiting in the 'end of June' wings!
Only in pots, Kala, but they sure do their thing!
Perhaps, Rob ... I have so many varieties of hosta it's hard to keep track. I do have many Wide Brim but don't think it is the one you might be referring to (beside the Japanese Painted Fern)! This Chocolate Cosmos was from the nursery ... bought 3 sturdy plants placed in various areas. Not one much for annuals in the garden, this tugged at my heart and hope is a good neighbor to unlike neighbors who will end up as most complimentary friends :)
You think, imac :0) Thanks!
Your collages are always so lovely, Joey! I always enjoy getting these peeks into your garden. June is definitely the high point of gardening season with so many different blooms.
I'm dying of envy over here... I've tried chocolate cosmos a few times, with no luck. If only a local nursery carried them for me!
Your garden photos are always jewels, Joey. Thank you so much for sharing them. :)
Your photography is awesome! I will put chocolate cosmos on my 'must have' list for next year.
Hi Joey, I love the quote! Indeed how can anyone ignore all the blooms of June. Your single blush pink rose is exquisite. The hydrangea and kousa dogwood collages are favorites but how can anyone not love all of your lovely blooming photos. Always a joy to visit and see your work... the light in the rose collage is fantastic. What great containers you have. Gorgeous gardens. ;>)
Thanks Rose. Indeed it is and ready to burst again! With coming & going so often, it's hard to keep up (but not complaining 'cause I'm blessed to have both)!
You are a dear, Kim, and thank you. It's a busy time here but delightful. Hope the Chocolate Cosmos is happy here ... time will tell!
Welcome Pam and thank you. Do give it a try ... it's unique and you'll love the scent!
Thank you, dear Carol. Always a joy to have you visit. I just returned from your garden, in awe :)
Joey, I must admit I have missed your beautiful photos. And these do not disappoint! Your gardens must be wonderous places with all those blooms busrting forth. It would be hard to pick a favorite...but I do love that chocolate cosmos. :)
I love those choc cosmos... my favorite! They smell amazing when it's warm out.
Joey, you bring such joy and eye candy with your artistic collages. Happy summer!
Hi Joey, If you lived a bit closer I'd just send everyone over to your house for a tour Sunday! (Hopefully we don't get rained out!!) Having a great gardening season?? Enjoy!!
Amazing photos ! They are all so beautiful. The chocolate cosmos are wonderful too, I had them many years ago in my garden. Your roses are divine. A real feast for the eyes! Thanks for sharing with us all. Hello from Vancouver Island. Michelle. .
Aw Beckie, I so delight in hearing from you. Whenever we touch base, it's the best :)
So right DGG! And why we love gardening. (Lookin' for Chocolate Cosmos nail polish for the next photo shoot ... keep me posted if you find some :)
Happy summer, dear Katarina. May you be blessed with 'eye candy' wonder!
Send them over, Shady! It's the 1st weekend home in ages. Hopefully by Sunday, flowers will show more lovely than the weeds :)
These are simply gorgeous joey! Great variety and superb colours. I have some of these in the garden but they have a little catching up to do yet.
Hi, dear Michelle. Always a joy to hear from you and thanks.
Thanks Rick ... had to laugh ... have not been able to catch up in the past days but as I am, both you and Michelle were too. Must be time difference but love it ... good ships passing in the night!
hello!! wonderful collection of flower!! beautiful tones and compositions!! regards
Always a pleasure to visit your blog. Your flower collages are great. I love that chocolate cosmo.
Welcome Costea and thank you. You too have a fine eye ... a joy to connect.
Thanks Rosey! A joy to visit you also. Chocolate Cosmo is causing much delight with me and the comments. Will let all know how well it performs ... right now, enough to say she's a beauty!
Oh. Nice set of photos there. I really do not know but I really an envious of people posting such great photos. Because I do not know how to take photos like that. But what I really love are the flowers and the plants! I would love to have them in my garden as well!
Thank you, Rose Gold! A lot of work but wonderful.
I really love the photos! Of course the flowers too. You did a good job on editing. I have pictures of my garden but I am not good on editing pictures. You are a great gardener too. I can see it in your photos. I enjoy viewing your photos.
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