"This is the day upon which we are reminded of what we are on the other three hundred and sixty-four."
~Mark Twain
April Gift ~ in time

Yoshino Cherry, Cherry blossom, Wood Anemone, Pansy, t. Tarda
Japanese painted fern, Myrtle, Tulip, Pachysandra, Johnny-jump-ups
Primrose, Hyacinth, Yoshino Cherry tree, fern, Tulips
Fern, Yoshino Cherry Tree, Tulip face, Whimsy frog, Shadblow
( a few of April's many gifts)
"And Spring arose on the garden fair,
Like the Spirit of Love felt everywhere;
And each flower and herb on Earth's dark breast
rose from the dreams of its wintry rest."
~ Percy Bysshe Shelley
(The Sensitive Plant)
Joey, such lovely flowers! We do have lots to look forward to in April. Thanks for sharing.
What beautiful color on this sunny morning!! Happy April! (I bet we're in for one more snowfall....) (And I found the squirty top thing for olive oil bottles--at Meijer of all places, and not even when looking!
Love the sign. Did you paint that?
It is so cold and gray here, it's hard to imagine spring coming any time soon.
A beautiful post for a beautiful day! (Pity I've not had time to work in the garden and enjoy the warmth and the sunshine!)
OH I am so excited to have found you on Twitter too! It is super windy out so I thought I would take a coffee break inside. Love the new addition to your blog today. Have you heard of The Caruth Studios' in Waterville Ohio. You should check out his stuff. I have a link to his shop on my page. Wonderful artist - your garden wall hanging reminds me of his work.
Happy April to you!
Great musings and photos for today!
Hi Joey! What a beautiful post. You have a great eye for color and design...then you throw in lovely poems, thoughtful quotes and occasionally very tempting recipes! Have a delicious day~~gail
Lovely, as usual, Joey. What a beautiful collage.
BTW aren't you joining us for Spring Fling this year?
Beautiful, beautiful, Joey!
Oh, my, everything look absolutely wonderful at your place! My favorites are the Yoshino Cherry & the Trillium, but honestly, I'd be happy to have any of that in my garden today.
Good One...
Thanks for your lovely and imaginative GBMD post Joey. I really enjoyed it :)
Yep, that's where you'll find me!
Thanks Beckie ~ indeed we all have much to look forward to. I love April (and May and June ... :) (Gramps has the grandboys at their first Baseball practice ... yahoo ... more fun!)
Hi Nutty ... you need to rest up after your weekend adventures. I didn't get out today either except to shoot a few baskets with my grandboys :)
Thanks for the tip 'Tweeting' friend, Bren! (Still learning my way around over there with not much time to do it :)
With much to look forward to in April, it was a fun post, Cameron! Happy April gardening :)
How thoughtful, Gail. Actually, I've been cookin' up a storm (daughter over for dinner last eve and the grandboys here today ... another son over tomorrow for dinner ...)
Hi Monica ... a stunning AM indeed but hold onto your hat, Toots! ... more wind and snow predicted after the weekend :)
Sorry Marnie but, trust me, it is coming ... simply taking its good ol' time. (I did not paint the sign but found it at the Farmer's Market, a favorite haunt!)
Hi Carolyn ~ thank you. Sigh, I had hoped to attend Spring Fling (if only to meet you :) but that has been a penciled in family/friend weekend 'at the lake' for ages. But who knows ... it's so tempting!
Thank you, Nancy ... hope you're feelin' better.
These are my April gifts to look forward to, MMD ... April is a awesome month! It won't be much longer before we both can shout, joy! I have lots of trillium here and even more at the lake ... our cottage is surrounded and the woods are filled with a blanket of white ... stunning!
Thank you, Jarlin :)
How kind, Anna. I enjoyed your GBMD post also!
I had to read the Twain quote twice before it dawned on me:) Leave it to Twain to remind us all how foolish we often are.
I love your collages, Joey--I think in April we really can look forward to finally seeing some life in the garden. And a beautiful quote from Shelley to sum up the feeling of spring.
Your photographs are stunning. I love the cherry blossoms and the tulips. Well, I love them all ~ what a beautiful assortment of images. Love the Mark Twain quote. Made me smile!!
April there looks like May here!
Love that Mark Twain, Rose! Hope you are having a wonderful time ... don't think you're missing much ... weather-wise, not too spiffy!
Thank you, Kate, I love Mark Twain's sense of humor. I'm in love with April but, trust me, you'll catch up :)
Just as I would imagine, Brenda! Happy April in your lovely garden :)
How beautiful, Joey. April is my favorite month and spring the favorite season. There is more in bloom at this time of year here than any other, some things only open for a day or two. We have to keep our eyes, ears and noses open! Happy spring to you!
Joey, I've been a visitor to your blog for quite some time now. Time for me to leave a comment and tell you how much I enjoy it and how beautiful it is.
April is an exciting month in the garden! Very nice post Joey.
I hope you're able to make it to SF - it would great to meet you.
Oh I know, Frances. April is pure joy (even though expecting more light snow on Mon/Tues) ... and then comes May, my favorite month(probably like your April)!
Welcome, Donna ~ how kind! Thank you for vising. Let's meet again :)
Hi Linda ... it's about time for spring, isn't it! SF looks very iffy for me :( ... a huge family/guest/work weekend at the lake but it sure would be delightful to meet you. I feel the excitement building through everyone's posts/comments.
Hi Joey
I think the sign at the end sums up April.
Beautiful collages!
Thank you, Rob. Spring has finally found me in my garden ~ all is good!
Hi! Thanks for the comment over on my blog..yes I probably did send thst snow your way..sorry..but I was glad to be rid of it. You have some stunning photographs here! AND you can cook too! :)
Thanks for the lovely comments ... and ... sharing the snow, Far Side :)
Your collages are works of art. And I love the 'collage within a collage'. Your garden must be gorgeous...your photos of it sure are:-)
Nice poem for muse day, too! April holds such promise.
You have me a bit worried about my nettle. I'll keep an eye on it and thank you for telling me. Is that your patio? I just love the first photo and have tucked that picture away in my memory bank. It really appealed to me. I like the rock and ivy with the steps. Love it. All the collages are very much Spring and do tell who we really are the rest of the year!
Thank you, Jan ~ my garden is heavenly, lots of work, but heavenly (the weather could be a bit more heavingly ... cold with light snow predicted for the next few days, sigh).
Hi Anna ~ the original 'silver beacon' planted (kid's fort torn down - where chimney pot is) looks fine but somehow tendrils reverted and are extremely invasive (though looks fine blooming in other gardens for a groundcover), choking out prized wildflowers, ferns, woodruff, etc.
The rock garden/stone patio/myrtle is old (we've been here 34 yrs and inherited it). The house is also old (70 yrs ... all cedar including roof). Once totally covered in shade (lost 6 elm trees to Dutch Elm Disease shortly after moving in), the yard/gardens have evolved and worn many faces thoughout the years.
Dear Joey,
What a beautiful post with so many reminders of what this beautiful month has in store. Do I see some photos of your lovely lake home-- with the bench outside the french doors? Beautiful compositions as always and wonderful muse for the start of a favorite month.
Meems @ Hoe and Shovel
Thank you, Meems. Winter has been L O N G (not too spiffy today either :( but anxious buds are swelling and steadfast flowers are pushing through the earth, not seeming to mind, knowing it's time to wake up! The photos are here at home (that's my sunporch, recently redone) ... previous post are beloved lake sunsets at our cottage.
Your April garden will be full of delightful blooms! We certainly have much to look forward to, don't we? It's our turn for icky weather this weekend, although not nearly as bad as the upper mid-west's last weekend. Yesterday we had a sunny, springy day though. A little taste of what's to come...soon, I hope :)
Yes, dear Kerri, icky weather or not, your garden as mine will survive and thrill us with glorious blooms ...
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