"There was an Old Person of Rheims,
Who was troubled with horrible dreams;
So, to keep him awake,
they fed him with cake,
Which amused that Old Person of Rheims."
So, to keep him awake,
they fed him with cake,
Which amused that Old Person of Rheims."
~ Edward Lear
English artist, writer; known for his 'literary nonsense' & limericks (1812-1888)

~ Over 30 year old favorite (because of all the carrots) retro carrot cake recipe, clipped and adapted from Better Homes & Gardens
2 cups flour
2 cups sugar
2 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. salt
2 tsp. cinnamon
4 organic eggs
1 cup oil
4 cups grated raw carrots (about 8 medium)
1/2 - 1 cup chopped pecans
Cream Cheese Frosting:
4 Tbsp. soft unsalted butter
2 3 oz. packages Philadelphia cream cheese
4 1/3 cup sifted powdered sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
1 tsp. maple syrup
- Preheat oven to 350ยบ.
- Combine flour, sugar, soda, salt and cinnamon. Set aside.
- In large bowl, beat eggs till frothy; slowly beat in oil.
- Gradually add flour mixture. Beat smooth. Mix in carrots and nuts. Pour into 3 greased and floured 9-inch round cake pans.
- Bake for 25-30 minutes or until done. Cool 10 minutes and remove from pan.
- Frosting: Blend soft butter and cream cheese. Gradually add powdered sugar. Beat smooth. Stir in vanilla and maple syrup.
- Frost between layers; Continue and frost top & sides of cake.
"Vegetables are a must on a diet.
I suggest carrot cake, zucchini bread, and pumpkin pie.”
~ Jim Davis
"In her New York Cookbook (1992), Molly O'Neill says that George Washington was served a carrot tea cake at Fraunces Tavern in lower Manhattan. The date: November 25, 1783. The occasion: British Evacuation Day. She offers an adaptation of that early recipe, which was printed in The Thirteen Colonies Cookbook (1975) by Mary Donovan, Amy Hatrack, and Frances Schull. It isn't so very different from the carrot cakes of today. Yet strangely, carrot cakes are noticeably absent from American cookbooks right through the nineteenth century and well into the twentieth. Before developing a new pudding-included carrot and spice cake mix, Pillsbury researched carrot cake in depth, even staged a nation-wide contest to locate America's first-published carrot cake recipe. Their finding: A carrot cake in The Twentieth Century Bride's Cookbook published in 1929 by a Wichita, Kansas, woman's club. Running a close second was a carrot cake printed in a 1930 Chicago Daily News Cookbook...Several carrot cake contestants also sent Pillsbury a complicated, two-day affair that Peg Bracken had included in one of her magazine columns sometime in the late '60s or early '70s...Whatever its origin, carrot cake didn't enter mainstream America until the second half of this century."
---The American Century Cookbook: The Most Popular Recipes of the 20th Century, Jean Anderson [Clarkson Potter:New York] 1997 (p. 435)
A survey of carrot cake (& precessor recipes) confirms these items took many forms:
- baked in pastry, like pumpkin pie
- steamed and served with sauce, like plum pudding
- baked in pans and served with icing, like cake
"26. Pudding of Carrot. Pare off some of the Crust of Manchet-Bread, and grate of half as much of the rest as there is of the Root, which must also be grated: Then take half a Pint of fresh Cream or New Milk, half a Pound of fresh Butter, six new laid Eggs (taking out three of the Whites) mash and mingle them well with the Cream and Butter: Then put in the grated Bread and Carrot, with near half a Pound of Sugar; and a little Salt; some grated Nutmeg and beaten Spice; and pour all into a convenient Dish or Pan, butter'd, to keep the Ingredients from sticking and burning; set it in a quick Oven for about an Hour, and so have you a Composition for any Root-Pudding."---The Art of Cookery, Made Plain and Easy, Hannah Glasse, facsimile 1747 London reprint [Prospect Books:Devon] 1995(p.107)---Chicago Daily News Cook Book, Edith G. Shuck and Dr. Herman N. Bundesen [Chicago Daily News:Chicago IL] 1930 (p. 47)---The Settlement Cook Book, Mrs. Simon Kander, Twenty-first Edition Enlarged and Revised [Settlement Cook Book Co.:Milwaukee WI] 1936 (p. 459)
When did the cream cheese icing appear?
Carrots are an "Old World" vegetable. They adapted readily to "New World" soil. Notes here:
---Cambridge World History of Food, Kennth F. Kiple & Kriemhild Conee Ornelas [Cambridge University Press:Cambridge] 2001, Volume Two (p. 1746)
"Adding to the confusion of early carrot history is the wold white carrot...that is native to Europe and was subsequently naturalized in America. Now popularly known as Queen Anne's lace, the most famous for its ornamental flower, the woody root has been used interchageably with its visually similar cousin, the parsnip...The late-fourth-century Roman cookery book of Apicius lists recipes suitable for either carrots (presumably wild and cultivated) or parsnips, advice repeated nearly fifteen hundred years later in Lettice Bryan's The Kentucky Housewife (1839) that "carrots may be cooked in every respect like parsnips." English carrots were the first to be introduced into the colonies, accompanying colonists to Jamestown in 1609 and early Pilgrims to Massachusetts no later than 1629, where they grew "biger and sweeter" than anything found in Engalnd. Dutch Menonnites brought orange and scarlet carrots with them into Pennsylvania, from whence they spread through the rest of the colonies."
---Oxford Encyclopedia of Food and Drink in America, Andrew F. Smith editor [Oxford University Press:New York] 2004, Volume 1 (p. 191)
Joey I read every bit of this and have to say this must be the most comprehensive carrot celebration on the web!
Clever those Dutch, breeding the orange carrot to celebrate the 'House of Orange'.
I haven't eaten carrot cake in a while. I don't know why as whenever I do I always enjoy it.
In the second world war, the British spread the rumours about carrots being good for the eyesight. This was to fool the Nazis as at that time they'd invented radar and the enemy could not understand why their planes and ships were getting spotted. Eat carrots of course.
Beautiful photos as ever.
Beautiful photos Joey! Whew! That is a lot of carrot information!! I love the quotes ... and as often happens when I visit you ... I must have something sweet to eat! ;>)) Carol
I can remember the first time I was served carrot cake as a child. I wouldn't touch it. Eeeewww, vegetables in a cake, what a crime:) Now of course I know it is delicious and moist. With that in mind, I can understand why the idea didn't catch on in this country until later. It's the spices that make the great flavor and aroma. Maybe early homemakers didn't have access to all those spices.
Wow..great post..what a delightful informative read! OOh i love your moon photo..stunning! Gorgeous! What a wonderful tribute to carrot cake!Joey..you rock..i always learn something wonderful and new here!
Wow! You are a wonderful source of carrot information.
Carrot Cake is my significant others favorite cake. I always thought it was the cup of oil that killed the "healthy" aspect, not the cream cheese. His b-day is coming up next week. Maybe I should bake him one.
Funny, Rob (just what I hoped)! I was thrilled to find this abundance of 'carrot cake' trivia ... you are a dear to read it all :) This lighthearted offering is in lieu of my annual Groundhog Day post that I missed yesterday! Thanks for kind words and added WWII tidbit ... this truly is a good cake!
Thank you, Carol. I'm sure you left with more carrot info than you probably ever wanted or needed to know. BTW - you can always nosh on a raw carrot when you pop over for a visit!
I don't think you were alone, Marnie. Most kids are turned off by the name. When I realized it was such a 'momentous' day, I was delighted to find my old recipe ... it's been a long time since I've made this yummy treat (plus I promised to bake this for an old friend for his birthday). I especially love this recipe 'cause it's loaded with more carrots than most, making it extra moist. Wish you were near to share a piece with me :)
Wow, thanks Kiki! And I always leave your site, spiritually fed.
Thanks, Lindalou! I would never tout this as being healthy, simply a dessert, maybe healthier than some :) I have substituted with part whole wheat flour, which is good. Have you ever tried the carrot cake at Whistle Stop (on S. Eton in Birmingham)? Different but almost as good as mine :)
Ohmygoodness, Joey! This post was almost more than I could handle because I LOVE a good slice of carrot cake! (Sneaky parents - putting carrots into cake! ha.) I'll be printing again... hopefully baking, too. :-)
Joey, such a fun and interesting post. Of course, loving carrot cake the way I do, I so enjoyed all the history of the cake and the carrot. It makes sense that it was used as a sweetener. I have always thought that's way carrots are so popular with kids(and adults!).
Wouldn't you love to see and taste some of those heirloom varieties- purple or scarlett carrots??!
Hi Shady! Give this a try and let me know. Keep me posted if you ever get near!
Thanks Beckie and thanks for commenting on the tidbits! You can get full simply reading all this stuff :)
Carrot cake is my all time favorite. I bake my grandma's recipe which includes crushed pineapple. This was very interesting... I enjoyed all the information.
Is there any better combo than carrot cake and cream cheese frosting?? Thank you for this well researched history of carrot cake! Fascinating! Now curious about carrot pudding!
Joey...there's so much to learn from a post like this! Enjoyed reading up the details. I wasn't even aware it was native to Afghanistan. Fascinating info. And your photos and quotes are a treat too!
You are not alone, Meems! I make one with pineapple too but this old favorite haunts me. Surprised to find all this info, I'm tempted to try the 1936 Carrot Torte recipe. If tasty, I'll post it again.
Hello dear Kathryn. Yes, carrot cake & cream cheese, a memorable taste treat! What do you like better ... the cake or frosting? Enjoyed your violet post.
Always a treat to hear from you, Kanak. Bless and thank you ~ a lot of details to read!
Carrot cake is delicious, but let's all be honest: It's really just a vehicle for cream cheese frosting.
This was a great history lesson! I never knew any of this - WWII, Medieval, George Washington...
There is a restaurant nearby with a fabulous bakery that makes huge, rectangular carrot cakes!
Joey, my husband will not... will not! read this blog. lol He has never seen a carrot cake he has not liked. Beautiful moon shot!
I hear you, Erin, and think you are not alone in that thought :)
Oh yes, lots of info here, Cameron! Who would have thought there was so much out there regarding carrot cake :)
Thanks, Di ~ wish you lived closer so we could share :)
National Carrot Cake Day sounds like just the thing! :) I'm keeping this recipe. :)
Another great cake recipe...how will I resist? I like making these cakes on the weekend when my kids and husband can help me eat it otherwise I eat it all. :)
very good info about carrots, all I ever needed to learn about carrots, I learned it here. Seriously.
I love carrot cake..we served it at our informal marriage celebration...Thirty years ago this April. Hoping you have a wonderful weekend~gail
Do hope you enjoy it, Nancy! For some reason, I think of carrot cake in early spring, around Easter. I have a CARROT PECAN COFFEE CAKE with PRALINE STREUSEL with wheat flour that is traditional for the holiday. It's posted if interested!
Thanks Rosey! You never know when you'll be called upon for info on carrots :) Enjoy the cake/kids/ and weekend!
An enjoyable weekend wish for you too, Gail. Happy Early Anniversary wishes ... think of how lovely April will be when spring finally arrives.
Oh I just adore carrot cake ...it's up there with banana bread!
I never knew all that history about carrots - except for the WW2 propaganda about being good for your eyesight, to fool the Germans about radar! I remember our European history lessons only too well!
Have a great weekend :)
Very informative! Who cares whether carrot cake is a health food or not (lol), it's delicious!
Always a joy, hi Nutty! Like you, I enjoy humor. This post ... a cross over ... yummy recipe/more trivia than needed! Enjoy the weekend and hoping you are feeling, top notch!
Agree, Sweet Bay ... enough said :)
I love carrot cake! My favorite wedding I ever attended had the main cake made of carrot cake! :)
Was is Gail's wedding :) Just teasing, that's what she served! Happy 'unsnowy' weekend (we lucked out)
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