"The world's favorite season is the spring.
All things seem possible in May."
~ Edwin Way Teale

Magnolia blossoms
Tra la! It's May! The lusty month of May! That lovely month when everyone goes blissfully astray Tra la! It's here! That shocking time of year When tons of wicked little thoughts merrily appear It's May! It's May! That gorgeous holiday When every maiden wishes her lad would be a cad
It's mad! It's gay! A libelous display Those dreary vows that everyone takes, everyone breaks, Everyone makes divine mistakes, the lusty month of May!
Whence this fragrance wafting through the air? What sweet feelings does its scent transmute? Whence this perfume floating everywhere? Don't you know it's that dear forbidden fruit? Tra la la la la! That dear forbidden fruit!
Tra la! It's May! The lusty month of May! That darling month when everyone throws self-control away It's time to do a wretched thing or two And try to make each precious day one you'll always rue!
It's May! It's May! The month of "yes you may," The time for every frivolous whim, proper or im-
It's wild! It's gay! A blot in every way The birds and bees with all of their vast Amorous past* gaze at the human race aghast! The lusty month of May!
~ Lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner
(Music by Frederick Lowe)
Yep Joey, ... May time is play time!
Hope you have some fun this month playing around outside, ... camera in hand.
And, I hope that our magnolias are not as crazy acting as they were last year in this area with their falling/drooping petals.
I hope that they look like the ones you have shown here.
Beautiful blooms!
Hi Joey, oh I love those lyrics! They just don't write them like they used to. May is a wonderful time of year, your magnolia looks supremely happy about it too! :-)
Beautiful magnolia collage Joey! Hooray for lusty May!
Beautiful May collage
Oh, Joey! I sang along and remembered the movie and enjoyed myself very much. You have a lovely blog and now I have a some lovely new recipes! thanks.
I am honored to be the first to visit your entry for today. I better hurry before someone hits the send button before me.
Happy May - love the magnoila collage. I just made the BIGGEST (maybe too big!) of a collage for APril in todays blog. LOL
Happy Day... Enjoy it!
I arose from my bed this morning and began singing this song to my amazed husband. It will be a little while before there is a libelous display in my garden but it won't be long! My MD post is up and takes a different tack.
Wonderful lyrics, Joey -- yes, anything seems possible in May. :) Such wonderfully warm days without the heat of summer. :-)
I'm planning a walk in a park filled with redbuds! Yay, spring!
Hi Joey, that song sounds familiar but I can't put a tune to the lyrics;) It certainly seems like Lerner and Lowe were having a more exciting May than I usually do. Perhaps I should try to go blissfully astray this year;)
Tra la! It is May, hooray! A very clever (and memorable) piece, Joey. You've created yet another gorgeous collage. Happy 1st day of May!
I had to smile while reading the lyrics. I think someone had spring fever when writing them. :) Your magnolias are beautiful and I love the collage!
Merry May to you Dear Joey,
I haven't stopped by in a while, out of town and family illnesses; but as usual you bring me such peace and joy when I visit. Nice to relax with you.
Hope all is well with you. Enjoy this great time of the year in our beautiful state. But somehow I know you will!!!!!!!!!
Take care,
I don't know about my being "lusty" in the month of May, Joey, but it's certainly one of my favorite months of the year:) I think everyone has caught spring fever, but I'll spend my "frivolous whims" in the garden. There's nothing quite as beautiful as a magnolia in bloom--love the pictures!
April just flew past me!
so glad to have may show up so wet. all the seeds and plants are loving it...i do hope it takes a break though. can't plant anything in the soggy ground. your magnolias are wonderful. my favourite tree and i love the blossoms.
You never know, Mike ... we take what we can get in this twirling life :) Thanks for saying hello ...
This merry song has been ringing through my head, Frances. Love it! (We can all use a bit of 'Camelot' in our lives.)
Yea .. and thanks, Linda!
Thanks Keewee ... enjoy May!
Hi Ms Wis! I can't get the song out of my head. Spent the day in the garden listening to my ipod spring song playlist. Thanks for stopping by ...
Hi Bren ... I'm so far behind in visiting and comments. Took tons of pics while working but no time to post this busy weekend.
Wishing you a prolific May, Commonweeder. Once things pop ...well, there is no stopping them. Enjoy the respite ... soon enough your head will swim!
Yes, May is the best, Nancy. Both my head and body are twirling!
Enjoy dear Monica ~ my redbuds are beginning to bloom ... yea!
Go for it, Marnie! (And please keep me posted :)
Hi Jan and thanks! Lusty May has me twirling BIG TIME. But I'll be by to catch up :)
I've got spring fever for sure, Beckie, and it's May Wine time! Friends are calling ... "Is it May Wine time!" Yes, indeed it is ... part of garden tour fun :)
Do hope all is OK Ann ... it's so good to hear from you. Wish you lived near ... sounds like you would enjoy a glass of May Wine and would love sharing!
My heart sings each May, Rose, a bit lusty at times :)
April blew past you and me also, Brenda. Let's hope we can wrap our our arms around May.
We've been blessed with awesome weather, Marnee, perfect for weeding, digging and dividing. May is my favorite month and hope it is for you also.
Hi Joey! I've not seen Camelot for a very long time! Perhaps you should have a recipe for Sweet Nights at a Round Table? ;-)
Well that pretty much describes me! Ha! I was born on the 6th of May and so glad I was. I too have that magnolia and it is so elegant and full of love. Mine has long bloomed and greened up nicely.
I'm sure I can find one, Shady :)
Happy Birthday, dear Anna ... so was my sister-in-law and dear friend. What a great day!
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