"Was there ever such an autumn? And yet there was never such a panic and hard times in the commercial world. The merchants and banks are suspending and failing all the country over, but not the sandbanks, solid and warm, and streaked with bloody blackberry vines.You may run upon them as much as you please--even as the crickets do, and find their account in it. They are the stockholders in these banks, and I hear them creaking their content. "
~ Henry David Thoreau
(Journal, October 14, 1857)

~ Pierce Stocking Scenic Drive
(Sleeping Bear Dunes)
"You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment. Fools stand on their island of opportunities and look toward another land. There is no other land; there is no other life but this."
~ Henry David Thoreau
living in the present is wonderful, i believe we are all here for such a time as this. the thoreau quotes sum it all up nicely. beautiful thought and beautiful season, thank you joey!
Great quotes. I loved Sleeping Bear Dunes when we visited a few years ago. The height of the dunes is amazing.
Written in 1857? That could have been written today.
Wonderful post as always, and gorgeous capture.
You mentioned something about novels??? Are you writing?
Yes, Marmee ~ you are a wise woman ;)
I agree, Cindy. Isn't the drive beautiful? Thanks.
Dear wise Jen ~ EXACTLY why I chose this quote ... how astute! And thank you for asking ... yes, have been writing for years ~ finished novel (Diary of a Ho-Hum Housewife) is in editing stage and (Under the Strawberry Moon), 1/3 finished. Life is a bit crazy right now but back to work big time after the holidays ;)
Hi Joey, how exciting about your novel! Good luck with it. Thoreau was a wise wise man. I agee, the first quote could and should be made in the present.
Thanks Frances. Thoreau's quote hit like a ton of bricks! It's important to note that others have seen troubled times and survived!
Joey, Thoreau;s quote shows the more things change the more they stay the same. In the end we just have tohave hope, believe and do our best.
Your photos have a haunting beauty. A lovely place to visit.
What's this about a novel???
Wonderful Joey and exciting, please let us now when but of you will :-) I'll ordering an ex straight away / xoxo Tyra
Thoreau's quotes are certainly timely and help put things in perspective. Good luck with your novel Joey!
Joey, I don't know what sources you use to find your quotes, but you couldn't have found more perfect ones for today than these by Thoreau! Of course, there are many unforgettable quotes from Thoreau:)
These are great reminders, though, that even though times are hard, our country has been through this before and we have survived. I'm going to remember "find your eternity in each moment."
Thank you, dear Beckie, and how true. These 2 quotes remain pertinent for today. Regarding novels ~ I am the 'Ho-Hum Housewife' (DIARY OF A HO-HUM HOUSEWIFE - based loosly on my life, written 4 yrs ago then on 'time crunch' hold, caring for my sister the past 1 1/2 yrs. The other 1/3 written novel, shelved until I kick Ho-Hum out the door ;)
Thanks dear Tyra ~ belive me, you will hear my hoots across the sea if my dream materilizes! Hugs.
Yes, G.G., I agree they could not be more timely and thanks for the good luck wishes (I'm going to need them);)
Dear Rose ~ I'm a Thoreau nut, drawn by a spiritual awaking to the beauty of nature. Deeply entrenched in the midst of today's painful economic automotive woes, the last quote was for me, hoping it will sink in. I hear sighs across the miles equaling mine ;)
I didn't know you wrote novels Joey. I will have to look for your books. That quote does seem appropriate nowadays, can't believe it was written in 1857, they must of been going through similar times.
What great news Joey!!! good luck with the Ho Hum Housewife. Love your post today and the rumpled photos.
Great quote considering the times, isn't it, P.G.? Don't bother looking yet for my books since not published ... but hopefully you might have to wait in lines when they are! (LOL ;)
Thanks dear Anna (whisper ... I'm counting on you to hold the 'Ho-Hum Housewife's hand' on Oprah!)
Very heavy poem by Thoreau.
The lakeshore sounds wonderful wish I was there.
Interesting photographs...looks like double exposure. I guess I'll never know. Sure is lovely.
I agree, Patsi ~ Thoreau's soulful words speak to all of us drawn to the beauty of nature ... Michigan Great Lakes shorelines are a prime example. Please come visit the mystical gift ;)
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