"It always seemed to me that the herbaceous peony is the very epitome of June. Larger than any rose, it has something of the cabbage rose's voluminous quality; and when it finally drops from the vase, it sheds its petticoats with a bump on the table, all in an intact heap, much as a rose will suddenly fall, making us look up from our book or conversation, to notice for one moment the death of what had still appeared to be a living beauty."
~ Vita Sackville-West

So incredibly sumptuous. They remind me of Georgia O'Keefe paintings.
Joey, the second photograph is simply beautiful. It has a rather ethereal quality about it, and the quote of Vita Sackville-West is perfect.
Nice! Yesterday's tumultuous rain knocked almost all the petals off my peony already in bloom. (It looked like huge confetti on my walk, which I thought was cool. A party? For meeee? lol) I have two others that are still in bud.
Lovely compilation of peony images Joey!
Just love the flowers on your blog.
So very pretty and delicate
Great minds think alike joey - well at least yours is a great mind :) We both went for peonies today. Lovely shots you have here, and a most appropriate quote. If our hot dry weather remains, we'll soon be seeing showers of petal confetti !
Mmmm! I love peonies! I've got quite a few deep red blousey ones which are totally fabby, but I've not come across white ones before ....I think I've just fallen in love! :)
Beautiul description of the peony. Sadly, mine have already fallen!
Peonies are like... a dream of bunnies and kittens and ducklings. :o) Great photos Joey, they really show off the delicate and soft flowers well!
Your photos have confirmed what I've always felt -- pink and white are my favorite colors in the garden.
The month of June in MI & WI is the best, isn't it?
your peony photos are spectacular and so dreamy.
can't get enough of these gorgeous flowers!!
Gorgeous photos and an excellent quote. I think peonies are much superior to the rose in every way except length of bloom.
This is such a enjoyable post, those peonies are so gorgeous.
Oh so Fabulous!! Luscious peonies..I am in love with the pink !! Magic Joey!! You are a magician-ness..with the camera..your flower shot..so dazzling!
PS; thank you for the super thoughtful words..they always mean alot to me!
The pink one is so decadent, just what a peony should be.
AWEsome! Just lovin' those peonies! Mine were gorgeous too but I've missed them during the past week or 2. They just don't last long enough!! One of the most beautiful flowers, I'd have to say. Just wish they would stay longer! Always such a pleasure to see your stunning collages, Joey. I looked through some of your previous posts since I haven't been here lately. They are ALL just gorgeous;-)
Oh, these are lovely, Joey! I don't have a single peony in my garden, so I am enjoying yours so much. I'm so glad you included this quote from Vita Sackville-West. I recently read a mystery novel in which she was one of the characters, along with Virginia Woolf, and I was so intrigued I did a little research about her and her garden. She was an interesting lady, to say the least:) But what a gardener!
Joey frillalicious peonies! I am smiling as I read this post as vase filled with peonies set by my PC..one of the blossoms just went
"bump" as the petals fell!
I too have frills posted!
Let's enjoy them while they are here!
Aw thanks, dear Lindalou. Good thing I captured these late yesterday since today was a deluge!
Thank you, Clare. Though short lived, peonies are stunning. Beloved and fragile, they seem to attract heavy downpours :(
Mine are looking pretty pitiful today too, Monica :( What is it about blooming peonies and rain!
Thanks, dear Kala. I do so wish they stayed around longer :(
Welcome Nazzareno! Thank you for visiting and sharing your kind comment.
Right on about the great minds, Rick, and your peonies are stunning!
Thanks dear Liz! Just returned from across the sea ... your whole garden looks totally 'fabby'!
Love your take, Krista! Thank you ... you always make me smile :)
Mine are on their way out too, Eileen, especially after today's heavy rain. I was thrilled to see these after being away for 5 days. Sadly, Scarlet O'Hara is no longer with us :(
Welcome, Chasity, and thank you! Peonies are definitely a delight to photograph.
After May, June is my favorite month, Donna! Spring smells linger ... yes, we are both blessed to have the best of the best!
Thanks, sweet Jen. So enjoyed your hosta/glasses post :)
Thanks, Marnie, and totally agree about the length of blooming time. I do so wish they would stay around longer ... they would never wear out their welcome.
Always a delight to hear from you, dear Kiki. Thank you for the kind thoughts.
Interesting perspective, Sweet Bay ... I like it!
Thank you, dear Rose. Catching up after the long away weekend, sure enjoyed your post (sigh). Curious about the book ... sounds good ... what's the name?
Thanks Jan. Happy you could stay awhile. I too have been lax about visiting all my favorites. When away, it's stressful using another computer ... plus our 14 nose count at the lake over the weekend consumed a bit of my time :)
Thanks, dear Anna! Just returned from viewing your stunning peonies, the most 'frillalicious' I have ever seen! We are both blessed :)
My poor peonies are super wet! I am glad I can stop by Joeys' site and enjoy their beauty plus some. Aren't they the prettiest flower ever?!
Happy Spring
Peonies remind me of my Dad. He has the most monstrous beauties ever. Mine are miniscule by comparison. These white ones you have are fabulous.
Raining again here today, Bren. Mine are drenched too ... need to work in the garden but ... perhaps I just might enjoy my anniversary, dry :)
Thanks Rosey ... the recent rain really pelted them! Happy early anniversary (mine is today)!
Hi, Joey;
Stopped over to wish you a very happy anniversary (loved that photo you shared on FB.) My peonies have a month to go before the show. Yours are quite lovely. :)
You are a dear, Kate, and thank you. Like a beautiful garden, you are an endless joy. So enjoyed your sharing last post.
Very beautiful!
Nice to find your blog!
Thank you 25 Bar. A delight to find yours as well ... very impressed!
I have a few peones,but mine have not bloomed yet. If mine are half a pretty as yours I'll be happy.
Thanks Chad ... have been OOT for the past 4 days but delighted to catch up. As always, your posts are amazing.
it's a beauty Joey! I wish they were still in bloom here~gail
All sensual and lovely Joey! I love the sound of the bump on the table that Vita speaks of... I leave them lie for awhile to enjoy that stage as well. Peony time is so delightful! ;>)
Short and sweet, the life of a peony, Gail! Thanks treasured friend.
I'm with you, Carol, and know of no gardener who does not adore the peony.
Isn't it simply lovely?! Your photos are beautiful, Joey, and the first one especially keeps my eye.
Our 'Bowl of Beauty' is just beginning to bloom; one of the regular peonies with its huge blossoms are on the ground because of the volume of rain we have had; a few more are about to bloom just as the rains are supposed to subside (fingers crossed).
Have a wonderful Joey.
So beautiful! And the quote....loved it!!
Happy June!
Hi Joey,
I love, love, love peonies!!! I think they're my favorites,or until the next little beauty blooms;).
Do you cut them back after blooming? I never have, but they do crowd others out, like my lilies coming along.
Happy Anniversary,
Hi Ann ... yes, cut heavy for bouquets and pruning to make room. Though true beauties, their foliage is a bit garden hogging :)
It's all been said, but also wanted to telly you how beautiful these lovely flowers are and your photography is spectacular.
Karen, thank you ... a huge compliment from your fine eye!
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