The chrysanthemum, the Flower of Happiness, was so revered in Japan that only the nobles could grow it.
~ Unknown

~ Chrysanthemum
(Gold Flower)
From the Greek khrūsanthemon, meaning gold flower : khrūs-, khrūso-, chryso- + anthemon, flower (from anthos).
~ Delicious treat adapted from an old SUNSET MAGAZINE clipping. As cut onions bake, they soften and open like flowers.
4-6 (6-8 oz.) red or yellow onions
1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
coarse salt & freshly ground cracked pepper
pinch of cayenne to taste
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar (dark or white)
1/2 cup toasted pine nuts, chopped walnuts or pecans
chopped fresh rosemary, thyme, and chives
- Peel onions; trim tops and root ends if needed to sit flat. Set onion on root end. From top, cut through middle of each onion to 1/2 inch from bottom. Repeat 10-12 cuts (1/2 to 3/4 inches apart).
- Place onion, cut side up in 9x13-inch pan. Drizzle evenly with oil. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and cayenne to taste. Bake, covered, in 400-degree oven until onions are very tender when pierced in center, about 1 hour.
- Uncover. Sprinkle evenly with vinegar, toasted nuts and herbs to taste. Bake until onion tips are lightly browned, 10-15 minutes longer. Spoon pan juices over onions before serving. Delicious with grilled steak. (4-6 servings)
Just what we needed, some warm beautiful colors, and a good tasty recipe. Perfect for our gloomy wet weekend that we are suffering through.
What looks like another great receipe. I'm glad I stumbled on your website
Definitely the perfect flower for November. When everything else is starting to fade away they are in their glory right now in my garden.
Wow...I don't what is more delicious the pictures or the recipe! I love onions and will have to give this recipe a try!
Hi Jen ~ yes, gloomy and bone chilling. Just returned home from a championship flag-football game (grandboys won and son was coach), trying to warm up! I'm afraid we brought the nasty weather back from our trip to Minneapolis last week. The sweet onion smell is drifting upstairs as I write!
Thanks Patientgardener ~ I'm happy to find you also :)
Yes indeed, P.G., although these are in a pot near the back door.
Hi Joey, lovely mums and glad to see bloomin' onions fixed a healthier way. They sound perfect for these chilly wet days ahead. Always a treat to visit you.
Joey - just what I needed a bold infusion of colour - so warming.
Thank you, dear Frances ~ I love onions and indeed these are healthier. Another fun treat, ... grilled Onion Blossoms (8/29/08)
Hi Karen ~ bold color shouts, waving goodbye.
I bought two pots of mums this year. And both bit the dust fast. One I planted in the ground and it seems to be showing signs of green. So I do have hope. Lovely photos as always!
Hi Brenda and thanks but don't worry ~ mums are one plant that seems to add undo pressure in gardener's lives. I treat mine as annuals (enjoying their beauty, frankly homely waiting to bloom requiring too much precious space so ... hush ... don't tell ... pitch).
What a difference a day makes. I am afraid to think what my mums will look like come morning after the rain and wind we are getting tonight. None the less it is wonderful to read your warm posting and that recipe is to die for! YUMMO!!! Thanks for sharing my dear garden friend.
Have you ever tried sticking those mums in a space near the back of your yard after they are done blooming in the fall. They may just come up and bring you more joy! ((HUGS))
As a kid, I never liked chrysanthemums and regretted them being my birthday month flower--same with topaz, my birthstone. Now I love mums and while I'm still not 100% on-board with topaz, I do *love* amber, and its color is similar (I just like the imperfections in amber over a true gemstone). Um... cause I'm sure you needed to know all that! ;-)
~ Monica
mouth watering...I love onions in all forms and sizes!
Lovely pictures of a beautiful and perfect plant of the month! I still have one growing strong. Before it bloomed I thought I may not keep it as the foliage was spilling out on the sidewalk and was quite unattractive but now I cannot get rid of it. It is my last bloom for the year and is so beautiful. It has earned it's place.
Joey, that is one of my favorite colors of mums. I call it butterscotch. :) I have always loved onions fixed this way, but as Frances says, this sounds so much healthier and less intinmidating than deep frying one. Will try these this weekend. Thanks!
Sounds like another yummy recipe I may have to try, Joey.
Thanks for the reminder about the significance of the chrysanthemum in Japan; I had forgotten about that. And I won't tell if you don't tell either; mine will probably wind up on the compost pile, too:)
Indeed Bren ~ what a difference a day makes! We woke to our first snowfall ... sigh! Regarding the mums, can you believe I have no room! Each bed expanded over 33 years created monster perennial gardens requiring tons of work. But do try the onion chrysanthemums that we enjoyed again last night.
I found your comment most interesting, birthday friend! I'm with you, Monica, regarding mums and topaz (I'm also a November child as is my youngest son.) Hope your birthday was wonderful!
Do hope you give the onions a try, Tyra! If you enjoy them as much as I do, try the grilled Onion Blossoms posted on 8/29/08, also a favorite.
Thank you, Cindy, and I hear you. After waking to morning snow, my pitiful pots of pansies are hanging their heads low!
I do hope you like these as much as I do, dear Beckie. We dined on them last night with grilled rosemary pork tenderloin and baked acorn squash, a perfect meal!
Hi dear Rose, and thanks. Mums are 'The Flower of Happiness' and very photogenic. (Trust me, I won't tell a soul ;)
The photos are beautiful. I think I have a couple onions at home. I'll try your recipe. It sounds good and it certainly is easy!
Thanks Marnie ~ the recipe is easy and I hope you find delicious!
I've only had the onion chry...chrysa...MUMS! deep-fried.
Just so you know, I'm an active member of WADF (Women Against Deep Frying) so I've only had these in restaurants, because I could never bring myself to deep-frying anything at home.
Thank you Oh, Creative One. I can't wait to try these lovely mums, in baked form.
Hey! I'm an active member of WADF also, Marysol! (I think you should run for president this year!)
We all know there is nothing like some 'good grease' every now and then ... in fact, I'm heading out with the entire family tomorrow night for a birthday bash hamburger on grilled pumpernickel and a greasy batch of the best onion rings this side of the Rio Grande! (Sound like a 3 Tum night to you?)
Wow ...these are so beautifully colored, love them! Your photos as always Joey are stunning! Are you using a new photo software,other than picasa now..?
Another fabulous post!
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