"Green is the prime color of the world,
and that from which its loveliness arises."
~ Pedro Calderon de la Barca




Annabelle Hydrangea

COLEUS 'Chocolate Mint'




(Click on photo to enlarge)
That would be GB Packer green to which you're referring, right? lol
What lovely green you've shared with us. Many of the plants in your photos also grow in my yard, but somehow you've made them look way more fabulous than mine. Is it the gardener or the photographer? Both, I suspect.
Indeed also meant to be GB, Donna ... you are a wise woman! Aw, how kind thank you ... you do very well in that department yourself!
Beautiful images as always Joey. It's always a pleasure to spend a bit of time here! Happy Super Bowl Sunday!
Hi Joey, that was a wonderful masterpiece for the greens. I've long been wanting to do that same idea, but haven't really sat down and do this collaging, which i am still learning. I have a lot of photos to put together, i hope i can do it soonest. I love this post.
Wow Joey! What amazing mosaics of green! I wish I could do it too! Just love all your greens, cant pinpoint which I love best..they are all so gorgeous!
Green is just what I need to see this time of year - it makes my heart happy. Thanks for sharing Joey!
Lovely Joey!! A verdant elixir to this soul needing a boost of green. Many of your poetic photos are just exquisite.
Hi Joey and thanks! Green is my favorite color!
Dearest Joey, What bliss...green. How often do I find myself saying to others that "green IS a colour you know", when all they seem to crave for is knicker pink or tangerine. Green is so calming and, as you show so beautifully here, so varied in all its tones and tints. Orange, I am reliably informed is the colour of the catwalk in 2011....I for one shall have none of it!!
green! my favorite color :) and a bunch of ferns, which i also love - thumbs up on this post !
Green grow the rushes o.
Reading this post was like being awed and thrilled each time a new photo popped up. I love LOVE your work.
Do I sound like a fan? I am.
It makes me want to get out there with my camera and shoot ferns till I can't hit the button anymore. But there isn't any green yet...sigh.
The next best thing to spring, that's what this post is.
Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams
Thank you, dear WG. You are always so kind ... and, yes, Super Bowl Sunday was grand! Hope yours was too :)
Andrea, thank you. How kind. Good luck with the collages ... they are fun and very addictive!
Thank you, p3chandan. I had great fun creating this post.
Thank you, Kala. How kind.
I'm honored, Carol. Thank you for the lovely comment.
In the garden, green is my favorite color too, Tatyana.
Thank you, dearest Edith. I think we are in agreement. I'm so in awe of the many shades of green and for me the most challenging/creative part of gardening.
Thank you kind, Jill. Ferns are me ... I can never have too many (and I have lots)!
Aw, how lovely, dear Jen. As you can see, I'm reaching back in the archives for this post, a much needed change from the sea of white surrounding me. Plus, it WAS Superbowl Sunday ...
Such a luscious and green collection of Hostas. After seeing all these frigid white days, green is a refreshing change.
Green rules.
Thank you for sharing all the green. So nice to see this time of year as a reminder that it won't always be cold, white and icy.
So romantic, those pale, soft greens. And am I ever ready for them! Thanks for these gorgeous images.
Indeed, imac. So enjoyed your last post :)
Thank you, Rosey, and yes, enough white but afraid we are still in the midst of winter's white offerings. I adore my hostas! Can never have too many :) Do hope you are feeling better.
My pleasure, Linda. Hum, romantic green ... like it!
Lovely, lovely green joey ! Back home (Canada) I 'liberated' some ferns from the wild and they're doing splendidly in the shade of the deck. But I've never seen ferns like some of these - beauties. And we also have several varieties of hostas, which you've captured so well. Great collages !
I've had this page open since last night, Joey, because it's just what we snow-beleaguered all need. Then I realized I really OUGHT to leave a comment instead of just sighing in bliss over it. Beautiful. Just beautiful.
Oh Joey,
Congrats on the new grandson. Is this your first? They will completely steal your heart away...forever.
Thank you, Rick. Ferns and hosta rule in my garden ... must haves and can't have too many ... just keep expanding!
Thank you, dear Jodi. With so much on your plate, you must be exhaused yet joyful holding your new book. So happy for you :)
Thanks Lindalou ... this is my 3rd grandson who has captured my heart. The other 2 are his older brothers (2nd & 3rd grade) We are all ecstatic!
What's the matter Joey, are you missing green? I know I sure am!
Lovely, Joey! One of my favorite garden areas is my shade garden, which is mostly a sea of green--such a soothing color. Right now, though, I'm anxious to see anything green in my garden!
Ha, ha, I didn't even catch the intent here till I read Donna's comment:) Hope you and your family enjoyed the Super Bowl!
Didn't realize how many different kinds of hostas you have.
Can't believe you're a grandmother...looking good.
Like you, Robin, indeed I am and still surrounded!
That might be my favorite garden too, Rose. I love a green garden!
Patsi, you are a dear and thank you. I'm as old as dirt! I do have a lovely hosta collection ... I love them and resist ... hostas are addiction, you know :)
Stunning images! The close-ups of foliage...exceptionally beautiful!
Thank you, Kanak. I love green!
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