"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them."
~ John Fitzgerald Kennedy

"America I loved you in my youth, with all my heart and soul ... And I still believe in what you stand for, now that I have grown grey and old. We live in a republic where freedom of speech, justice, liberty and equality for all, are the mortar, brick, foundation and cornerstone of our great democracy. Precious guidelines and undeniable truths that our founding fathers weaved and express so eloquently in the U.S. CONSTITUTION. Principles to strive for and live by not for just the present moment, but for a lifetime. Every second, minute, hour and day of each and every passing year. Our past and present veterans blood was shed and flesh was torn on foreign battle fields in defense of these shining truths and principles so others should remain free. So please keep us vets in your heart felt thoughts and prayers for we are growing old, you see. Liberty and freedom comes at a high cost and is never really free. For without the sacrifice of our brave armed forces there would be no liberty. So, always remember the one's who fell in combat and the aging veterans who still remain ... and when you meet and greet them tell them their heroic efforts in defense of freedom and liberty were not fought in vain."
Very inspiring words.
You chose a wonderful photo and quote. And even as we honor them today, I am praying that someday soon it will no longer be necessary for Americans to fight and die for our freedom.
I have always loved that quote of Kennedy's. Lovely and thought provoking post.
A wonderful post, Joey. I love that quote of Kennedy's, and the poem is beautiful.
Indeed, freedom is never free, and always worth fighting for!
I'm honoring my veteran today, and all the others too :)
Thank God for their courage and sacrifice.
They deserve our admiration and gratitude.
What Marnie said.
Being born on the island of Cuba, freedom is not something I've ever taken for granted.
Thank you my dear Joey for honoring all the valiant souls today.
Kennedy's quote says so much so precisely. Thank you for this thoughtful post.
A fitting tribute for veterans by a veteran which gives it so much more meaning.
My husband is the benefactor of the sacrifice made by so many veterans of the Korean war and he is always grateful for it.
An inspiring and thoughtful post, Joey. Thank you.
Thank you all for sharing in the memory of this important day. Regarding the photo, the casket is that of the late Gerald Ford, thirty-eighth President of the United States, a long time Michigan resident whose life was filled with love of God, family and service to our country (Navy during World War II). Layered behind is a faint poppy and forward, the flag of this great country.
A very fitting tribute to veterans today, Joey! And thanks for informing us that the photo is of the casket of President Ford. He may not go down in history as one of our greatest Presidents, but I always thought of him as a man of integrity.
I am so happy, too, to see the tributes today to our veterans that they so richly deserve. Such a change from my youth, when soldiers returned from Vietnam!
This is a most thoughtful post. I had not heard that prayer so it was a special treat. Thank you.
I'll be praying for you and your sister this week. Hope is in research and I have faith that there will be a cure.
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